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The Secret to “Client-less” Copywriting
Make Six-Figures Writing a Single Message a Day with Ben Settle’s 10-Minute Workday Email Business

10-Minute Worday Program
Create a six-figure email business writing just 10 minutes a day — Ben Settle shows you how.

Meet Ben Settle.

He’s a self-described slacker who enjoys writing, but does not enjoy landing clients or being a copywriter for hire … even though he’s a really good copywriter.

Instead, Ben took what he learned from his years as an “A-list” copywriter and transformed it into a client-free business that brings in a healthy six-figure income and doesn’t require he slave away for hours a day working on client materials.

In fact, most days, Ben puts in about 10 minutes writing a single email.

The rest of the day is his to spend however he wants.

This powerful email business model is one that’s easy to emulate. And it’s tailor-made for “anti-client” copywriters. So, if you’ve ever thought, I wish I could make a living writing without having to land clients, or I like this writing gig, but I wish I had more time for other things … then this is exciting news!

AWAI and Ben Settle have joined forces to show you step-by-step how to create an email business of your own …

It’s a program modeled after Ben’s very successful email writing business. You’ll learn everything you need to know …

  • Like how to choose among the thousands of “markets” you can write about …
  • How to create products you can sell …
  • Easy ways to build up the list of names you can email to each day …
  • The secret structure to writing highly effective “10-Minute Emails” that’ll have your readers begging to buy your products …

You’ll even learn how to structure your “10-Minute Workday” email business in a way that has money “flowing” to your bank account automatically …

Bottom line — Ben’s 10-Minute Workday program opens up a world of opportunity for people who love to write — but don't want the hassle of having to find assignments or work with clients …

10-Minute Workday: $2500.00

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