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How to Write Effective B2B Headlines

When you write effective B2B headlines, your copy gets read. Here are easy ways to make any B2B headline stronger.

A Simple Way to Prospect with Cold Calls

Even the most introverted freelance copywriter can easily prospect with cold calls by using this simple method.

5 B2B Copywriting Tips from the Experts

Regardless of where you are in your copywriting journey, these five B2B copywriting tips will help you reach your goals faster.

When to Use B2B Long Form Copy

While much of B2B copywriting involves short copy, there are times you’ll want to use B2B long form copy. Here are seven examples.

5 Steps to FOCUS (Follow One Commitment Until Successful)

If you want to achieve a big goal, you need to FOCUS – Follow One Commitment Until Successful. Make a serious commitment to yourself and your success.

How to Create a B2B Buyer Persona and Write More Engaging Copy

Creating a B2B buyer persona helps you target your message to customers. B2B copywriting expert Steve Slaunwhite shows you how to do it.

Finding Marketing Stories in Your Everyday Life

Stories are a fast way to connect with your audience and earn their trust. Here are four steps to finding and using marketing stories in your writing.

The “Gold Rush Secret” to Making Money as a Freelance Copywriter

By following the money, you can have lasting success as freelance copywriter. And the money path points toward the information publishing industry.

You Can Increase Client Referrals by Asking 3 Simple Questions

A simple way to increase referrals. Even in today’s age of automated lead generation, most businesses say they get their best customers through referrals.

Use These Seven “How-to” Headline Starters NOW

Use these seven “how-to” headline starters to write compelling headlines that capture your reader’s attention and more.

A Perfectly Scripted Conversation for Your Role as a Highly Paid Web Content Detective

You can follow this script from Pam Foster to land both a Site Audit project and more paid work afterward. She walks you through how it works here.

3 Simple Strategies for Getting the Most Out of Your Writing Time

Master Copywriter Mike Palmer reveals three strategies that can make a big difference to your productivity and success as a copywriter.

How to Change Your Copywriting Niche

Do you want to change your current copywriting niche? It’s easier than you think — just follow these simple steps.

The Most Important Question to Ask Your B2B Copywriting Clients

When talking with a potential B2B client, ask this one question to open the door to more project opportunities.

Here’s Why This Type of Copywriting Pays Handsome Fees

This specialized type of copywriting pays handsome fees — enough that you could be making a six-figure income in no time at all.

The Formula for Properly Pricing Your Freelance Copywriting Fees

If you use this formula, you’ll find that figuring out fees for your copywriting services is easy and lands you more profitable assignments.

Here’s How to Write the Perfect Email Subject Line

Subject lines are the same as headlines. You’ve got to grab the reader’s attention. Email marketer Ben Settle shows how to write the perfect subject line.

Clients Can’t Help But Open Emails with This Subject Line

As a freelance writer, one thing you’ll have to focus on is finding clients. Using this two-word subject line trick will get clients to open your emails.

How to Differentiate Yourself

If you don’t differentiate yourself, you could get lost in the crowd. Use these six strategies to stand out to your prospects.

An Easy 5-Step Email Copywriting Formula

When you’re writing promotional emails, this copywriting formula will keep you on track so your emails gets results.

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