Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompts:
Get Unstuck by Going in Reverse
Practice your copywriting skills with this prompt from The Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA).
Learn a trick to get you unstuck with this Write Now! tip.
Marketing Coach, Marcia Yudkin, shares a technique for breaking writer’s block. (Or read the transcript below.)
Get unstuck by going into reverse gear.
When you don't have a clue how to approach a topic or are flummoxed by having too many ideas on how to write something, here's one way to break the deadlock: Write the worst possible draft you can.
For example, if you're trying to write a sales page, start with a ridiculous, clichéd headline. Then proceed to a far-fetched opening paragraph. Continue with an explanation of the product that hypes it to high heaven. Write exaggerated bullet points with promises that would never stand up to legal scrutiny. Go into full used-car salesman mode.
Keep going until you run out of steam.
What normally happens is that encouraging yourself to write badly releases some excellent ideas mixed in with the schlock. Reread what you wrote, find something that makes you smile and make that the kernel of a "real" draft.
View Our Full Library of Persuasive Writing Prompts
Write Now! persuasive writing prompts are presented by the Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA) — a professional association just for direct-response industry writers. Learn about the many benefits of a PWA membership.

The Professional Writers’ Alliance
At last, a professional organization that caters to the needs of direct-response industry writers. Find out how membership can change the course of your career. Learn More »
This brings back memories of when my grade school teacher asked us to write ad text for images that we pasted to a scrapbook. I wrote ad copy for Scotchguard sofas. It had an image of a kid eating a sandwich on a sofa.
Moonman67 –
I remember in collage I had an assignment in my marketing class that had a similar task. I had to write a ad for a new species of potatoe! It was outrageous, ridicules, fun and thoroughly cleansing!
Musick –
An excellent prompt for me because I've just started learning about copywriting. I love coffee, music and reading. That helped me to write a hyped up sales pitch for coffee, including outlandish health claims! And I "suddenly" realized what type of copywriting materials to look for, both direct response & content. You've expanded my learning. Thank you!
lisa25 –
Who Else Wants to Earn Six figures in Next Year?
Hi My name is Nick Umakemoneynow and I am about to show you how you can earn six figures and more. Within a year or less.
Sounds to good to be true? Well, it is true. And heres how you can do it.
You need to develop a high income skill. And not just any kind of high income skill. What I am talking about is a skill of copywriting.
Now, I can hear you asking, what is copywriting?
Well, its closing in print. Also known as persuasion writing. In short you write in a way that makes people want to buy what you are selling.
It is one of the best skills you can have because in essence all writing is copywriting.
Think about it. When you write to somebody you are selling them, whether its your .
Guest (Kendrick ) –
Your Money Can’t Buy This…
The tire business is tough… demanding customer needs, competition, rising prices, declining profits and the challenge of finding good people to work.
The new Auto inflator is built to automatically inflator up to 4 tires allowing you to do more work while inflation is taking place keeping the focus on upgrading the service, generating more profits.
Productivity. Can you buy this?
The OPS settings seats tire beads to the rim allowing the technician to keep a safety zone area. Tire blast is the number one cause of injury in repair shops.
Safety. Can you buy it?
Our quality built inflator features an ABS body, LED digital screen, and can inflator up to 174 PSI.
… But your money can buy the Auto inflator…
Dodi –
If you want to become a great copywriter join AWAI. They have killer resources, that will take you from being an amature to a pro in less than one month.
If you have ever written an email, you're already well ahead.
If you are not interested in writing right now, then go for internet research specialist. In two months, you could be making at least $5000 per month. You can then transition to copywriting in a few months.
Billikpi –
Take the worry out of your work week while putting wellness in!
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Sara Scribes –
Hey summer, is that you?? Were you hoping for the perfect summer bod but “forgot” to put in those endless hours of exercise a few months back? If so, we have an exclusive fat burning product to help you lose up to 10 lbs in two weeks- Let me introduce you to our Mega Melt fat burning shakes!
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TaihjWrites –
Everyone has experienced writer's block in his or her writing career and journey to become a pro-writer.Learning how to unstuck writer's blocks is important as writing itself.This is how I happen to managed it.First I take pen and paper. I begin writing what I know about the topic in point or bulletin form.Once you begin the first sentence,be sure you open the world of ideas into mind as progress paragraph after paragraph.I begin with the worst side of it.To Know disadvantage or negative side of what you want to write will help you craft the best of positive side,if you are to persuade someone to purchase or change attitude towards something I think that is what you referred here bad draft.From there you sieve,and hype the best draft.
Kosiyae Yussuf –
In this article, I will give you a simple road map on how to earn handsomely from one of the most in-demand skills, which is copy writing.
Do not get confused with it. it is very simple and amusing. Create a story every day that appeals to the readers' emotions and makes them feel great impact.
It is not necessary to become a PRO from the beginning. Give your self regular practice in writing on a topic of your choice.
Making great copy requires a great habit of writing and a curiosity to read and understand things.
Do away with procrastination and try making your muscles strong in writing.
You are months away to reach your goal.
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Mink –
Earn thrice as much while doing half the work!!!
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Guest (Alvaro) –