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How Gratitude Seeds Success in B2B Copywriting Businesses

Being grateful for what you currently have helps you be happier in the moment. But did you know there's more to it than that? Here are three reasons why it's critical to the health of your business to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Expand Your Services to Existing Clients for an Income Boost

When you expand your services to existing clients, you’ll land more projects with less effort… and see a big boost to your web-writing income.

Take Control of Your B2B Copywriting Schedule

If you’ve ever wondered why you didn’t get your daily list done, you don’t want to miss this advice to take control of your B2B copywriting schedule.

Five Strategies for More Effective B2B Social Media Marketing

Having a B2B social media presence is required for B2B companies today. But which platform? Who are you talking to? What are you saying? Follow these five tips to improve the success of your B2B social media marketing strategy.

An Easy 3-Part Social Media Marketing Plan for Web Writers

Social media marketing for web writers is a fun way to attract new clients… but you have to respect the medium you’re in. Here’s how in 3 easy steps…

10 Favorite Writing Tools for Productive B2B Copywriters

These 10 favorite writing tools for B2B writers keep you focused, monitor your grammar, and much more. Boost your productivity by trying one or two today.

20 Essential Email Marketing Stats Copywriters Need to Know

These email marketing statistics represent a golden opportunity for web writers to help clients in a tangible way… and to get a foot in the door.

20 Ways to Stand Out As a Professional Web Copywriter in 2020

As a web copywriter, you need to make it easy for clients to say yes to hiring you. One way to do that is to stand out from other web copywriters…

How to Talk to Your Niche

Choosing your niche is an important step. But, what comes next is even more important… You need to figure out how to talk to your niche.

Atomic Habits for Writers

Do you have a new writing habit you’re trying to establish? Make sure it sticks and that it has the desired result, with this guide to setting good habits.

How to Stockpile Content for a Rainy Day

For your freelance business, it helps to create future content when you have a little extra time. This can help you be more consistent in your outreach.

A Freelance Website Leads to More Paying Clients

Having a Professional Freelance Website Leads to More Copywriting Opportunities and Paying Clients

5 Productivity-Boosting Tips for B2B Copywriters

Boost productivity in your B2B copywriting business with five can’t-fail tips to keep you focused while working from home.

3 Ways to Open a Story That Will Hook Your Reader Fast

Weaving a story into your copy or content can make it more engaging and drive better results. These 3 story leads will help you open strong…

5 Markets Guaranteed to Kick-start an Awesome Copywriting Career

One writing skill is foundational to marketing campaigns. You can use it to make high fees, especially when you focus on one of these five top markets.

Google’s Search Journeys — What You Need to Know

Google works hard to improve user experience. One recent innovation is Google’s Search Journeys… and it means new opportunities for you as a writer.

How Big Is the Opportunity for White Papers?

White Papers are ideal for describing B2B offerings that are new, complex, or expensive. Here are seven reasons why writing them is a huge opportunity.

B2B Clients, AP, Chicago, and the Oxford Comma: It's a Matter of Style

When you’re working with your B2B clients, you know you need to know their products and their prospects. But you also need to know their style.

6 (Almost) Foolproof Strategies for Meeting Deadlines

Meeting deadlines is a key part of running a successful business. If you struggle with completing projects on time, these 6 strategies will help.

7 Ways to Make Money Writing on the Side (and Gain More Freedom in Your Life!)

As a writer, you have the unique ability to make more money whenever you want. Discover seven writing side hustles that are always in demand.

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