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Get Every Writing Project Off to a Great Start

The steps you take when starting a writing project will set you up for success or failure. Learn four steps you should take at the start of every project.

Fastest Way to Build Your Writing Muscles for Speed and Quality

Cut years off your learning curve using this writing exercise that helps you write noticeably faster and better in just a few weeks.

How Long Should a Sales Letter Be?

Even in today’s age of the Internet, multitasking and on-the-go lifestyles, long-form sales letters still out-perform shorter ones. Mark Ford goes into detail here.

5 Tips From Top Writers to Help You Write Your Dream Book

Read this advice from dozens of top authors on how to successfully write and complete a book, plus additional tips to help you enjoy the writing process.

The Very Best Way to Grab and Hold a Reader’s Attention

Can reading fiction make you a better, more skilled copywriter? You bet it can. Find out how… and what you should read for the best results.

8 Ways to Spot Dominant Emotions Your Prospects Already Have That Could Drive Your Response Rates Through the Roof - PART 2

We’re visiting with Clayton Makepeace again this week, so he can reveal the last 4 of his 8 secrets for pinpointing your prospect’s dominant emotions.

Clayton Makepeace’s Financial Copywriting Intensive Event is SOLD OUT! Home Access Pass Pre-Sale Now Available…

Clayton Makepeace’s Financial Copywriting Intensive in Atlanta is officially sold out. But, Home Access Passes are available for the first 125 people who respond.

Helping Those in Need – and Finding a Life’s Calling – with the Power of Copywriting

Read how this member used her copywriting skills to raise more than $3,000 for the veteran's organization she founded.

8 Ways to Spot Dominant Emotions Your Prospects Already Have That Could Drive Your Response Rates Through the Roof - PART 1

How do you know what your prospects are feeling? Clayton Makepeace starts answering this frequently-asked question.

Seven Ways to Avoid the Pain of Bad Ergonomics

The freedom of working from home is great — until you start having pain from a workspace without good ergonomics. Here’s how to avoid the pain.

Information Marketing: Copywriters Needed!

In the information marketing niche, there’s a huge opportunity for copywriters. These clients need a high volume of work and they pay well, too.

Key Message Copy Platforms: The Nuts and Bolts of How to Write Them

Learn the simple steps to writing Key Message Copy Platforms and you’ll generate much more revenue for your copywriting business—and become your client’s “content hero.”

Key Message Copy Platforms: A Must-Have Copywriting Service Every Company Needs

To build a successful freelance business, you should know how to write and sell Key Message Copy Platforms—because every company needs them.

Wanna Succeed As a Writer? Start Here…

Get started on your writer’s life journey now. Here’s the first step for building a super-solid foundation for your copywriting business.

Achieve Your Goals Easily by Focusing on the Process, Not the Goal

If you want to achieve your goals – forget about ’em. Fall in love with the process and you’ll enjoy the journey to achieving your goals a whole lot more!

Knowing the Difference Between “Activity” and “Action” Will Help You Achieve Your Goals Faster

“Activity” and “Action” might sound alike… but the results they generate are vastly different. Discover which one will give you the results you desire.

How The Seinfeld Method Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

This simple foundational habit helped launch comedian Jerry Seinfeld into super stardom… and it can do the same for your copywriting career.

The No-Judgment Writing Technique That’s Become a Popular Obsession

Discover the no-judgment writing technique that’s become a popular obsession; build confidence that translates into goal-achieving action.

The 5 Core Principles of Content Writing Success

Achieve greater success as a web writer by building quality relationships with prospects, rather than using typical interruption-based marketing tactics.

Is Goal-Setting a Waste of Time?

Setting goals and then not accomplishing them is frustrating. So, should you even bother? Do you need goals to keep you motivated and on course?

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