Meet the Demand for Online Copywriting — Today’s Biggest Opportunity for Writers

Finding good writers is a huge challenge for thousands of companies. Let AWAI show you how to become a successful web copywriter and offer the services they need now.

Watch this video for details and how to get started

Get Your Complete Website Copywriter Guide

The fastest way to break Into the HIGHLY LUCRATIVE marketing world of online copywriting

Break into web copywriting

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Join web experts and peers for education, support, and guidance… plus insights on landing content writer jobs

Be a Wealthy Web Writer

Follow the Money in Online Copywriting

In just one hour, you’ll know if Web/online copywriting is right for you… and how to get started if the answer is “Yes!”

Learn about web copywriting

Meet Our Expert Web Copywriting Trainers

Nick Usborne: Master Online Copywriter

AWAI photo: Nick Usborne, Master Online Copywriter
Nick Usborne

Nick Usborne is an online copywriter and site optimization expert with over 20 years of experience online.

Read Nick’s Bio

Brian Clark: Founder of Rainmaker Digital

AWAI photo: Brian Clark, Founder of Rainmaker Digital
Brian Clark

Brian Clark is founder of Rainmaker Digital [formally Copyblogger Media], a serial entrepreneur, and a recovering attorney.

Read Brian’s Bio

Rebecca Matter: Helping Writers Make a Very Good Living

AWAI photo: Rebecca Matter, Helping Writers Make a Very Good Living
Rebecca Matter

Rebecca Matter is the President of American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI), the world’s leading trainer of direct-response copywriters.

Read Rebecca’s Bio

Pam Foster: Teaching Web Writers How to Delight Their Clients for Repeat and Referral Business

AWAI photo: Pam Foster, Teaching Web Writers How to Delight Their Clients for Repeat and Referral Business
Pam Foster

Pam Foster is a Certified SEO Copywriter and web content consultant for multi-page sites and online promotions (emails and landing pages).

Read Pam’s Bio

Ben Settle: The 6-Figure Slacker

AWAI photo: Ben Settle, The 6-Figure Slacker
Ben Settle

Over the past 15 years Ben Settle has written ads, created email campaigns, and cooked up marketing strategies for clients (when he did client work) that have collectively earned tens of millions of dollars in sales in hyper competitive, “cut throat” markets.

Read Ben’s Bio

Heather Lloyd-Martin: SEO Copywriting Pioneer

AWAI photo: Heather Lloyd-Martin, Industry Leader in Search Engine Optimization Copywriting
Heather Lloyd-Martin

Heather Lloyd-Martin describes herself as a “fast-talking, high energy and tell-it-like-it-is redhead.” When she first started her SEO copywriting career, Google didn’t exist, PPC wasn’t around and people were using dial up modems.

Read Heather’s Bio

Brian T. Edmondson: Helping Everyday People Turn Their Passions into Profits

AWAI photo: Brian T. Edmondson, Helping Everyday People Turn Their Passions into Profits
Brian T. Edmondson

Since he was laid off his Wall Street job right around 9/11, Brian T. Edmondson has rejected the 9-to-5 world and worked exclusively from the comfort of his own home as an Internet entrepreneur.

Read Brian’s Bio

Jay White: The Secrets to Becoming a High-Paid Email Copywriter

AWAI photo: Jay White, The Secrets to Becoming a High-Paid Email Copywriter
Jay White

When Jay White answered a local newspaper ad looking for a Radio Commercial Writer back in the late 90’s, he never dreamed of the amazing journey that was about to unfold…

Read Jay’s Bio

Web Copywriting Programs by AWAI

Digital Copywriter

Digital Copywriter

Digital marketing changes fast. Join our community now to keep yourself up to date, build your skills, grow your network, and land top-quality clients.

The Digital Copywriter's Handbook

The Digital Copywriter's Handbook

Learn how to become an in-demand online copywriter for companies big and small. Online copywriting expert Nick Usborne shows you how to write web copy that converts.

SEO Copywriting Success

SEO Copywriting Success: Grow Your Business by Driving Targeted Traffic to Clients

1 out of every 2 writing jobs require SEO skills! Every web copywriter should know how to combine persuasive copywriting with SEO best practices. Learn this valuable skill now to make more money on your web copywriting projects.

How to Build, Write, and Grow Your Own Money-Making Websites

How to Build, Write, and Grow Your Own Money-Making Websites

Learn how to write an information website in your spare time and earn $1000, $3000, even $5000 a month in passive income.

CVO Expert Training

Ryan Deiss’ 6-Hour CVO Expert Training

Become an in-demand “Customer Value Optimization” (CVO) Expert in just six hours with Ryan Deiss’ million-dollar secrets for designing, writing, and optimizing powerful, automated sales funnels.

Content Mastery

Content Mastery: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Highly Paid Content Marketing Strategist

Google and others have made it clear that businesses who want to succeed with content marketing need to hire the best writers they can. Find out the skills you need to be one of those writers.

Pricing Web Copy Projects

How to Price and Land the Top 7 Web Copy Projects

For many web writers, few things are harder than figuring out what to charge. AWAI’s new pricing guide takes the anxiety out of pricing your online writing jobs.

Site Content Audits Made Simple

Site Content Audits Made Simple: Consult Your Way to Lucrative Web Copywriting Projects

Get paid upward of $2,000 to audit a website’s content by following a simple checklist. And then get paid AGAIN to write the content!

Email Copy Made Easy

Email Copy Made Easy: How to Write More Persuasive Emails that Get Opened, Get Read, and Get Click-Throughs

Learn to write emails that drive people to take action, and take advantage of the fastest way to make a living as a writer.

How To Build Email Lists

How To Build Email Lists: The Fastest, Easiest, and Most Profitable Way to Get More Traffic, More Prospects, and More Sales

Learn to build lists and jump ahead of the pack. Copywriters who can also build emails lists are in huge demand, and make a lot more money than their fellow writers.

How to Make Money as a Social Media Marketing Expert

How to Make Money as a Social Media Marketing Expert

Everything you need to know to become a social media marketing expert, as well as four different ways to make money using that expertise.

Working Effectively with Web Clients

Working Effectively with Web Clients – 7 Steps to Making Sure They Love You and Continue Paying You the Big Bucks

This 7-step system ensures web projects go as planned so that you can easily meet client expectations, establish yourself as an expert, and grow your income faster.

Online Video Marketing

Marketing With Video Online for Profit

Establish yourself on the cutting edge and break into the online video marketing. Video marketing expert Jessica Kizorek reveals how to succeed in this exciting new industry.

Recommended Free Resources

35 Hot Niche Industries for Web Content Writing Jobs in 2023

Succeed faster when you focus your attention where demand is highest. Check out 35 trending niche industries where you can look for content writing jobs.

3 Tips for Crafting User-Friendly Writing

User-friendly writing is easy-to-read and puts the reader’s needs first. See three easy ways you can make your writing more user-friendly.

We Long to Belong — Why Community Is the Last Great Marketing Strategy

More than 90% of U.S. companies use social media in their marketing strategy because that’s where their prospects and customers are researching and making buying decisions. But now, prospects on social media are also looking for community and connection. Here’s what writers need to know…

Writing a Reader-Focused Newsletter - 5 Approaches that Work

Writing a reader-focused email newsletter can be a gamechanger (for you or your clients). It helps you connect with you audience and pulls in work.

Google’s Search Journeys — What You Need to Know

Google works hard to improve user experience. One recent innovation is Google’s Search Journeys… and it means new opportunities for you as a writer.

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