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Writing Newsletters Can Bring Easy, Fun, Recurring Revenue

Some businesses send daily email newsletters. Some send weekly. Some monthly. And there are countless other frequencies in between. But regardless of the exact frequency, newsletters are ongoing marketing initiatives for these companies. They aren’t one-and-done projects.

Sometimes Quitters DO Win

Michele Peterson outlines four steps to take to get away from your current circumstances and move toward your dream life… a writer’s life full of freedom… The freedom to work when you want, from where you want… writing about what you want, for whomever you want… And most importantly, the freedom to spend your time as you choose… whether that means taking a long break this winter, spending more time with the kiddos, caring for a loved one, or simply going to a yoga class at 10 in the morning.

Help for “Overwhelm”… and Four More Lessons I’ve Learned as a Mentor

Michele Peterson has been getting paid to enjoy the writer’s life for 15 years now. Full time for the last 13. And for the last several years, she has been helping fellow writers along the way to their own successful writer’s lives as an AWAI Circle of Success Mentor. She shares a cure for overwhelm nad for other lessons she has learned as a Circle of Success Mentor.

You Do You! Your Writer's Life Doesn't Have to Look Like Anyone Else's

Choices. They’re a double-edged sword. On one hand, choices represent the different possibilities out there waiting for us to claim them. On the other hand, having choices means it’s our responsibility to actually CHOOSE something. And it can be overwhelming — even scary sometimes — to make the decision to choose something. But not choosing? Well, there are consequences to that choice, too.

Perfection is a Myth, Especially When It Comes to the Writer's Life

Michele Peterson digs into perfection, why it’s a myth, and reasons why imperfection should be embraced.

Do This One Thing to Start Making Money as a Writer

Michele Peterson shares one thing that you can do today to start making money as a writer.

20 Different Types of Newsletters and the Companies Who Need Help Writing Them

Learn the simple skill of writing a newsletter, and open yourself up to twenty different projects you can get paid to write.

Why Writing for Local Clients Gives You the Home Field Advantage

Just as local, home field advantage is real in sports, it’s real in business, too. The Buy Local movement continues to thrive, making Write Local a smart strategy for starting your writer’s life. Here are at least five ways local clients give you a competitive edge.

Good SEO in 2022 Puts the User First

Effective SEO is about writing for both the search engines and the user. It’s writing so the user gets what they want (a solution to their problem) and the search engine recognizes it will give the user the answer. Six areas are key to putting the user first in SEO copywriting.

The One Thing You Need to Be a Great UX Copywriter in 2022

Prospective customers now expect a user experience (UX) that anticipates their wants, needs, and desires. One that puts them first. As a UX copywriter, you can do this is in three key ways. Discover more here.

Writing Newsletters Can Bring Easy, Fun, Recurring Revenue

E-newsletters are as effective as ever — and businesses need these ongoing messages to stay top of mind with their current and potential customers. To make a consistent living as a writer, you can start off with these short, fun, steady projects.

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for… Email!

Email is as popular and effective as ever — and businesses today need multiple types of email to reach prospects, so they’re willing to spend big on campaigns. To make a great living as a writer, you can start off with these short projects.

Sometimes Quitters DO Win… Especially Now During The Great Resignation

A record number of people are quitting their jobs to pursue opportunities that offer more freedom, fulfillment, and financial payoffs. Here are five steps to make writing a new career.

So Many Web Writing Opportunities… Here’s How I Got Started

Being a digital copywriter right now is like being a kid in a candy store. There are so many possibilities waiting for writers like you to choose what online copy and content you like to do best. Here’s how Michele Peterson got her start.

61% of Marketers Are Unhappy with Their Current SEO and Need Help Now!

With nearly two out of three marketers focused on improving their SEO, now is a great time to be a trained SEO copywriter. There’s plenty of work out there waiting for you, once you take these three steps.

3 Letters that Make Writers More Valuable… and Earn Them More Money

Companies expect to pay higher fees for copywriters who can provide greater value. When you have specialized skills, you also set yourself apart from the competition and can charge more for your services.

11 Tips for Success When Attending Virtual Events

With today’s technology, you can actively join in live virtual events with peers all over the world… from the comfort of home. Here’s how to maximize your participation before, during, and after a virtual event.

Sometimes Quitters DO Win… Especially Now During The Great Resignation

A record number of people are quitting their jobs to pursue opportunities that offer more freedom, fulfillment, and financial payoffs. Here are five steps to make writing a new career.

Case Studies Tell Before-and-After Stories of Hope and Possibility… and They’re Fun to Write!

Case studies show a real-life example of how great your client’s products are, and they follow a simple formula, making them easy to write. Learn more about this in-demand content writing project.

So Many Web Writing Opportunities… What Will You Put in Your Writer’s Goodie Bag?

Being a digital copywriter right now is a lot like being a kid in a candy store. There’s a wonderland of mix and match possibilities waiting for writers like you to choose what online copy and content you like to do best.

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