AWAI Writer’s Blog

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How to Plan Out Your Freelance Website Content in Under an Hour

Successful writers must have a website, your piece of internet real estate. Here’s how to plan site content that shows prospects who you are and what you can do.

The Government “Perk” That Can Hand Copywriters (Like You) a $2.52 Million Windfall

There’s a wealth-generating tool ideal for freelance writers, yet many don’t take advantage of it. Here’s how you can make more money in the long run.

How Long Does It Take New Freelancers to Earn a Living Wage?

How long it takes to make a good living as a writer is a common question. With four decades of experience, Bob Bly offers his answer so you know what to expect.

Write a Powerful, 309-Word Blog Post about a Good Night’s Sleep

Practice is a great way to improve as a content writer. Follow the “client brief” to do this practice assignment, using tips from a content expert.

The 3 Biggest Reasons Why Email Copywriting Is a Big Opportunity for Making Six-Figures as a Writer in 2020

Now is the best time to hang out your shingle as an email writer. Email expert Jay White looks at three reasons why this opportunity has never been bigger.

Practice Assignment: Write an Effective Email about a Golf Simulator…

Practice is a great way to improve as an email copywriter. Follow the “client brief” to do this practice assignment, using tips from an email expert.

Now Hiring: 11,023 Email Copywriters

If you’re looking for a writing specialty with thousands of job openings, Jay White has the answer. Here are three things you can do to get started.

What Do Warren Buffett, Oprah, and Elon Musk Have in Common (Besides Being Billionaires)?

To build your copywriting business, adopt the simple two-step model the world’s most famous visionaries have followed to achieve success. Here’s how…

This Is Where Six-Figure “A-list” Copywriters Hang Out

AWAI’s Bootcamp is the premier gathering for copywriters of all levels of experience, including newbies and six-figure “A-list” copywriters and marketers.

7 Ways to Make Money Storytelling

Our brains are hardwired to listen to stories. But did you know you can get paid to put your storytelling skills to use for businesses? Learn 7 ways.

3 Writing Project Types You Can Do While You Travel

It’s easier than ever to write from wherever you are and whenever works best for your schedule. Here are three mobile projects you can get paid to write.

How an Overworked Court Reporter Got Her First Paid Writing Gig in the Health Market

With a huge aging population, there’s a lucrative opportunity for people who can write health copy. Here’s how one woman get her first health writing job.

Swipe Files Lead to Big Sales Breakthroughs

Having a Swipe File is a critical component for copywriting success, regardless of your chosen niche, so it’s important to create your own right now.

A Handy Site Audit Checklist for SEO and Content Writing that Works — And Leads to More Projects

A paid Site Audit is a gateway to new writing projects. Use this checklist to diagnose weaknesses on your client’s website. Then, get paid to fix them.

How Chad Molyneux Used Content Marketing to Build a Six-Figure Fitness Business

Use content marketing to build your business — and your client’s — when you follow the steps Chad Molyneux used successfully. Here are some of his methods.

How to Make Even More Money from the Content Marketing Trend

Content marketing offers a variety of well-paid projects for a content writer. Plus, you can make even more money when you step up to this in-demand role.

Is Your Fear of [Fill in the Blank] Holding You Back?

Many freelancers have an on-again, off-again relationship with fear. Here’s a 5-step plan so you can take action, build your business, and reach success.

6 Favorite Rules from the First Full-Time Copywriter

To advance your copywriting skills, study the work of copy legends and masters. Follow these six rules from the world’s first-ever full-time copywriter.

5 Reasons Content Marketing Is Here to Stay

Content marketing offers a variety of well-paid projects, and companies need more content than ever. But will the trend continue? Here is the answer...

What Working with Expert Gordon Graham Taught Me about Writing White Papers

Working on a project with expert Gordon Graham taught Steve Maurer many lessons and added a skill to his toolkit. See if this new skill is for you, too…

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