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Showing results 1981-1990 of more than 100 (help):

5-Part Checklist for Building a Money-Making Website
By following a proven formula for making money writing about something she loves, Jen Phillips April was able to experience several benefits from her Money-Making Website. Here’s a five-step checklist so you can get started.
The 10 BEST Digital Copywriting Opportunities for Writers Today — Free Webinar and Q&A
The opportunities for digital copywriters are so vast - and growing at a breakneck speed – that, with the right persuasive writing skills, you could earn a great living writing about any topic you choose and specializing in a wide variety of project types. Watch to discover 10 of the best digital copywriting projects for new and experienced writers, alike.
How to Know When You’re Good Enough
Afraid your writing skills aren't "good enough?" Rebecca explains why a foundation in persuasive writing automatically makes your copy better.
Are You an Expert?
Being an expert is the foundation of a six-figure income. Christina Gillick shows you what being an expert is, and how to get there.
How to Know When You’re Ready for Your First Client
Guillermo explains how you will be able to land your first client.
Create a 10-Second Commercial Guaranteed to Generate Interest in Your Business
Cindy Cyr tells us how a short commercial can generate huge interest in your business.
8 Key Insights about Writing from Award-Winning Author Becky Masterman
Rising star author Becky Masterman talks candidly about the joy of writing, and shares insights on promoting your book once it’s accepted for publication.
The Only Person Who Can Really Tell You About Your Prospect
Demographics and psychographics are a good starting place for getting to know your prospect as a real person. But there's only one person who can fill out the picture completely.
These Potato Chips Launched My Copywriting Career (Seriously!)
Most copywriting careers don’t start with a HUGE project. Instead, little copy projects can be key to building your business. Ed Gandia reveals his story.
Creative Rules for the 21st Century
Discover from Herschell Gordon Lewis how the face of copywriting has changed in the new century and what you need to know to remain competitive.

Documents 1981-1990 displayed.

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