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LinkedIn Reveals the Top Writing Jobs of 2021

Writers nabbed three of the top spots on LinkedIn’s list of the most in-demand jobs this year. Here’s more about each opportunity, and how you can land these jobs ASAP.

Congratulations to the Winner of AWAI’s Sales Letter Writing Certification Copy Project with a $5,000 Start Fee Plus Royalties

Senior Copy Chief Sandy Franks announces the winner of AWAI’s $5,000 Sales Letter Writing Certification Spec Challenge.

Living the Writer's Life: Rob Gramer

Sitting around a conference room at his old engineering job was never going to be enough for Rob Gramer. He craved something more… a career where he could engage his curiosity, make serious money, and WIN. Lucky for Rob, he found an early mentor in copywriting legend Mark Ford and was able to build a brand new career. Today, Rob is a successful direct-response copywriter with multiple controls for large companies. Here’s his story…

Find Your Ideal Writer’s Path FAST with Barefoot Writer Magazine

Barefoot Writer magazine walks you through top answers to the biggest questions in starting a paid writer’s life — and shows you pathways to a lucrative writing career.

4 Cs and an F that I’ve Learned Are Essential to Success as a Social Media Manager

Become an expert in this specialty and you can have writing success doing short projects. Michele Peterson reveals five guidelines for a steady stream of retainer income.


AWAI announces their annual “State of the Industry” Virtual Summit… which brings together 12 writing and marketing experts to share industry trends and opportunities with attendees.

How You Can Create a Valuable Giveaway to Attract New Leads

Does the thought of creating an e-book for your business overwhelm you? What will you write about? Who will want to read it? How will it be seen? If you follow the guidance inside, your e-book will be a valuable giveaway that attracts new leads for your business.

6 Reasons Every Writer Should Offer Social Media Services

Being a social media writer offers six important benefits that help you land more clients and make you an integral part of their marketing campaigns.

3 Tips to Get Speaking Gigs that Will Build Your Business

Public speaking at events where your target audience will be is a smart way to get clients. Find out how to get speaking gigs.

With Billions of People Hooked on Social Media… It’s a GREAT Time to Become a Social Media Expert

With over 4 billion people using social media, businesses need help from social media writers to connect with prospective customers. Here are three good reasons why social media can expand your career.

How a Painted Baseball Transformed the Heart of a Town Through the Power of Story

As a storyteller and video artist, Andrew Davis has a history of weaving the two together in a way that creates something memorable. Here’s an example of how he does it…

Here’s How to Collect $2,500 for a Few Hours of Writing

Video scriptwriting is one of the greatest opportunities for writers of any experience level because companies need them to increase their customer base and grow their brand.

Why Every Writer Should Be Offering Video Scripts NOW

8 out of 10 businesses are using video — but they need someone to write the script outlines. Watch Rebecca’s conversation with Andrew Davis and discover how easy it is to jump into this fun writing opportunity.

Setting Up Your Freelance Writing Business — Free Webinar and Q&A

Watch this FREE webinar to learn how to set up your freelance writing business for copywriter success. Our panel explains what you need – and don’t – for launch.

Living the Writer's Life: Sally Morem

As a child in the 1950s and ’60s, Sally Morem used to watch her father head off to work each day at the Giant Green Company in Le Sueur, Minnesota. She didn’t appreciate it at the time, but her father was deeply involved in creating one of the most famous advertising campaigns in history — the Jolly Green Giant (complete with its deep-throated “Ho! Ho! Ho!”). Today, Sally takes inspiration from her father’s work and helps self-development companies craft their own sales messages. It’s the perfect way to continue her family’s legacy in advertising.

Earn Up to $500 per Page with These 7 Video Scripts

Videos are making a huge impact in digital marketing for businesses. To keep up with demand, they need video scriptwriters. Here are seven types of videos you could be writing for very good fees.

How to Write a Powerful B2B Video Script for Your Client

Videos are now a B2B company’s second-most used marketing tactic. And that’s good news for B2B copywriters. Because a powerful B2B video script, written by you, will deliver big results for your client... and for you.

Quarterly Checkups Keep the Fire Lit Under Your Goals

Having goals to work toward helps ensure your success. It’s even better when you review those goals regularly. Use quarterly checkups to stay motivated.

Copywriting: It Gets More Fun All the Time

You can start your own walk through the fun, wild world of paid writing when you follow five repeatable steps. Here’s the journey Jen Adams took, and how you can turn yourself into a success story too.

Seven Key Words Clients Really Want You to Know (These Words Can Even Determine Your Success as a Writer!)

Every business has its own lingo… and there are words you need to understand to be a successful writer. Here are seven of them, plus how you can learn more so you look like a pro.

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