Meet AWAI-Trained Writer:

WILLIAM Summerlin
Location: | Beaufort, SC |
Professions: | Copywriter |
Specialties: | Health |
Professional Background:
PHYSICIAN--Retired US-MD/AWAI-COS&PWA & Health CW/EMORY Univ. Scholar-college & med school/MD-1964. U.Texas Surg.-Outstanding Intern/US Army Burn Team during Vietnam/Stanford Univ.NIH Scholar Path & Derm/Stanford Clinic Director/Asst.Prof. Med School/Chief Derm Stanford VA Hosp./U.Minn.NIH Scholar-PhD prog.+Asst.Prof.Med.Sch./Fellow Memorial-SK Ca Hosp/Med.Bd.Certifications: Derm-Surg/ Path/ Allergy-Imm./Tulane Med Sch Assoc.Cli.Prof./Med.Dir.S.La. Clinic/Bd.Trustees S.La Hosp./Found.Pres.S.La.YMCA/Memb.
Region & Nat'l YMCA Boards/Chm.Health Comm/Wrote AIDS
Policy YMCA of USA/YMCA Award of International Understanding/22 Marathons/S.La.C.of C. Outstanding Citizen Award/Pres.NWArk.Rotary Club/Pres. NWArk. Med. Society/Assoc.Clin.Prof.ARK.School Med. Sci. /Chm.Bd/Finance NWAr.Epis.Church 10yrs./2010 EMORY Univ.Commencement Heart of Univ.Alumni Award +
EMORY CORPUS CORDIS UNIV. GOLD MEDAL/Author Forth- coming Book:A History of the Past 50 Years of American Medicine:Black Bags & House Calls & Gov't Imposed Socialized Health Care-The Good, Bad, & Ugly