Learn to Write for the Web — and Begin Taking on 27 Different Types of Well-Paid and In-Demand Writing Projects
Want to get paid well to write? Look no further than the Web…
With growth of nearly 20% a year, the Web has an ongoing need for new and professional writers. And with a wide variety of projects to choose from, there’s a “perfect fit” for every type of writer.
All you need to know is what and where the best projects are… and how to land them.

Join Nick Usborne — top online copywriter and consultant for companies like Microsoft, Yahoo!, and Disney — for this FREE webinar and learn…
- Which projects have the highest demand for web copywriters and content writers today…
- What fees you can expect to earn for each of them…
- How to choose the ones that suit you best (including where to start if you’re a total newbie!)…
- How to quickly land your first two or three clients…
- A 4-step plan you can follow to become a highly-paid online copywriter in two months or less…
- Exactly what you need to do to ensure you land well-paying clients who value you and the copy you write…
- How you can make enough money from a single client to achieve your income goals…
- And a whole lot more!
Sign up for the free webinar recording!
As an added bonus, sign up today and you’ll get immediate FREE access to Nick’s #1 “secret weapon” for getting your foot in the door with dream clients.
Watch as Nick walks you through the process step-by-step…
It’s super easy. Stress free. And if you keep at it, it always works.
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American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924
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