Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompts:
Write from Emotion
Practice your copywriting skills with this prompt from The Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA).
In this Write Now! exercise, you’ll be challenged to tell a story with words.
Watch this video by A-level copywriter, Carline Anglade-Cole, and learn to write from emotion to tell a compelling story. (Or read the transcript below.)
Write about something that happened to you recently. Don’t worry about grammar. Just write from emotion. Talk to me so that I can actually see with your words what you want me to know.
View Our Full Library of Persuasive Writing Prompts
Write Now! persuasive writing prompts are presented by the Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA) — a professional association just for direct-response industry writers. Learn about the many benefits of a PWA membership.

The Professional Writers’ Alliance
At last, a professional organization that caters to the needs of direct-response industry writers. Find out how membership can change the course of your career. Learn More »
I have always wanted to become an author, but did not have the time or education, or money to do so.Now retired, I have the time,but still not the money.I seem to find stories everywhere but I need help learning how to tell my stories without TOO many words. Yes of course I would like to become published w/out needing to pay the so called publisher to do this. Is this a dream of an old woman,or is there any help out there for me?
Guest (DLWilson) –
I love writing, but I don't have the skills to do it proffessional.
Guest (Bertha Gonzalez) –
sometimes I get stuck in a fairytale land but I have to write a real world experience how do I switch? and when I'm unable to write about anything what are some tips to run my brain for ideas.
Guest (athena cult) –
I found my niche, my passion. I wasn't planning on being a novelist but I do want to write for a living.
AWAI is EXACTLY what I was looking for. I like writing commentary and I believe I also have a proclivity for writing persuasive copy.
One of my dream jobs is to be a travel writer as everywhere I go, I take in "The Moment" of where I happen to be - the sky, the people, architecture, history, etc.
I will continue my AWAI studies when I get back home to my office next month. I guess having amenities like a printer is highly recommended.
Enjoy the view, PF
Paul F –
It feels weird to sit down in cafeteria. Because I cant help but to look around me and see all the people, chatting away, laughing, having a good time, at least for the most part.
I wonder what it feels like? To sit down with people like that, to chat, laugh, listen.
When was it? When did I sat down like that. I tried to remember. Yes, I have done it, I did sat down for a cup of coffee with a friend, years ago, back home. Its funny, sometimes, when I look back in time, it feels that I'm not the same person as I used to be. I guess this is what they call nostalgia – a longing to be somewhere where I cant no longer go. Oh well. Action drives out thoughts - I need to brush off that useless emotion and get on with my life. Some day I will ...
Guest (Kendrick ) –
It’s Wednesday 10.55am and am in the conference room waiting on my three superiors to arrive. I have been working on this project for seven months and am excited and I want this project to move on, however, there is one decision that needs approval.
I go through my presentation and I answer all their questions. I finally get to the elephant in the room….’can I get funding for this project?’
I could not believe it… they could not make the decision!
Its 12.46pm, the adrenaline of the presentation had finally ended, the decision had been postponed to another meeting.
I felt empty; chills were up my spine…. I was angry and could feel my anger come up my knees …the thought of repeating this again felt painful.
Dodi –
Virus came and fear settled in. Everyone locked down, scared, confused, hoping not to get sick.
Go outside only for essentials, mask up, wash your hands, keep your distance......distance......distance. Businesses closing, shuddered for months, navigating a pandemic proves to be quite a trick.
Almost one year later, still unable to return to work, broke, desperate, and going berserk. File new pandemic unemployment claim as government instructs, status of which remains PENDING/PROCESSING, stagnant for months.
No communication, explanation, or correspondence at all .... just left to wonder if/when support will come before we fall.
Sara Scribes –
It hurt. I won't lie it hurt a lot. The day you left as if I were nothing. As if we were nothing. Answer me this. Just one question. Did you even love me at all? or was it all just for show. You towered over me with your muscular arms laughing. And in that exact moment all the love I had for you was drained from my heart.From my soul. And in that moment, you became a nobody. You were just another person who broke my heart even when you swore not too. So now I ask you? am I nothing?
Guest (breakup) –
“….difficult staffing decisions… changing business needs… deepest regret... “
“...Your last day will be today, July 12, 2023…”
Stunned. Shocked. Mind racing.
Just like that? After 10 years?
BY EMAIL?? Who does that…?
I read on, “...eligible for a severance package… receive additional details later this afternoon… ”
The rising panic stopped dead in its tracks as the words registered - “severance package”.
Slow release of held breath… hope flickered…
Later, the promised details of the severance offer:
Nearly half a year’s salary (before taxes, of course!)
Tense muscles loosening, relaxing, smiling… then grinning… then finally disbelieving laughter bubbling up.
I can’t believe that they’re giving me this much!!
Time to write!
Guest (Make if or break it) –