Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompts:
Kung Fu Writing
Practice your copywriting skills with this prompt from The Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA).
With this Write Now! tip, you’ll understand the value of research to your success as a writer.
After viewing this video by Ben Settle, email marketing guru, you’ll be reminded how vital it is to connect in every way with your prospect by researching him thoroughly. (Or read the transcript below.)
Everybody was Kung Fu writing.
When you learn Wing Chun Kung Fu, the first thing you’re taught is what’s called Sil Lim Tao — which is the first form of the system. You stand perfectly in line with gravity, and move your arms, hands, and wrists in a way that goes through all the main movements.
It’s not exciting, or sexy, or even combat applicable. But it’s necessary in order to do Wing Chun.
I was told when I’m training alone and unsure I’m doing something right or have a question, the answer is always in the form. I can go back to that form and I’ll be back on track.
It's the exact same thing for doing writing research. If you need inspiration to get started, or if you have trouble getting ideas for emails, articles, sales letters, videos, podcasts, and even product creation — the answers are in your research.
Like the Sil Lim Tao, research is not exciting or sexy, or even “writing” — but it is mandatory if you want to be a great writer. Study your market, your topic, and your product thoroughly.
Pull out every pain, insecurity, problem, frustration, challenge, desire, and need they have.
What do they complain about?
What do they want more than anything?
What do they fantasize about?
How are current events affecting them?
Who are they angry at?
Who are their enemies?
What is their family life like? Their work life?
Who do they want revenge on?
What things do they keep secret and are horrified people will find out?
And the list goes on.
The answers are always in your research. The more you know your market and product and topic, the less likely you’ll have trouble getting started or struggle with what to say. Not writing tricks, not tactics, not creativity, not even talent. Research. The answers to all your writing questions are there.
Want to make your copy impossible to ignore?
With this simple, 20-minute tip, you’ll do just that … while tapping into your prospect’s need to read tabloid magazines.
Yes, I said tabloids. National Enquirer is the #1 selling magazine in the world.
And, today, you’re going to discover how to use the power of National Enquirer headlines to sell.
Here’s what I mean:
Start by going to the grocery store or a local convenience store. Peruse the magazine aisle and pay close attention to the covers and, specifically, the headlines that grab your attention.
Buy anything that makes you look twice.
Now, grab a stack of 3x5 notecards and re-write each headline. One headline per notecard.
Flip through the cards and study what makes them work. What grabbed your interest? What made you want to read more?
Are they promising one clear benefit? Or are they simply using curiosity to pique your interest?
You’ll probably notice the best headlines use a combination of both … curiosity and self-benefit.
Now, think about the product you’re selling.
How can you use these headlines to grab your prospect’s attention?
For example, let’s say one of the headlines that grabbed your attention is: “Get Ripped in Only 30 Minutes a Day.”
If you’re selling a pain supplement, you could model that to say, “Erase Back Pain in Only 10 Minutes a Day.”
See how that works?
It’s simple. And you’re modeling proven headlines that have worked to sell thousands – if not millions – of magazines.
Do that for each of the headlines on your 3x5 cards and you’ll have literally dozens of headlines to test.
View Our Full Library of Persuasive Writing Prompts
Write Now! persuasive writing prompts are presented by the Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA) — a professional association just for direct-response industry writers. Learn about the many benefits of a PWA membership.

The Professional Writers’ Alliance
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Great prompt!
Focus and creativity!
I'm paying more attention to every word in headlines, and using my thesaurus & dictionary to create new headlines.
lisa25 –
I took a couple of introductory lesson of Ving Tsun Wing Chun and they did teach me Sil Lim Tao.
I remember being in the horse stance, focusing on perfecting the techniques of one of the most effective punches, using the centerline concept making them extremely hard to block.
In this article, if we do the research correctly and thoroughly enough, using the power of story combined with other techniques, our copy can be extremely hard to resist.
Sean Van Zant –