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How to Get Fast Copywriting Paychecks

Do you need faster copywriting paychecks? For most beginners, landing their ideal clients and earning high professional writing fees takes work… and sometimes it takes longer than they’d like. Rebekah Mays shares her #1 strategy for getting those first few paychecks, faster…

Advice to My Younger Self: Unlock Your Money Mindset

If Rebekah Mays could have a chat with her 26-year-old self as she was just starting out her copywriting journey. Here's what she'd tell her … and what she'd tell anyone else who might be limiting their own financial potential.

Business Challenge: Clean Up Your Social Media Presence

Is your social media presence helping or hurting your web-writing business? Clean up your social media presence and make it easier for clients to hire you.

5 Easy, Low-Stress Steps to Hone Your Negotiation Skills

Strong negotiating skills can help you build your web-writing business faster. If negotiating makes you nervous, these five steps will help you improve.

The Writer’s Information Packet Challenge

Take this challenge and put together your freelance writer’s information packet. Then whenever a prospect asks for more information, you’ll be ready.

Choose a Marketing Method to Try for Your Business

When it comes to marketing your writing business, doing some trial and error is useful. Here, you’ll find five different marketing methods you can try.

Building a List of Prospects for Your Web-Writing Business

Consistent marketing is easier when you have a list of prospects. Learn a smart system for building a list of prospects for your business.

Business Challenge: Finding Your Business “Love Match”

Looking to upgrade your clients? Take this six-step, one-hour challenge to identify and build a list of perfect fit clients.

A 5-Day Plan to Set Your 2021 Business Goals

January 2021 is coming up fast. With less than two months left in 2020, this five-step plan with help you set business goals for the next year.

Writing a Reader-Focused Newsletter - 5 Approaches that Work

Writing a reader-focused email newsletter can be a gamechanger (for you or your clients). It helps you connect with you audience and pulls in work.

Feeling Disorganized? 5 Tools to Get You Back on Track

Do you ever feel like your scrambling to keep track of your ideas, your deadlines, your time? These time management tools for writers can be a lifesaver.

The Anatomy of a Well-Niched Freelance Website

Creating well-niched freelance website can bring more and better clients your way. Use these three examples of niched websites for inspiration.

4 Simple Strategies I Used to Get My First Copywriting Jobs

To launch your copywriting career, you can use strategies you’re most comfortable with. Here are four examples one AWAI member used to get her first jobs.

How to Raise Your Setpoint to Increase Your Income

Do you know your income setpoint? Once you figure out what it is, you can work to raise your setpoint, which can be critical to earning what you want.