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How LinkedIn Got Me Where I Wanted to Go as a Writer

Pursuing her lifelong dream of being a copywriter, Lisa Bjornstad found that following the directions of those who’d gone before her helped her land her first client. Here are the five steps that worked for her…

Living the Writer's Life: Amy Slagle

It was December 2019 when Amy Slagle decided to end her 13-year teaching career for the unknown world of freelance writing. Her guiding light during this transition was the training she received from AWAI — especially from Russ Henneberry’s SEO Copywriting course. Now, just nine months after finishing the training, Amy has conquered her fears and is living her own writer’s life. Learn how she went from teacher to content marketer in this special interview with AWAI’s Jade Trueblood.

New Writing Niche Discovered! Here’s How to Plant Your Flag as a PIONEER in This Burgeoning $2.1 Trillion Opportunity for Writers — Free Webinar and Q&A

Join us for this FREE session to discover the ALL-NEW writing niche practically no one knows about…where you can get started right away and choose from more than a dozen fast and easy writing projects that pay $1,000 and up!

61% of Marketers Are Unhappy with Their Current SEO and Need Help Now!

With nearly two out of three marketers focused on improving their SEO, now is a great time to be a trained SEO copywriter. There’s plenty of work out there waiting for you, once you take these three steps.

SEO Crash Course Primer: What Writers Need to Know Right Now

SEO is experiencing massive growth as the result of a major shift in fundamental behavior. Here is a “crash course” from expert Russ Henneberry in what all writers need to know about SEO to tap into this huge opportunity.

5 Reasons Every Web Writer and Online Marketer Should Master SEO… Starting Right Now!

Adding SEO writing to your skill set will increase the value of your services, open doors to new opportunities, and more. Read five more reasons to give this a try.

3 Letters that Make Writers More Valuable… and Earn Them More Money

Companies expect to pay higher fees for copywriters who can provide greater value. When you have specialized skills, you also set yourself apart from the competition and can charge more for your services.

Why Google (and Clients) Loves Writers Who Know How to Write Great Content

Writers who know and understand how to write SEO (Search Engine Optimization) content are in high demand. With this one simple skill, you can make a lot of money as a freelance writer.

One In-Demand Skill, Endless Well-Paid Projects

Every business can benefit from an SEO strategy, and they need specialized writers to help. You can get started today with these three easy projects.

11 Tips for Success When Attending Virtual Events

With today’s technology, you can actively join in live virtual events with peers all over the world… from the comfort of home. Here’s how to maximize your participation before, during, and after a virtual event.

Press This to Be a More Prolific, Productive, Profitable Writer

Boost your writing productivity by impressive leaps, earn more, and feel better about your writing career when you use this one tactic. Discover what it is and how to make it fit in with your writing habits.

Here’s How I Seized the Day to Move My Writing Career Forward… And How You Can Too

When you're starting out, it can be scary to tell a prospect... yes, I can help you. But if you don’t take the first step, you'll be stuck in the same spot. Here’s how to move forward toward your goals.

Enrollment Is Closing for the 21-Day “Get Your First Writing Client” Challenge

Don’t miss this chance to get your first paying client with the help of mentor Ilise Benun. In the 21-Day Challenge, Ilise walks you through the client-getting steps you need to take.

Hungry Client Alert! Affiliate Managers Need Help Now — and Even Beginning Writers Are Welcome

To help you get clients in one of the hottest markets today, check out affiliate marketing. Read this so you’ll know who Affiliate Managers are, what they do, the niches and copy projects they like, and how you can land your first clients.

How This 133-Year-Old Marketing Tactic Gets Consumers Buying

Creating an incentive to take action, such as a discounted rate, gives your prospect a reason to act now rather than later. Here are some motivational tactics writers can use to increase urgency and make a huge difference in sales.

Sometimes Quitters DO Win… Especially Now During The Great Resignation

A record number of people are quitting their jobs to pursue opportunities that offer more freedom, fulfillment, and financial payoffs. Here are five steps to make writing a new career.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Make Your First $1,000 Writing

Magic occurs when you get specific about where you want to go with your freelance writing career. To stay focused on your next steps to success, ask yourself these five questions and build momentum toward your first paychecks.

No Bites on Your LinkedIn Profile? 3 Simple Things to Try

Marketing is all about timing. Your ideal clients need to be in their moment of need in order to find you and engage you for a project. Here’s how to put yourself in the right place to be found when they need help…

Using Common Sense to Start Your Copywriting Business

When you connect the dots between the need in the market and the services you provide, you set yourself up for great success as a well-paid writer. Ilise Benun outlines what you need to do…

The Real Way to Build Confidence

When you use your business as a laboratory for growth, you can experiment, try out new things, and practice. And what you learn will make you better at business. See how this can impact your long-term success…

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