How to Become a Well-Paid Christian Writer to Combine Your Passion and Faith Into One Fulfilling Package

For years copywriters faced a choice …

Joshua Boswell
Family Man, Christian, Writer, Speaker, AWAI Advisory Board Member

Specialize as a Christian writer …

OR choose a niche where they could make a decent living as a writer.

But today, writers don’t have to make that choice anymore.

Thanks to a rapidly expanding industry with major marketing dollars to invest in new marketing and copy, copywriters are finding that the income they want (or need!) to make is easily attained, writing for companies who share their faith.

And this special AWAI training video covers everything you need to know to break in and make it as a Christian copywriter.

Just enter your name and email address to receive instant access.

As part of your training, you’ll learn …

  • Just how big the Christian market is and where the demand is greatest.
  • The three reasons why the market is exploding, and how you can capitalize on these trends.
  • Four things that make the Christian market unique to writers who want to combine their writing passion with their faith.
  • What types of projects you can expect to handle as a Christian copywriter.
  • Why being a Christian can actually help you land more clients in any niche.
  • What makes writing Christian-focused copy or content different
  • How to find and land well-paying clients.
  • And a whole lot more…

If you want to combine your passion for writing with your Christian faith … AND make a great living at the same time … this training is definitely for you.

The clients are there, they know the value of a good copywriter, they have money to spend, and they’re desperate for copywriters who share their faith.

Sign up for free and get started on your new path today!

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American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924

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