Results for email

Showing results 2511-2520 of more than 100 (help):

How an Effective LinkedIn Profile Will Help You Achieve Copywriting Success
COS member Steve Maurer passes on secrets for using LinkedIn effectively… secrets he learned directly from LinkedIn.
Alan Serinsky on Writing Great Copy for Supplements
Alan Serinsky shares his tips for writing great copy to sell supplements in the alternative health market.
Fitness Guru Matthew Furey Gives You the Secrets to His Success
In an interview, fitness expert Matthew Furey shows how direct response marketing works to build an exercise business.
“WAX ON… WAX OFF…” What the Karate Kid Can Teach You About Mastery
Jason Gaspero explains how the movie The Karate Kid can help teach you about mastering a worthwhile highly valued skill.
How to Write Catalog Copy So a Client Wants to “Buy” You
Will Newman demonstrates how to turn run-of-the-mill feature/simple-benefit catalog copy into “must-have” copy.
The Five Most Popular-and Lucrative-Niches for Copywriters
Copywriting Coach, Chris Marlow shares the top five niches for copywriters.
The Writer's Life — Wins Along the Way
Copywriting can help you accomplish a lot of little and BIG goals. Here’s how embracing high-level training and pursuing the writer’s life worked out for AWAI Member Steve Maurer. He shares four steps you can follow to do it too.
Key Message Copy Platforms: The Nuts and Bolts of How to Write Them
Learn the simple steps to writing Key Message Copy Platforms and you’ll generate much more revenue for your copywriting business—and become your client’s “content hero.”
10 Resources You Can Use to Become a Better Writer
To help you get off to a great start this year, here are 10 resources to help you become a better writer fast. You’ll be more organized and a faster writer.
How Long Should a Sales Letter Be?
Even in today’s age of the Internet, multitasking and on-the-go lifestyles, long-form sales letters still out-perform shorter ones. Mark Ford goes into detail here.

Documents 2511-2520 displayed.

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