Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompts:
Write About Your Best Date Ever
Practice your copywriting skills with this prompt from The Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA).
In this Write Now! exercise, you’re invited to have fun thinking about the best date you ever had – or maybe the worst – and write a story about it.
Watch this video by copywriter Mindy McHorse, Managing Editor of Barefoot Writer, to think about turning a great date – or a lousy one – into a compelling story that delves into all the senses. (Or read the transcript below.)
Here’s a writing prompt that’s a lot of fun.
Start by thinking about the best date you’ve ever been on, or the best date you’d like to go on.
Think about who you want to spend this afternoon or evening with. It could be somebody you love, it could be a family member or even a pet.
Think about where you’d like to go with this person … whether it is an adventurous afternoon or something quiet and romantic.
And then, delve into the five senses. Write about what you see, and what you hear. Write about the way the food tastes on your tongue. Write about the textures that you’re surrounded by.
And then, dive deeper and go into how you feel during the date — whether you feel romantically inclined, whether you’re having a terrific time, whether you feel a deep sense of emotion or connection with this person.
You can also follow this with a second writing prompt by writing about the worst date you’ve ever been on, or the worst date you can imagine going on. Enjoy!
View Our Full Library of Persuasive Writing Prompts
Write Now! persuasive writing prompts are presented by the Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA) — a professional association just for direct-response industry writers. Learn about the many benefits of a PWA membership.

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I just did this with my first assignment for Accelerated Copywriting - to promote my favorite restaurant. It was a lot of fun to write about a date with my wife, incorporating all the senses experienced that evening out on the town.
Todd Greisen –
“Can I tag along?”
“Yeah, sure” And just like that, I had signed myself up to a 5-hour bus trip.
Upon arriving we were greeted by autumn weather. The kind of where the leaves have fallen but it is not yet snowing. Cold, greyish, with howling winds and swarms of ravens screeching from treetops. It was all pretty gloomy, yet I could not wipe the smile off my face even if I wanted to. As I was with her and all the gloominess around me just faded away.
“Bye-bye, have fun” We waved to her friend as she was boarding the plane. This was the reason we had come to this town in the first place – to send her off.
And then we just walked back to town, next to the river bank. Just two of us.
“You know that I know that you fancy me”
“Do I?” the blun..
Guest (Kendrick ) –
Its early evening and you can hear the seagulls quack. The summer weather is a warm cooling breeze and the setting sun is reflecting over Pier 39. My wife is wearing her Ouai perfume and a polka dot dress. The wind is blowing through her open hair and occasionally she has to hold her dress down.
The ice cream corner shop just served us a chocolate chip and butternut cone ice creams. The taste of the fresh ingredients and the smooth cream texture are to die-for. We can’t talk much as we are busy wiping the melting flavors off our chins.
We later take a short walk around the pier to watch the sea lions growl and bask. I embarrass her and we dance to jazz coming from a street musician.
We had an awesome ice cream date last summer.
Dodi –
Love this short piece--sweet, sprinkling of senses, we are there with the writer and romantic ending. Thank you for sharing!
Guest (Bohemian Writer) –
Believe it or not, but I’ve never dated before, so I’d say one of the best “dates” or even hangouts I would ever have would be with one or more of my family members. We could talk and catch up on life. We could go to a restaurant and buy the best food ever. The taste of meat would fill my taste buds well, we hear good music, we would smell a mixture of good food and so on.
My worst date would be with some weird stranger I just met. There would be awkward silence between us or we wouldn’t talk at all during the date. There would be no connection and the person would be very rude. He wouldn’t hold the door for me or pay for my meal. Lastly, he would have poor etiquette. If I ever go on my first date, I hope it’ll be better than this.
Leslie Loo –