AWAI Writer’s Blog

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5 Stats Confirming Your Huge Opportunity in Writing SEO Copy

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) copywriting is one of the best opportunities to earn six-figures. Discover more about what’s fueling today’s demand.

8 Reasons You Should Write Email Copy for B2B Companies

Business-to-Business (B2B) companies do a LOT of email marketing — creating big demand for writers. Steve Slaunwhite reveals 8 reasons it’s a terrific gig.

Disabled? Here’s How You Can Prosper in a Copywriting Career

If you’re disabled or dealing with other life limitations, perhaps you’re considering a freelance writing career. Here are six tips you can use to prosper.

10 Ways to Kick-Start Creativity Under a Deadline

Copywriters need to generate Big Ideas to produce the sales letters, web copy, blogs, and more that marketers need. Use these 10 ideas for inspiration.

Practice Assignment: Write an 83-Word Email About a Coffee Maker…

Practice is the best way to keep improving as an online copywriter. Follow the “client brief” and tips to do this practice assignment for your portfolio.

Web Writing Trends Spell Big Opportunity for Writers Like You

Businesses spending more marketing dollars online means more money and opportunity for web writers. Discover key trends so you can be an early specialist.

How to Introduce Yourself to Prospective Clients in a Professional Way

Landing clients starts with the first hello. Here’s how to introduce yourself and explain what you do in a way that makes someone perk up and take notice.

Eradicate Your “Mind Trash” to Access Greater Writing Wealth

Identifying anything that holds you back and eliminating it will give you a huge payoff. Here are six tips to help you move forward in your copy career.

Dan Kennedy’s Laughably Simple Secret for Making as Much Money as You Want as a Clientless Copywriter

Successful writers have a secret and Ben Settle reveals it here, along with five tactics you can use right away to make more money writing each day.

No Experience? No Problem. How I Snared $6,000 in Client Work My First Week as a Freelance Copywriter...

The secret to getting started when you’re looking for copywriting work? Instead of focusing on what you DON'T have, focus on what you DO. Here’s how...

To Impress Any Copywriting Client, Ask These 5 Surefire Questions

Use this simple tactic to stand out from the crowd as a professional. It will get your client talking about their marketing needs… and how you can help.

3 Reasons Why You Must Become an Email Copywriter RIGHT NOW (If Not Yesterday)

Now is the best time to hang out your shingle as an email writer. Email expert Jay White looks at three reasons why this opportunity has never been bigger.

5 Small Things that Can Lead to Daily Progress

Feeling stuck on how to move forward in your writing business? Doing these five simple things daily can help you make progress toward your goals.

8 Key Insights about Writing from Award-Winning Author Becky Masterman

Rising star author Becky Masterman talks candidly about the joy of writing, and shares insights on promoting your book once it’s accepted for publication.

4 Simple Strategies I Used to Get My First Copywriting Jobs

To launch your copywriting career, you can use strategies you’re most comfortable with. Here are four examples one AWAI member used to get her first jobs.

Why V is the Most Profitable Letter for Your Writing Business

Combine your copywriting business and a niche website, and you’ve got a unique opportunity to accelerate your success with both. Here is how it works...

The “Big 4” Pillars of Success for Your Freelance Copywriting Career

Build momentum for your copywriting career in the fastest way possible. You can achieve your goals starting now by following four pillars of success.

Why 73% of B2B Companies Are Marketing with Case Studies — And Why You Should Get in the Game Now

If you want to get started as a copywriter, go where the big demand is. Businesses need this writing project today — and it’s fun and quick to do.

How I Got Started Making Money as a Copywriter (With No Sales Letters!)

Copywriters can start earning money right away when they focus on these short copy projects. Here is where to begin earning while learning…

7 Simple Ways to Prove Your Value to Copywriting Clients

It’s easy to show prospective clients you’re the best writer for the job. Rebecca Matter shares seven simple ways you can prove your value and land work.

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