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AWAI Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting Member Lands Two Projects Before Completing the First Installment

Katie Yeakle shares Tim McAuley's excitingly quick copywriting success story and explains how you too can get your copywriting business moving.

Submit a Spec Assignment – Your Life Is Now

Take action every day to make yourself more successful. The first step is to submit a spec. It’s a win-win no matter what the outcome is.

How "Structural Priming" Will Make You a Better Copywriter

Structural priming is an effective method of priming your brain for copywriting. Copying effective sales letters over and over again will help build muscle memory.

The “First Wealth” Is …

Embracing your health as the first step to wealth really is the way to go, if you want a long-lasting, lucrative career as a freelance writer.

Big Ideas for Kicking Off the New Year

Joshua Boswell, Jay White, Heather Lloyd-Martin, Pam Foster, Rebecca Matter, and Ed Gandia each have a special message they’d like to share with you to help you do big things in the New Year.

Don’t Make This Mistake on New Year’s Day

This year set goals – not resolutions. Come up with a systematic way to implement your most important writing goals for the coming year and take tangible action steps.

5 Questions to Launch Your GFS

A Goal Fulfillment System is different from just setting goals. It takes you one step beyond voicing your goals and gives you actionable steps for following through on them.

The Real Story Behind "The Nutcracker"

Originally published in 1816, the original Nutcracker story was a complex world of intrigue, adventure, and true love between a girl and her nutcracker doll.

Write an E-Book Without Writing Anything

Repurpose content you’ve written and researched over the years for other projects. You may be able to get your e-book together in record time!

9 Ways to Increase Your Name Recognition

Christina Gillick helps you find opportunities to market your freelance business.

The Most Powerful Words in Your Writing...

The first draft of anything always needs revising! Eliminate words like is and there is, and use powerful verbs instead. This will make your copy much stronger.

5 Lessons from Michael Jordan’s Minor League Baseball Career

Michael Jordan’s baseball career has 5 important lessons for writers: learn from criticism, be generous, work hard, prove naysayers wrong, and love what you do!

Never Let What You Cannot Do Interfere With What You Can Do

Anthony Robles didn’t let obstacles get in his way. He was born with one leg and still is an amazing athlete and wrestler, turning his disability into a strength.

5 Rules to Follow When Asking to be a Guest Blogger

Kellie Craft helps you create a winning proposal for landing guest blogging gigs.

How to Stake Your Claim as a Copywriter

Steve Roller gives 3 tips for copywriters just getting started: have a two year horizon, develop a sense of individualism, and commit to yourself to make it work.

Simplicity of Diction: Copywriting Tip #2

Use straightforward, easy to understand, and conversational language. If you can master the simplicity of diction, your copy will be much stronger!

One Big Idea: Copywriting Tip #1

What’s the cardinal rule of copywriting? Stick with one big idea. One idea, that plays on one emotion, and has one key benefit.

Free Course from American Writers & Artists: “Secrets for Creating Red-Hot Sales Copy in No Time Flat” With Clayton Makepeace

Free course from American Writers & Artists: “Secrets for Creating Red-Hot Sales Copy in No Time Flat” with Clayton Makepeace. Registration is absolutely free but enrollment CLOSES on Thursday, October 10th

What Google’s Hummingbird Update Means For AWAI Copywriters

Learn more about Google’s Hummingbird search algorithm update, and what it means for you as both a copywriter and a consumer!

Applying the 4 “C’s” of Copywriting Success

Commitment, consistency, clarity, & confidence are 4 qualities that will help you succeed in your career. Take 40 minutes to figure out you want to commit to.

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