See You Tomorrow?

Writer eating noodles while looking at laptop

Our first Writer’s Launch Party of 2025 starts tomorrow!

Folks are already meeting and mingling in the Launch Party Facebook group.

But if you were super busy last week and missed your chance to enroll …

We’d like to sneak you in the back door with this special link.

This is too good for you to miss!

P.S. In case you were away or missed Rebecca's invitation last week, here's what it's all about …


We want to get your writing career up and running …

Next week.

All YOU have to do is click here and say “Yes!”

We will take you by the hand, starting Monday, and lead you through our proven Writer’s Launch Party.

Each day you’ll do the simple exercise we give you. And attend an optional training session with some of our coaches.

And by Friday, you’ll be officially launched.

We’ve been doing this for the past few years, and the results have been AMAZING!

Here’s what past participants have had to say …

David Northrop: I’ve been feeling really alone in the process of launching. Not NOW!! It feels like a big family now! Seriously want to keep the momentum rolling and the connections active!

Elias Christeas: So my biggest takeaway from all this is that the world I’ve been reading about and hoping was out there is in fact, REAL. If I can stretch waaaaaaaay back to when I was told about copywriting until today … it’s like seeing static on a TV that’s now come in as a crystal-clear picture. The biggest STEP taken over the last two weeks was simply just taking the LEAP.

Melanie Siemon: My biggest takeaway is that a career in writing is definitely within reach. It’s not a pipe dream or a vague wish. It’s a project, a project that is beckoning me to pull all of my internal resources together to make this happen.

Kathy Smith Lee: Rocked my world and turned it around! As a Launch Party group, we’re on separate journeys, at different levels, with different goals, yet we all found community. The support from other members and the training team was incredible. No getting bored or losing interest. It’s fun! Something new every day with a new challenge.

Now it’s YOUR turn.

So, come sign up now before enrollment closes … drop in to the “party,” and say hello to your fellow writers and our coaches.

And next week we’ll get you up and running, ready to take on paid assignments!

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Published: January 12, 2025

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