“Copywriting for international markets”

Cindy King
King Business Tools
+33 6 98 91 86 11 (France GMT+1)
Services: International success stories, international web copywriting, online event coverage of live Paris events using social media, international web marketing strategy consulting and coaching.
Call me if you:
- need copy that requires research interviews with non-native English speakers
- are a North American company targeting Europe
- are a European company targeting North America
- need a turnkey solution for international lead generation
Specialties: International copywriting for broad international audiences, cross-cultural web marketing strategies, creating offers for specific foreign cultures and turnkey solutions for online international lead generation.
Fees: Please request a quote
Payment Schedule: 1/2 up front, 1/2 upon completion
Lead Time: 2-4 weeks; subcontract available
Background: 25 years field experience in international sales & marketing and international business development with responsibilities extensively throughout all of Europe and other parts of the world.
Multicultural + Multilingual + Intercultural = Cross Cultural Empathy
Awards, Books, Articles written: Get International Clients, International business directory & international sales road map course www.getinternationalclients.com
Samples: www.getinternationalclients.com
References and/or Testimonials: Available upon request.