AWAI Writer’s Blog

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6 Key Differences Between Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer Marketing

B2B marketing can be a fast route to the writer's life. And B2B copy can be easy to write. But to be successful, you must know these 6 crucial differences.

How to Find the Pain Points of Your Ideal Clients

Your self-promotion for copy services should not be about you. Instead, it should be about something very important to your ideal clients. Find out more...

Why Direct-Response Copywriting Is Here to Stay

Many marketers feared direct-mail copywriting would die off when the Web came along. Now there’s a new threat to the direct-response industry. Or is there?

A Secret Way of Starting a Clientless Copywriting Business from Scratch

To start making money fast, Ben Settle shares a proven seven-step plan you can follow from scratch so you can be clientless and make good money.

How to Be the “Jeff Bezos” of Clientless Copywriters

Become the Amazon or Sears Catalog of your niche, and your clientless copywriting business will achieve success with minimal time on your part. Here’s how…

What Are Today’s Top-Paying Gigs in B2B Writing?

What are today’s top-paying B2B writing gigs? Steve Slaunwhite lists six opportunities to make good money writing for the $5.6 million B2B industry.

3 Ways to Pick a Niche in B2B Copywriting

Increase your chances of success by doing this one thing. You’ll attract B2B companies who need a writer like you — a writer they’ll happily pay good fees.

B2B Copywriting and the $20 Million Toaster

The toaster may cost $40, but this household staple has hundreds of copywriting opportunities supporting it that can lead you quickly to the writer’s life.

No Experience? No Problem. How I Snared $6,000 in Client Work My First Week as a Freelance Copywriter...

The secret to getting started when you’re looking for copywriting work? Instead of focusing on what you DON'T have, focus on what you DO. Here’s how...

Five “True Life” Tips for Breaking Into the Lucrative World of Financial Copywriting

One market offers the biggest paydays for copywriters, and marketers are always looking for new talent and good ideas. Here are five tips for breaking in.

A Glimpse Into the Highly Lucrative World of Financial Copywriting

If you want to make a lot of money as a copywriter, focusing on the highest-paying market in the copywriting industry will help you reach that goal — fast.

3 Things I Wish I'd Known When I Started My Copywriting Business

Kathryn Aragon shares the advice she wishes she had known when building her copywriting business… 3 pieces of knowledge that can save you so much time.

5 Ways My Money-Making Website Changed My Life, Both Personally and Professionally

Nick Usborne spends 1-3 hours a week on a hobby he loves. It’s been very lucrative and changed his life. Read how a similar hobby could change yours too.

The #1 Very Best Label for Where You Are Now as a Writer

What label do you use to describe yourself? Your choice could be impacting your success. Discover three common labels and what’s best for your career now.

5 Things Copywriters Can Learn from Best-Selling Author Louis L’Amour

Following the formula of a successful writer can help you build your copywriting career faster and easier. Here are five tactics you can adopt today.

5 Ways to Make Money Writing Emails

Every writer should learn to write emails. Read this to learn why, plus discover five different ways you can get paid top dollar with this single skill.

How to Build Your Business Fast with a 30-Day Challenge

Building momentum toward your goals is faster and more fun when you try this jump-start tactic. To make real progress in a short time frame, try this.

Five Writing Projects that Pay $1,000 or More… And Can Be Completed in Just One Weekend!

Turn your weekend or spare time into paid writing income. Rebecca Matter shares 5 in-demand projects you can learn quickly, and complete fast for big pay.

How to Become a Genuine, Recognized Expert in Your Field

Becoming a recognized expert is important today, even as the internet creates “gurus” based on follower numbers. Here’s how to attain true expert status.

5 Simple Ways to Prove Your Value to Copywriting Clients

It’s easy to show prospective clients you’re the best writer for the job. Rebecca Matter shares five simple ways you can prove your value and land the work.

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