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A Content Writer’s Golden “Gap” Opportunity

B2B marketers had to shift from trade shows and in-person sales calls to online marketing. That created a huge demand for writers to provide the top content projects like the nine highlighted here...

When You Look for New Prospects, Don't Miss These Sites

Daily prospecting yields results, especially when you’re starting out. But where do you find those new prospects? Check out these lesser-known sites.

4 Money-Making Trends in B2B Copywriting

Succeed faster as a B2B writer when you focus where demand is highest. Steve Slaunwhite highlights four trends in B2B copywriting and the opportunities they represent now for trained writers.

Choose a Marketing Method to Try for Your Business

When it comes to marketing your writing business, doing some trial and error is useful. Here, you’ll find five different marketing methods you can try.

Make Money Writing in B2B Using “What You Know”

You can earn good fees as a writer, and it’s easier to get started when you use your work experience as your “foot in the door.” Here’s how to leverage your industry knowledge like these writers did...

5 Things My B2B Clients Are Asking For

B2B companies need a variety of projects written to support their long buying cycles. The demand has created a need for trained B2B writers. Discover more about what marketers need help with today…

Here’s How to Get Paid $500 for a 350-Word Project

These 350-page word projects are in demand and you could do them in about two hours and walk away with a $500 paycheck. And that’s just one of a dozen of projects you can do to earn a big paycheck.

Video: How to Become a Linchpin B2B Copywriter for Your Clients

B2B marketers need an indispensable writer they can turn to for all their copy and content needs. Here’s what you need to do to get steady work and ongoing retainers. Plus, trends in B2B marketing.

Be Someone’s Hero with a Mobile-First Site Audit

Google’s Mobile-First Indexing is creating a critical need for companies with websites. Site Audits offer the chance to help them and get paid twice — first for diagnosing website problems and then for fixing them.

A Simple Daily Outreach System Can Deliver Big Results

Successful freelancers do a combination of inbound and outbound marketing. Their key to that success? Usually a simple daily outreach system combined with consistency… here’s how.

9 Marketing Experiments You Can Use to Grow Your Business

Do you avoid new marketing strategies because you fear they’ll fail? Try doing experiments instead. Here are 9 marketing experiments to get you started.

If I Had to Start Over as a Writer... Here’s What I Would Do

To make a great living as a writer, you can start off with short, fun, in-demand projects. Here are five reasons to pick this path to copywriting success.

Yes, You CAN Make Money Writing Emails

Every writer should learn to write emails because marketers need a lot of them, and your fees will add up. Discover six ways you can get paid top dollar with this single skill.

Use This Single Writing Skill to Create a Massive Freelance Writing Income

Companies are increasing the money they allocate to advertising online, especially for email marketing. It gives them one of the highest returns on their investment. But, they need well-trained email writers.

Is Email Your Ticket to Being a Successful Freelance Writer?

Virtually every business uses email to communicate with customers… and they need writers. For a quick start to making money, here’s why writing these short, fun projects could be an ideal option.

New Writer and Don’t Know Where to Start? Do This...

Follow a simple path to make real progress toward your writer’s life. Here are four action steps to get started with the one skill every writer should learn today.

4 Ways You Can Make the Case for Hiring You as a Freelancer

Just like you make the case to prospects for why your client’s product or service is their best choice, you can make the case to your prospects that you, the freelancer, are their best choice. Here are four ways to do that.

To Make Your Writing Life an Adventure, Just Say “Yes!”

How will you answer when a prospect asks you to write something new: with self-doubt, with questions that stall for time, or with confidence? Here’s what you should do…

Taking Your Web Writing from Side Hustle to Full Time Income

Are you a part time writer hoping to become a full-time writer? See this freelance web writer’s six-step plan for going full time.

The Best “Feel Good” Opportunity for Writers — And It Pays Well, Too

UX copywriting gives you the opportunity to help your clients better serve their customers. Discover what it is, where to find clients, and why it offers a high level of work satisfaction.

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