AWAI Writer’s Blog

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The Movie Die Hard's Copywriting Lesson...

John Wood brings the world of action films to your copy, and the excitement that goes with them!

The Fastest and Easiest Way to Improve the Clarity of Your Copy …

John Wood shows us how applying this simple steps to the oldest trick in the book will improve your copy again and again.

"Let's Write a Swimming Pool"

Having goals makes getting through the tough stuff easier. Steve Roller gives us some of his goals, and tells us how keeping our goals in mind can help our copywriting careers.

Client-Getting Tips from a “Madam”

If a company is making money and getting clients, they're doing something that you could apply to your business. Cindy Cyr takes this idea to bring "borrowing smart" up to a new level.

How 20 Seconds of Insane Courage Can Change Your Life…

Cindy Cyr challenges you to face your fears and start approaching your ideal clients.

Can Actor Kevin Bacon Boost Your LinkedIn Success?

Using sociological principals (and Kevin Bacon), John Wood elucidates the impact connections can have on your copywriting business.

Why Detail-Oriented Writers Succeed

Steve Roller shares a simple suggestion that he guarantees will have you making more money in 2012.

Create a Rock-Solid Freelance Business

Steve Roller pulls lessons from corporate America to help your freelance business.

Create a 10-Second Commercial Guaranteed to Generate Interest in Your Business

Cindy Cyr tells us how a short commercial can generate huge interest in your business.

How to Become a “Rock Star” in Your Niche, Part 2

Cindy Cyr lets you in on 4 more tips for self-promotion and turning yourself into a "superstar" copywriter.

Give It Away To Get Rich

Mindy Tyson McHorse starts of this weeks The Writer's Life series with an important message: One of the keys to having great wealth is being able to give it away.

23 Ways to Strengthen Your Bullet-Writing Skills...

John Wood takes writing compelling and effective bullets one step further by presenting to you 23 different bullet-writing formulas.

Write Powerful Bullets That Your Readers Will Devour Like Starving Teenagers...

Today, John Wood is going to talk about an essential part of every writer’s marketing arsenal: bullet writing.

Jeanie Davis: Leveraging the AWAI Community

Learn how Jeanie Davis used the AWAI community to help her find success and leveraged the networking opportunities that come with being a member.

More Important Than Food or Money

Mindy Tyson McHorse takes a moment to remind us that living the life of a freelance writer is more about being wholly satisfied with life and less about making a lot of money.

Energy, Not Effort

Sean McCool discusses the difference between energy and effort and which one is better for your freelance career.

Turn Prospects into Friends with 3 Simple Questions

Christina Gillick shares a unique strategy that will help you grow your freelance business.

3 Problems Copywriters Must Solve to Achieve Success

Eddie Stephens shares 3 problems that copywriters must solve in order to achieve success - and gives tips on how to solve them.

14 Tips on How to Become a "Take Action" Type of Person: Part 1 of 2

In part 1, John Wood shares 7 of 14 tips that will help copywriters take more action towards their goals.

What I Learned From Dan Kennedy About Price Strategy

Cindy Cyr shares the valuable lesson she learned about pricing projects in her freelance business.

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