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What's Your Client Pick-up Line?

How do you make a positive first impression on a potential client? Steve Slaunwhite explains how a script can help.

The Copywriter Who Changed My Life

Master copywriter Will Newman explains how Bob Bly changed his life… and how Bob can change yours, too.

Overcoming Proposal Anxiety

Sending proposals should not be a nerve-wracking experience; it should be a normal part of how your business operates.

Don’t Be a Copywriter!

Targeting small clients (rather than high-visibility clients) when growing your copywriting business could be the key to becoming a successful copywriter.

Don't Overspice Your Copy...

Let your words carry the beauty and the impact of your idea. Will Newman shows you how to dress your copy appropriately.

5 Ways You Can Use Google Alerts to Build Your Web-Writing Business

Heather Robson shows you how to set up a Google Alert and gives you five easy ways to start using Google Alerts to grow your web-writing business.

Learning From 8th Graders How to Strengthen Your Copy

Here are a few tips to help strengthen your copy during the editing process. Sometimes you may need to read your finished copy a couple times to get it just right.

How "Structural Priming" Will Make You a Better Copywriter

Structural priming is an effective method of priming your brain for copywriting. Copying effective sales letters over and over again will help build muscle memory.

Big Ideas for Kicking Off the New Year

Joshua Boswell, Jay White, Heather Lloyd-Martin, Pam Foster, Rebecca Matter, and Ed Gandia each have a special message they’d like to share with you to help you do big things in the New Year.

9 Ways to Increase Your Name Recognition

Christina Gillick helps you find opportunities to market your freelance business.

The Most Powerful Words in Your Writing...

The first draft of anything always needs revising! Eliminate words like is and there is, and use powerful verbs instead. This will make your copy much stronger.

5 Lessons from Michael Jordan’s Minor League Baseball Career

Michael Jordan’s baseball career has 5 important lessons for writers: learn from criticism, be generous, work hard, prove naysayers wrong, and love what you do!

5 Rules to Follow When Asking to be a Guest Blogger

Kellie Craft helps you create a winning proposal for landing guest blogging gigs.

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Create Your Own Infographic

If you're looking to create an infographic for your own business, or for one of your clients, Julia Borgini tells you how to create a great infographic that will be shared EVERYWHERE.

How to Create a Profit-Generating Online Sales Funnel For Your Clients … or Yourself!

A website sales funnel is a powerful tool for your business. Learn what it is, how to set it up, and why you should start using it today!

The 3 P’s of Successful Networking

Michele Peterson shares her own Three P’s of Successful Networking to help make getting clients more comfortable.

4 Steps to Reverse Your Inner Conflicts: The Power of the Victory Log

Rae Robinson gives you a great idea for tracking your goals and keeping your freelance writing business on track.

The Heartbeat of Powerful Copywriting

Will Newman goes over some basic differences in verbs to breathe life into your copy.

Three Blogging Myths Debunked

Paula Plant lets you in on how to make a full-time living from writing blogs.

How to Earn a Full-Time Living as a Travel Blogger

Paula Pant tells the amazing story of Derek Earl Baron and his travel blogging lifestyle.

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