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Showing results 701-710 of more than 100 (help):

These In-Demand Projects Pay $3,000 up to $5,000 or More
Well-trained web copywriters are in-demand more than ever and clients are willing to shell out big money to hire you to write their most pressing projects.
Write Short Bursts of Copy and Make as Much as $92,000 a Year
The demand by companies large and small for trained UX copywriters is growing at a rapid pace. Here’s why writing small fragments of copy can make you a sought-after writer earning $92,000 per year or more.
This AWAI Member Already Earned Back His Investment with Just Three Clients
With Infinity Membership, you get lifetime access to every home study program… every business-building course… every book, every manual, every template, and every home business kit AWAI offers — now and in the future.
Living the Writer's Life: Eddie Stephens
Eddie Stephens had enjoyed fulfillment in his first career as a pastor, but after more than two decades in the field was ready for something new. When the allure of freedom through writing called to him, he dove in headfirst with a determined plan to succeed. Even as he made headway, a greater plan was in the works, and his niche eventually found him. Read on to discover how it all...
Living the Writer's Life: Cris Johnson
Cris Johnson’s life was nothing but fun from the outside looking in. But the reality of life as a magician kept him on a grueling schedule, away from his family, and chronically exhausted. The upside was that it led him to copywriting. Discover why pursuing the writer’s life won out in the end, and how he’s kept some “magic” in his life.
Living the Writer's Life: Jon Stoltzfus
Jon Stoltzfus was at the height of his career as an aerospace engineer, looking from the outside like he had it all: high-six-figure salary, prestige, and influence. But on the inside, he was miserable. He turned an eye toward writing but didn’t take the plunge till a major life catalyst nudged him forward. But once he committed to copywriting, he committed fully. Discover...
Six Fundamental Rules for Writing Web Copy
Follow these six fundamental rules for writing web copy and you could easily become an in-demand writer, commanding as much as $1,500 for writing simple product description pages.
A Ground Floor Opportunity for Writers in a $30 Trillion-a-Year Space
NFTs have opened up a BIG new writing opportunity. Train with web writing master Nick Usborne and become a Web3 Writing Specialist. You’ll learn to write captivating content and copy that piques a prospect’s interests immediately.
WRITERS: Your $407 Billion Writing Opportunity
Companies need writers more than ever before. Learn what they need, why, and how you can claim a piece of this giant pie.
Why AI Is Driving Demand for This Specialty in the Digital World
AI is going to be a worthy competitor in the world of content generation, especially when it comes to short copy or idea generation. But as a result, there’s a freelance position that’s actually going to be more in demand than ever, and that position is copyeditor. Learn more here.

Documents 701-710 displayed.

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