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Your Freelance Writing Opportunity to Save Local “No Idea” Websites

There’s a new opportunity to help local businesses attract more customers by providing some basic information. Aspiring and experienced writers can use this tactic to line up new work and get paid, twice.

How a Simple Checklist Helped Start the Writing Careers of These Three Members

Site Audits are a simple way to get a foot in the door with new clients. Here’s how using this checklist tactic worked for three AWAI members and led to more writing projects…

The Blueprint for Site Improvement (That Gets Writers Paid!)

Business owners and marketers face a challenge that a trained writer can easily resolve… before they even write a word! Here’s how a checklist can help your clients and set the stage for more writing projects.

Low Competition, Big Opportunity to Earn as Much as $2,000

By specializing in auditing website content, you could easily earn as much as $2,000 for each one you do. And if you also rewrite the content, you can get paid twice by the same client.

How to Help Web Clients Fix the One Thing Many Sites Are Missing

One thing can change the way a website performs to bring in lots of traffic. If you’re able to help businesses diagnose that critical factor, and help them fix their websites, you can earn double paychecks in return. Here’s how it works…

3 Ways to Beat Impostor Syndrome and Become a Well-Paid Writer This Month

You can impress future writing clients right out of the gate when you use your “hidden expertise.” Here are three ways to uncover what your unique expertise is, and dissolve any pesky impostor syndrome holding you back.

Attract High-Quality Writing Clients with a Niche or a Specialty

To find better-quality clients — clients who place a premium on what good writing can do for their businesses and are willing to pay well for it — position yourself with a niche or specialty. Or even a hybrid of the two. Here’s how…

Break Into Copywriting with Blog Writing!

With this one simple skill, you can follow just six steps and break into the world of well-paid writing. This fun writing specialty opens a gateway for you to a variety of writing opportunities.

5 Easy Steps to Start Blogging Today

Blogging is a quick way to start your writing career. Here are five steps you can follow right now. Once you’ve started, you can blog for yourself or use the skills to get your foot in the door with paying clients.

Blogging, the Perfect Way to Build Your Copywriting Business

Blogging is one of the critical strategies marketers use to get traffic to their websites and they need well-trained writers to help them reach their goals. Writing blogs for clients is just one more way to grow your freelance business.

Writing Success Begins with an Idea… What’s Your “Mouse”?

Blogging is an easy way to get started as a well-paid writer. You can write your own blog to build a business, you can write for clients, or you can do both. The key is to get started, and then watch your idea evolve… sometimes beyond what you can imagine.

Top 10 Places to Find Freelance Writing Clients — Free Webinar and Q&A

Join us for this FREE session to learn about 10 of the best places to find freelance writing clients.

From Stop-Stutter-Start to Mad Momentum in Your Writing Career

For many aspiring writers, the only hurdle is getting started in the first place, so you can get to that place where momentum builds naturally. Here are six simple steps you can use to get going.

Cash Bigger Paychecks in B2B Writing by Getting Closer to the Sale

Companies need to hire writers to create the documents used by the sales team. You’re not doing the selling, but you’re enabling them to do so by giving them the tools they need to engage with prospects. And for that, you can earn high fees.

Big Writing Gigs Up for Grabs in This $2.1 Trillion Industry

B2B sales departments are in desperate need of a new genre of writers who specialize in sales enablement copy. You’ll be creating content and templates that help turn prospective clients into paid customers, while earning up to $5,000 a project.

Living the Writer's Life: Joseph Battrick

Joseph Battrick has done it all. He’s worked as a journalist, funeral director, and insurance salesman, and even tried a job in aerospace manufacturing. But this passionate performer wanted something more. He wanted a job with flexibility… one where he could be creative and work on his own terms. So today, Joseph is thrilled to be the newest face on AWAI’s in-house writing team. Here is his story…

Live Workshop: New Writing Niche Discovered

Make money writing as a pioneer in a niche practically no one knows about. Businesses need your help, and you can get started fast with a dozen easy writing projects. Join this free workshop to learn more.

The Writer's Life — Wins Along the Way

Copywriting can help you accomplish a lot of little and BIG goals. Here’s how embracing high-level training and pursuing the writer’s life worked out for AWAI Member Steve Maurer. He shares four steps you can follow to do it too.

7-Point Checklist for Your Successful Buddy Group Liftoff

Having company on your journey to copywriting success can help you get ahead faster. You’ll benefit from connecting with like-minded writers who are experiencing what you are. Here are 7 tips for finding the best support system for you.

The Secret Psychology of Becoming a Great Copywriter

Mike Palmer is an outstanding copywriter who helped Stansberry Research grow into the biggest financial newsletter publisher in the world today. His copy has brought in over 400,000 paid subscribers and multimillions in sales. Here’s his four-step process for becoming a great copywriter.

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