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Benefits that Sing and Soar
 — in Five Simple Steps: Part 2

It's not enough to use benefits. You must connect benefits to your prospect's real emotions. In Clayton's words, your benefits must be “fully dimensionalized.”

Benefits that Sing and Soar — in Five Simple Steps: Part 1

Do you use “Faux Benefits” instead of real benefits in your promos? Clayton Makepeace shows how to avoid this success-killing mistake in five simple steps.

Make Your Product’s Benefits SPARKLE

Many copywriters don't understand this essential secret to copywriting success: Don't sell your product! Why? Let Clayton Makepeace tell you.

How to Choose a B2B Copywriting Niche

Casey Demchak has been a successful medical B2B copywriter for 16 years. His secret? It started with making the right choice.

Package Your Copywriting Services in 8 Simple Steps

If you don’t know how to price your services right, you'll sink into the pit of “desperation pricing.” Follow 8 steps to package your copy services.

Content Marketing: Capture Your Reader’s Attention

Content marketing continues its meteoric rise, but to succeed you must capture your reader’s attention. Use these three proven ways to do that.

Eight of the World’s Top B2B Copywriters — Who Are Never in the Same Place at the Same Time — Join Together to Show a Select Group the Shortcut to B2B Mastery

Learn B2B secrets from eight Master Copywriters and get the best B2B copywriting jobs in this virtual workshop.

The Magic Formula Behind All Great Sales Letters

As a copywriter, it’s critical you know the magic formula behind all great sales letters.

Detroit Lawyer’s Morning Routine Helps Him Build Fast Growing Freelance Copywriting Career

Lawyer-turned-freelancer David Vigna has found fulfilling copywriter success. What he did to find his writer’s life can help you too.

The Daily Meditation Habit that Shows How to Become a Copywriter

Meditation can help you achieve the right mindset to learn how to become a copywriter. The expert at Bootcamp could change your career.

The Importance of “Deep Reading”

The most important thing you can do to achieve the writer's life is to write. The second most important?

The Story Behind The Highest-Paid Copywriter Today and What He Can Tell You about Achieving The Writer's Life

Today’s “highest-paid copywriter” didn't start out that way. In fact, if you'd asked his high school chemistry teacher, he would've said Clayton Makepeace would be a failure.

Copywriting Exercises: Are You a Better Speller Than Will Newman? (It's Not That Hard!)

As writers, our greatest allies are words. But they can also be demons when they refuse to spell themselves correctly. Here's a fun look at frequently misspelled words.

Top Tips on How to Become a Copywriter From Carline Anglade-Cole - One of the Top Names in the Industry Working Today

If you’re serious about learning how to become a copywriter, you must meet top copywriter Carline Anglade-Cole at Bootcamp this year.

Achieve Copywriter Success with Mentoring From 12 Top Copywriters

AWAI’s Advanced Training Program offers mentoring in the 12 most in-demand types of copywriting projects that will lead to your copywriter success.

Secrets Gleaned from Copywriting Legend Leo Burnett’s Greatest Campaigns

Five ad campaigns that helped make Leo Burnett one of the most influential people of the 20th century.

Learn the Secrets of A++ Level Copywriter Clayton Makepeace at Bootcamp This Year

Clayton Makepeace is a 43 year veteran, A++ level copywriter, and just one of the many speakers you'll see at this year's AWAI’s FastTrack to Copywriting Success Bootcamp and Job Fair. Spots are limited and the event always sells out - get more details and sign up here!

Adopting the Mindset That Lets You Write Great Copy

Achieving the writer's life is about more than just writing great copy. It's about adopting a mindset that lets you write that great copy.

The Only Person Who Can Really Tell You About Your Prospect

Demographics and psychographics are a good starting place for getting to know your prospect as a real person. But there's only one person who can fill out the picture completely.

Take Your Business Global: How to Work with International Clients

You’re not bound to work with local clients. Or even clients in the same country as you. Use these tips to work with international clients.

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