Results for email

Showing results 2151-2160 of more than 100 (help):

What I Learned From Dan Kennedy About Price Strategy
Cindy Cyr shares the valuable lesson she learned about pricing projects in her freelance business.
How A-list Copywriters Stay so Productive
Staying organized is key when it comes to running a freelance business. Julie shares her strategies for being productive.
A Telephone Script for Approaching New Clients
Find out how to use prospecting by telephone as one of the fastest, cheapest ways to land new writing assignments.
The Most Important Copywriting Habit of All
Cassandra Lee describes how a daily writing routine contributes to her copywriting success.
Energy, Not Effort :: November :: 2011 :: AWAI
Sean McCool discusses the difference between energy and effort and which one is better for your freelance career.
Living The Writer's Life: Donna Kaluzniak
Donna Kaluzniak is the ideal example of someone who found the perfect niche and went after it. Once she decided to be a writer, she looked at her work experience… and thankfully hit on a topic she enjoys. Not only that, but it’s a highly-specialized field. She’s now making the most of being an elite, go-to writer in this niche. Plus, she’s a terrific,...
Get It Done Already! How to Write Your Very First Sales Letter
Penny Thomas used the sales letter assignment from AWAI’s Accelerated Six-Figure Copywriting program as a sample of her work, and landed her first paid assignment.
This Writer Launched Her Copywriting Career at Her “Day Job!”
If you're wondering how to start a copywriting career, you might mention your new skills to your current employer. It could turn into big opportunity. We know many copywriters who've taken this approach with great results, including Erica Groneman. Find out how she made it happen very quickly...
Using Common Sense to Start Your Copywriting Business
When you connect the dots between the need in the market and the services you provide, you set yourself up for great success as a well-paid writer. Ilise Benun outlines what you need to do…
4 Secrets for Writing Compelling Catalog Copy
Will Newman fills you in on 4 secrets of writing compelling copy for one of the most lucrative niches in direct marketing.

Documents 2151-2160 displayed.

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