Michele Peterson

Articles by Michele Peterson

You Do You! Your Writer's Life Doesn't Have to Look Like Anyone Else's

Choices. They’re a double-edged sword. On one hand, choices represent the different possibilities out there waiting for us to claim them. On the other hand, having choices means it’s our responsibility to actually CHOOSE something. And it can be overwhelming — even scary sometimes — to make the decision to choose something. But not choosing? Well, there are consequences to that choice, too.

Do This One Thing to Start Making Money as a Writer

Michele Peterson shares one thing that you can do today to start making money as a writer.

Perfection is a Myth, Especially When It Comes to the Writer's Life

Michele Peterson digs into perfection, why it’s a myth, and reasons why imperfection should be embraced.

Why Writing for Local Clients Gives You the Home Field Advantage

Just as local, home field advantage is real in sports, it’s real in business, too. The Buy Local movement continues to thrive, making Write Local a smart strategy for starting your writer’s life. Here are at least five ways local clients give you a competitive edge.

20 Different Types of Newsletters and the Companies Who Need Help Writing Them

Learn the simple skill of writing a newsletter, and open yourself up to twenty different projects you can get paid to write.

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More About Michele Peterson

Social Media Writing Opportunities | AWAI

Discover how you can harness the popularity of social media to help you attract more freelance writing clients and boost your writing income.

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