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Want to THRIVE in the New AI Era? Become This Kind of Copywriter…

AI expert Guillermo Rubio shares what the future of freelancing looks like and why every copywriter needs to harness its power … And gives you specific examples of how you can leverage AI in YOUR writing career.

My Formula for Success

If you’re at a place where you feel like you’re stuck — where nothing you seem to do is working to move your writing career forward… Or if you absolutely know you want to live the writer’s life, but you just can’t seem to get any traction going … you’re not alone. Guillermo Rubio has also been there. He shares what you can do to gain some real momentum, so you can FINALLY make your dream to be a high-paid writer a reality.

Building a “Better Home” for Your Words… (and Why It Could Catapult Your Writing Career)

As a copywriter, you’ve spent countless hours learning how to write copy and content. And thanks to that time you’ve invested in honing your craft, chances are you’ve landed a few clients and are living some version of your writer’s life. But how do you get to the next level?

New Writer and Don’t Know Where to Start? Do This…

Today, however, new and aspiring copywriters don’t have it so easy. Because the path isn’t as clear-cut as it was 20+ years ago. Nowadays, the options are endless! You can choose to write sales letters… do SEO copywriting… write chatbot scripts… focus on case studies or white papers… social media… and more. And while this is great because there’s so much opportunity… The downside is that it can be overwhelming and keep you from choosing. Instead, you end up spinning your wheels and not making any real progress toward your dream of the writer’s life. That’s why Guillermo wants to help out — and give you a simple path to follow.

The Future of Freelancing: Why EVERY Copywriter Needs to Harness the Power of AI

AI is here. It’s not going anywhere. And if you’re not embracing it, you’re shortchanging yourself. Guillermo believes it’s the future of freelancing.

Your Words, Your Wealth: Why NOW Is the Time to Become Your Own Best Writing Client

Guillermo Rubio talks about why it’s easier than you think to start a clientless writing business and shares some tips on how to get started.

The “GOMP” Framework for Choosing the Best Writing Opportunity for You

There are so many different writing opportunities to choose from. And with limited time and resources, it’s not possible to pursue every single opportunity. No matter how great it may be. In this article, G gives you a simple, actionable framework to help you take any writing opportunity and quickly decide if it’d be right for you. Here’s his framework…

How to Use AI Writing Tools and Become a Better, Faster, Higher-Earning Writer — Part 2

AI can be a very helpful, high-level writing assistant. Here is a deeper dive into how writers can use AI effectively, along with real examples. For content and copywriters, AI tools can handle several key tasks, banish writer’s block, and save a lot of time and effort.

How to Use AI Writing Tools and Become a Better, Faster, Higher-Earning Writer — Part 1

AI has opened a world of possibilities when it comes to writing. In this overview of how you can leverage AI in your writing career, you’ll discover six ways you can use AI tools. AI can be the ultimate writer’s assistant and offer a huge productivity hack once you know how to use it effectively.

5 Steps You Can Take Right Now If You’re Worried About AI Copywriting…

Writers fear AI is coming for their jobs. After all, if AI can write an article in seconds, why would a client need to hire a writer? Discover why AI won’t replace human writers. Plus, five steps you can take to future-proof yourself against AI and increase the value you bring to clients.

Think You Can Write an Attention-Getting Email about an Air Fryer?

Practice is the best way to keep improving at any endeavor. For a copywriter, that means time spent writing! Follow the “client brief” to do this practice assignment, using tips from a master.

Don’t Let This Four-Letter Word Stand in Your Way of Living The Writer’s Life

If you’re not where you want to be in your journey to becoming a well-paid writer, there’s probably a 4-letter word in your way. Here’s how to break free.

How to Achieve Copywriting Success as an Introvert

How can an introvert “put themselves out there” to become a copywriter and business owner? Guillermo Rubio used 4 steps that helped him find big success.

Why You as a Writer Are Now More Valuable Than Ever Before (Thanks to This $407 BILLION Trend)

The internet is built on content, and businesses need writers who can provide it more than ever before. Read more about why the demand for fresh content is growing daily.

If I Had to Start Over as a Writer... Here’s What I Would Do

To make a great living as a writer, you can start off with short, fun, in-demand projects. Here are five reasons to pick this path to copywriting success.

New Writer and Don’t Know Where to Start? Do This...

Follow a simple path to make real progress toward your writer’s life. Here are four action steps to get started with the one skill every writer should learn today.

How to Bring 10x More Value to Your Clients

Take this essential step to become instantly more valuable and earn 10x the fees. Plus, you’ll be one step closer to being the “Total Package” to your clients.

Far Too Many Copywriters Fail to Do This

Guillermo Rubio gives you copywriting tips from Clayton Makepeace that will make your copy shine.

The Foundation is in Place - Now What?

Guillermo Rubio gives you a great piece of advice to attract more clients then you can handle.

How to Know When You’re Ready for Your First Client

Guillermo explains how you will be able to land your first client.

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