Results for ilise benun

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Professional LinkedIn Profiles for Careers in Writing - Inside AWAI
Learn how a professional LinkedIn profile is an opportunity for freelance copywriters to successfully market their business: Inside AWAI with Katie, Rebecca, and guest Ilise Benun.
Ilise Benun: Master Networking and Self-Promotion Consultant
Ilise Benun is a self-promotion and marketing expert, national speaker, coach, and author of seven books.
Social Media Writing Opportunities | AWAI
Discover how you can harness the popularity of social media to help you attract more freelance writing clients and boost your writing income.
How to Land the Best Writing Fees — Inside AWAI
In this free Inside AWAI webinar, get answers to the questions writers often ask about finding well-paying clients, charging more, and presenting rates with confidence.
LinkedIn Now: Best Practices for Getting Great Writing Clients — Inside AWAI
Watch this free presentation on landing new writing clients by making the most of LinkedIn. From Inside AWAI.
AWAI’s Simplest Guide to Pricing Copy Projects
Learn a 3-step formula for pricing copywriting projects with confidence, increasing your fees, and having happier clients …
Coaching: Find the Right Copywriting Coach With This AWAI Recommended List
AWAI presents several excellent copywriting coaches who've collectively helped thousands of copywriters transform their careers and lives through coaching.
AWAI Recommends Copywriting Coach Ilise Benun Founder of Marketing Mentor
Ilise Benun is one of several excellent copywriting coaches AWAI recommends for taking your career to the next level.
3 Good Reasons to Invest in the Structure of Your Business
So many people who come to me for mentoring tell me they won't feel confident enough to start looking for clients "until they have all their ducks in a row." And that makes sense … When you're starting something new, you need a solid foundation. Otherwise, you feel like you're floating out there, unmoored and without an anchor. That kind of instability is very...
Monday Morning Jumpstart: Confidence
In today’s Monday Morning Jumpstart, Director of Training, Jade Trueblood, and special guest, Ilise Benun, talk all about confidence.

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