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Networking Tips That Work… Even If You Think You Hate Networking

If the idea of networking makes you want to hide, don’t give up on it just yet. Try these great networking tips for anyone who usually hates networking.

What Clients Look for in a B2B Copywriter

One of the easiest ways to create recurring monthly writing income is to become a B2B copywriter. Here are six foolproof guidelines for getting started.

How to Get Your Prospect to Say Yes to Your Offer

Every prospect reading your sales letter is having an internal conversation on whether to pull out their wallet or not. Here’s how to get them to say yes.

Showcase Your Writing Skills with a Portfolio One Sheet

When a client asks to see your portfolio, don’t overwhelm them with samples. Give them your Portfolio One Sheet instead.

Three Steps to Finding Your Perfect Unique Value Proposition

Do you know the difference between your unique selling proposition and your unique value proposition? It could make a big difference in your business.

6 Tips for Prospecting with Direct Mail

Land more clients when you use these six tips for prospecting with direct mail.

Know Your Audience and You’ll Nail the Right Headline

When you know your audience, you can craft eye-catching headlines that work. Learn the NEW way to write winning headlines and game-changing subject lines.

Why Making Money Writing Should Be Fun (According to Ben Settle…)

Email writer Ben Settle has an enviable lifestyle… He only writes for 10 minutes a day. Yet he’s hugely successful. Read this interview for his secrets.

How You Answer This Question Determines the Fate of Your Big Idea

Writing a sales letter is easy. The difficult part is coming up with the Big Idea. Answering this question will determine the strength of your Big Idea.

Two Techniques for a Winning Elevator Pitch

“What do you do?” Having a solid elevator pitch as your answer is key to impressing potential prospects. Here are two techniques to help.

A Hidden B2B Copywriting Niche

Most copywriters don’t know about this hidden copywriting niche, but it may be perfect for you.

7 Reasons Why You Should Send Newsletters to Your Clients and Prospects

Sending newsletters to your clients and prospects can help you keep your project pipeline brimming over. Find out 7 ways this strategy helps your business.

The Best Lead Magnet for Freelance Copywriters

There are many different formats for lead magnets. Which works best for freelance copywriters? Steve Slaunwhite gives you his advice.

5 Ways to Improve Your Cold Email Pitches

Cold email pitches can be an effective way to land new clients. Use these five tips to make your emails stand out and get read.

Getting Clients: 5 Email Prospecting Tips

Need clients? Email prospecting is a powerful tool — when it’s done right. Here are five tips to help you be more successful when prospecting by email.

The Dangers of Relying on One Major Client

Relying on one major client for your writing work can lead to some landmines. Learn to recognize when you’re in dangerous territory and what to do about it

These 12 Copywriting Projects Can Make You Unbelievably Rich

When you know how to write the 12 most in-demand copywriting projects, your income can rapidly soar.

How Copywriters Find Big Ideas to Pull in Readers and Get Results

When copywriting, the right big idea will make all the difference in the success of your sales package. See how top copywriters find their big ideas.

Want to Make More Money As a Copywriter? Do This.

Steve Maurer shows how he went from earning a few bucks an article to earning a few hundred bucks an article. Learn how to make more money as a copywriter.

Negotiating a Copy Bonus is Just as Lucrative as Copywriting Royalties

Copywriters love getting royalty deals from their clients, but if you can’t get one, negotiate a bonus for yourself instead.

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