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Showing results 831-840 of more than 100 (help):

Easy Time Management for Copywriters and Other Freelancers
Roy Furr shares his time management tips that will help copywriters and other freelancers alike become more productive.
Here’s How I Seized the Day to Move My Writing Career Forward… And How You Can Too
When you're starting out, it can be scary to tell a prospect... yes, I can help you. But if you don’t take the first step, you'll be stuck in the same spot. Here’s how to move forward toward your goals.
Apprentice Yourself as a Copywriter
Don't label yourself as a newbie to copywriting. As Sean McCool explains, you are an apprentice.
Starving Artist, No More… We Write for Money!
There are so many options and paths you can take to make the income you want as a writer… You just need this one financially valuable skill.
5 Simple Ways to Prove Your Value to Copywriting Clients
It’s easy to show prospective clients you’re the best writer for the job. Rebecca Matter shares five simple ways you can prove your value and land the work.
5 Ways to Renew Your Enthusiasm for Writing
Are you stuck in a rut with your writing? It’s not writer’s block. You’re just not enjoying it. Try these five ways to renew your enthusiasm for writing.
User Experience Copywriting Gives Writers a New Way to Stand Out
Companies of every industry and size are embracing UX. Knowing how to create a good user experience through copy and content can open a lot of doors for you as a writer.
So Many Web Writing Opportunities… What Will You Put in Your Writer’s Goodie Bag?
Being a digital copywriter right now is a lot like being a kid in a candy store. There’s a wonderland of mix and match possibilities waiting for writers like you to choose what online copy and content you like to do best.
3 Good Reasons for B2B Copywriters to Learn Web Writing
Here are three reasons why all copywriters with an interest in B2B copywriting should also look into web writing — and a few ways to get involved with this growing and lucrative field…
A Content Writer’s Golden “Gap” Opportunity
B2B marketers had to shift from trade shows and in-person sales calls to online marketing. That created a huge demand for writers to provide the top content projects like the nine highlighted here...

Documents 831-840 displayed.

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