Results for email

Showing results 991-1000 of more than 100 (help):

If You Can Tell a Good Story, You Might Get a Check for $5,000
If you know how to tell a good story, you might win a check from AWAI for $5,000 plus get your name on our roster of potential writers for other upcoming projects.
Living the Writer's Life: Tom Gerencer
Tom Gerencer always had an eye for outdoor fun and committed to living where he could satisfy that need. But when money grew tight at the same time his family expanded, he needed a reliable fix. His two requirements were better-than-minimum-wage income and not being tied to an office. Not only did writing satisfy both needs, but he took it to a whole other level. Read on to...
Living the Writer's Life: Pat McCord
She’s a fiction writer with three published books, an AWAI $10K winner, and… oh yeah… she wrote a book for famed copywriter Bob Bly! As one of AWAI’s early students, Pat McCord is the perfect example of someone who took the copywriting skills she learned from her first course and ran with them. Here are her tips on how you can achieve satisfaction through...
Where the Puck Is Going Next and More Answers for Writers from Russ Henneberry
The opportunity to make a lot of money in content writing is HUGE right now. Content is everywhere and it’s desperately needed by every business. Here are five questions and answers with Russ Henneberry about this trend.
5 Lessons on Copywriting from the Son of a Preacher Man
One of the smartest and quickest ways to advance your copywriting career is by studying the works of legendary marketers and writers because they offer all kinds of strategies, tips, and techniques you can use today.
Timeless Principles on Starting Your Copywriting Career
This article from legendary copywriter Bob Bly was published in Writers Digest in January 2009 — yet it still holds up today. Bob wrote about eight money-making strategies that would serve anyone well who wants to make an excellent income as a copywriter.
The Imbalance Creating a BIG Opportunity for Writers (Plenty of Work and $1,000 per PAGE Fees)
White papers are ideal for describing B2B offerings that are new, complex, or expensive. The demand for white papers is high, yet marketers can’t find writers trained in how to create them. Take a look at this lucrative specialty and the opportunity for copywriters to command high fees…
Living the Writer's Life: Latifat Abifarin
In Latifat Abifarin’s words, “I’m one piece of evidence that there are talented and good people from Nigeria.” Over the years, Latifat has struggled at times to connect with potential clients who judge her or assume she can’t speak English. But, she’s persevered and built a successful writer’s life working as a content writer, ebook...
Maximize Earning and Output This New Year with These 10 Innovative Traits
To reach your goals of writing more, earning more, and making better use of the freedom you have as a writer, utilize these valuable tips. Follow them and you’ll be ready to thrive and succeed in the year ahead.
The Super-Easy Way for Writers to Earn $1,500 to $5,000 per Month per Client
Social media writing is the core of a $72 billion industry, where demand for writers is huge and the fees you earn are off the charts… as much as $1,500 to $5,000 per month, per client. You can handle several retainer clients each month, since the projects are short and simple.

Documents 991-1000 displayed.

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