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Get More Copywriting Done More Quickly by Stopping This Bad Habit

There’s a lie we all tell ourselves that is severely hampering our ability to get our work done. In an eight-hour day, it can suck up as much as 2 hours and 15 minutes. If you want to get more copywriting done more quickly, you need to stop this bad habit right now.

5 Questions to Ask ─ Is This B2B Client a Good Fit for You?

Saying “yes” to a B2B client who isn’t a good fit for you or your business goals can be like buying a pair of shoes that look great in the box, but give you blisters when you take them out and wear them for any length of time. Avoid the client "blisters" with these five questions.

Make Time Smart Decisions to Achieve B2B Writing Success

Admit it: you identify with the 80% of adults with too much to do and not enough time to do it. You don’t have to live this way ─ make time smart decisions to achieve B2B writing success.

Grow your Freelance Business — The Power of Making an Offer a Day

If you want to grow your freelance business by getting higher-quality, more targeted clients, here’s a technique that works. Try making an offer a day, every day, and see just how far you can take your business.

Create Your Own Workflow for a Successful Freelance Business

If you want to avoid re-inventing the wheel with every new prospect, proposal, and project, you need to develop some hacks for your freelance business. Creating your own workflow not only streamlines your business, it reduces stress and increases income too.

Use a 2-Week Process to Achieve Freelance Copywriting Success

You’ve set your business goals. You’ve planned your first quarter activities. But you’re already off track… Use this two-week process to get and keep yourself on track to freelance copywriting success.

How to Get That Coveted Conversational Tone in Your Writing

You’ve heard of the ugly first draft… which you never want to turn in to a client. Especially if the sentences are formal, stilted, and (yawn)… Boorrrinng. Here’s how to make sure you get the coveted conversational tone.

Use Intention-Based Marketing to Boost Your B2B Business Results

Marketing your B2B freelance business is a requirement if you want clients… but haphazard methods yield haphazard results. Use intention-based marketing for a business-winning strategy.

Should You Call Out Bad Content?

You’ve probably received or seen bad content — a poorly designed offer, a confusing sales letter, a wordy and dense web page… Should you point it out to the company while offering to fix it? Maybe… if you do it the right way.

Make Your B2B Copywriting "Lean" into Persuasion

B2B copywriting has a unique challenge… it has to persuade people with different roles and different goals. That’s why it’s important to understand what drives both an operations manager and a CEO to make a purchase decision. And to create copy that speaks to each one.

Achieve Your B2B Copywriting Goals by Doing This Every Single Day

Use this software industry technique to hit every one of your B2B copywriting goals this year, without herculean effort. It all starts with optimizing for the starting line rather than the finish line.

Your Roadmap to Conquer Mediocre B2B Content

The world is littered with mediocre, or worse, “good enough” B2B content... presenting an “awesome opportunity” for B2B writers to lead reluctant companies away from safe, “done by everyone else” copy into a world where compelling content drives views, trust, and ultimately sales.

An SEO Checklist for Your B2B Copywriting Website

Most people simply assume that SEO is ridiculously complicated and super expensive as well. The truth is that for a "normal" freelance website, the whole SEO process is pretty simple if you understand Google’s algorithms. Use our checklist to hit the high points.

Take Control of Your B2B Copywriting Schedule

If you’ve ever wondered why you didn’t get your daily list done, you don’t want to miss this advice to take control of your B2B copywriting schedule.

10 Favorite Writing Tools for Productive B2B Copywriters

These 10 favorite writing tools for B2B writers keep you focused, monitor your grammar, and much more. Boost your productivity by trying one or two today.

5 Productivity-Boosting Tips for B2B Copywriters

Boost productivity in your B2B copywriting business with five can’t-fail tips to keep you focused while working from home.

How Big Is the Opportunity for White Papers?

White Papers are ideal for describing B2B offerings that are new, complex, or expensive. Here are seven reasons why writing them is a huge opportunity.

B2B Clients, AP, Chicago, and the Oxford Comma: It's a Matter of Style

When you’re working with your B2B clients, you know you need to know their products and their prospects. But you also need to know their style.

Six-Step Plan for a Successful First Prospect Interview

Use these steps to qualify your prospect and give you the information you need to put together a killer proposal.

Six LinkedIn Strategies to Get More Copywriting Clients

Are you using LinkedIn to its full potential? Discover how you can get more copywriting clients by leveraging LinkedIn.

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