FREE 2-Part Webinar Series Reveals:
The Makepeace Method for Writing Million-Dollar Sales Letters in 7 Days or Less
Presented by:

“America’s Highest-Paid Copywriter”
Writing sales pages doesn’t have to be a frustrating, anxiety-producing experience.
In fact, it can be fun — especially when you write FASTER.
Now, this may be heresy to some — but here’s the truth:
The secret to writing better copy faster — and getting bigger winners more often — isn’t really about writing at all.
It’s about how you prepare for the work at hand.
So on October 3rd and 4th, copywriting legend Clayton Makepeace did something that will have a profound impact on your copywriting career: He reveal two critical pieces of his preparation process:
- How to quickly analyze the product you’re promoting: Clayton shares 10 key questions you must answer before you write a single word of copy… help you identify the key emotional benefits that will make your product irresistible to prospects… and how to make your product as relevant as this morning’s headlines… and much more.
- How to put your prospect under the microscope: You’ll get 14 critical questions you must ask to fully understand how to speak to your prospect. You’ll learn how to instantly establish yourself as trustworthy to your prospect… what you must say to make this purchase mandatory in his mind… how to identify the objections you’ll have to overcome in order to make the sale… how to get your prospect’s own imagination working for you… and much more.
Altogether, you’ll discover 24 critical questions you must answer before you write your first word of copy.
Just follow Clayton’s lead and you’ll be amazed at how fast and easily you’ll finish your first draft.
More than that: You’ll ramp up the quality… persuasiveness… and the selling power. And, you’ll write with far less stress, and have much happier clients!
Plus, you’ll receive Copy Planning Forms you can use to work through this process quickly and easily…
And you’ll even have full and free access to the videos of these sessions for future reference!
These webinars are critical to your success as a copywriter. They will change the way you think about copywriting.
And if you use the secrets Clayton shares with you, they will help you boost your income by an order of magnitude.
In short, these sessions will change your life. And they won’t cost you a red cent.
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Delray Beach, FL 33444
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