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Bob Bly’s 25-50-25 Rule

Successful copywriters divide their time between studying, analyzing and doing. Bob Bly's 25-50-25 rule helps you manage how much time to devote to each.

Best-Selling Book Just the Latest Success for this AWAI Member

An AWAI member just became a best-selling author on Amazon, and says AWAI played a big role in helping her succeed. Check out the full story here.

Replace Your Email Client with Gmail

Did you know you can manage all of your email with Gmail? Julia Borgini explains why you might want to and how to set it up.

The Top 8 Criteria for a High-Quality Backlink

Getting backlinks to your website isn’t enough for effective SEO — they must be good ones. Here are 8 criteria to check when getting backlinks.

The Writing Process, Deconstructed – Part 2

Writing is a five-step process. Learn about the revision, editing, and proofing steps of the writing process and how they can improve your work.

How A-List Copywriters Form Big, Control-Beating Ideas

The best writers in the industry have this deep-rooted hunger in common. It can help you create a “potential copy ideas” library to advance your career fast.

Are You Skipping Important Steps in the Writing Process? (Part 1)

Improve your writing by embracing all 5 steps of the writing process. Here, you’ll the discover first two steps and how to use them to their fullest.

Defining Your “Super-Objective” That Connects All the Elements of Your Writing Together

In copywriting, your “super-objective” is to decide what “big promise” you’re making to your prospect. This overarching theme ties your entire piece together.

The Surprising Connection Between Great Acting and Copywriting

Discover insider tips and strategies for how actors prepare for compelling performances, and how you can use them to gain a big advantage in your copy.

Clayton Makepeace on the Astonishing Power of Fear

Clayton Makepeace shares his expert view on using fear in your copy… and tells you how to avoid five blunders copywriters make when using fear.

How to Bring 10x More Value to Your Clients

Take this essential step to become instantly more valuable and earn 10x the fees. Plus, you’ll be one step closer to being the “Total Package” to your clients.

Know Thy Prospect

Clayton Makepeace discusses the importance of knowing your prospect, and provides tips for crafting messages specific to them.

The Art of the Irresistible Offer

Clayton Makepeace explains the eight factors that go into crafting an offer that’s too good to pass up.

Use Your Writing Skills to Preserve Knowledge for Future Generations

As AWAI member David Guthrie discovered, a website is an easy way to use your writing skills to preserve knowledge and information for future generations.

Brand New! Dan Kennedy’s “Never Out of Work” Program!

We're excited to announce a brand-new program from Dan Kennedy that will help you eliminate income uncertainty and replace it with income stability!

The Elements of Style [video]

The January selection for the Great Books Club is The Elements of Style by Strunk and White.

6 Fast Ways to Get Your Foot in the Door with Dream Clients

Learn six more ways to get your foot in the door and create mutually profitable relationships. They’re great if you want to get in fast with a bit less effort.

5 Days to Your First Client: How to Email Your Way to a Copywriting Gig…

Learn the four main elements to focus on when crafting a client prospecting email. Leading email copywriter Jay White presents a simple template to follow.

Three Winning Strategies from the ‘Giants’ of Social Media

The San Francisco Giants aren’t just on top of baseball. They’re also on top of social media. Learn 3 proven strategies you can learn from their success.

Richard Armstrong’s “Pitch Perfect” Keynote Speech - The Secret of Singing in Your Customer’s Key [video]

Richard Armstrong's speech at Bootcamp is something all copywriters should see, so Katie has made it available to all ... free of charge. Watch here!

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