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4 Offline Self-Promotion Strategies that Can Bring Online Work

Freelancers who use a blend of online and offline self-promotion strategies tend to have the most success. Discover 4 offline strategies that really work.

How to Generate More Ideas Than You Ever Imagined

Writer Bob Sands examines a proven “mining” technique for developing infinite creativity. In order to get a few good ideas, you need to generate a lot.

The “Forrest Gump” Hack

The “Forrest Gump” technique can have a profound impact on your success, especially if you’re trying to make the leap from a full-time job to freelancing.

What's Your Client Pick-up Line?

How do you make a positive first impression on a potential client? Steve Slaunwhite explains how a script can help.

The Copywriter Who Changed My Life

Master copywriter Will Newman explains how Bob Bly changed his life… and how Bob can change yours, too.

Overcoming Proposal Anxiety

Sending proposals should not be a nerve-wracking experience; it should be a normal part of how your business operates.

Don’t Be a Copywriter!

Targeting small clients (rather than high-visibility clients) when growing your copywriting business could be the key to becoming a successful copywriter.

The Truth About Making Six Figures as a Copywriter

The path to six-figure copywriting isn’t an easy one, but it’s definitely doable! Here you'll read about writers who quickly reached the six-figure mark.

How to Know When You’re Good Enough

Afraid your writing skills aren't "good enough?" Rebecca explains why a foundation in persuasive writing automatically makes your copy better.

Biggest Copywriting Myths Revealed

Rebecca Matter takes over The Writer’s Life this week to dispel a few myths about the best opportunity for writers to make a living - copywriting.

Accomplish More When You Believe This

Chris Allsop shares tips on building your copywriting business while balancing other parts of your life.

Circle of Success Member Takes Full Advantage of the Benefits of Membership … and It Pays Off Big-

Learn how Steve Coombes, an in-demand copywriter, can trace his success to one event that put everything into motion.

Never Forget WHY You’re Doing This

Julie explains how reminding yourself why you became a freelance copywriter is a very powerful motivator.

Stop These 4 Productivity Killers Today

Although working from home is a luxury, it can be easy to become distracted. Julie provides some tips for staying on task.

How A-list Copywriters Stay so Productive

Staying organized is key when it comes to running a freelance business. Julie shares her strategies for being productive.

3 Things Every Copywriter Should Do Daily

Julie’s days consist of three parts: writing, marketing and learning. She recommends you include all three of these actions into your daily schedule.

A Spot has Opened Up for an In-House Copywriter at Agora Publishing's Fastest Growing Company

Here’s your chance to work side-by-side and learn from one of the true pioneers in the Direct Response Copywriting world, Mark Ford.

Don't Overspice Your Copy...

Let your words carry the beauty and the impact of your idea. Will Newman shows you how to dress your copy appropriately.

5 Ways You Can Use Google Alerts to Build Your Web-Writing Business

Heather Robson shows you how to set up a Google Alert and gives you five easy ways to start using Google Alerts to grow your web-writing business.

Learning From 8th Graders How to Strengthen Your Copy

Here are a few tips to help strengthen your copy during the editing process. Sometimes you may need to read your finished copy a couple times to get it just right.

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