Results for email

Showing results 1831-1840 of more than 100 (help):

Why User Experience (UX) Copywriting Is a Competitive Edge
The right words can make or break a transaction online, and the UX copywriter plays a critical role by thinking through the visitor’s journey on a website. Learn more about the value a UX copywriter brings…
He Never Completed High School Yet Scored a Gig with a $150-Million Company
While everyone is emailing, linking, and sending samples to clients (all good things to do), most people are missing an important step. It’s revealed here…
Get Predictable Writing Income with Retainer Deals — Free Webinar and Q&A
Find out how you can land retainer deals for steady freelance writing projects — and paychecks — you can count on month after month.
Living the Writer's Life: Jon Stoltzfus
We last checked in with Jon Stoltzfus back in 2016 when he was still writing on the side and maintaining a full-time career as an engineer. Now, six years later, Jon has succeeded in building a writer’s life filled with projects he loves. In this “where are they now” interview, you’ll learn why Jon says it’s so important to follow through on...
How to Help Web Clients Fix the One Thing Many Sites Are Missing
One thing can change the way a website performs to bring in lots of traffic. If you’re able to help businesses diagnose that critical factor, and help them fix their websites, you can earn double paychecks in return. Here’s how it works…
An Easy 3-Part Social Media Marketing Plan for Web Writers
Social media marketing for web writers is a fun way to attract new clients… but you have to respect the medium you’re in. Here’s how in 3 easy steps…
Discover the Hidden Gold in Your Background
There’s copywriting gold in your background! Discover how to find it and leverage your experience as a successful B2B copywriter.
Knowing the Difference Between “Activity” and “Action” Will Help You Achieve …
“Activity” and “Action” might sound alike… but the results they generate are vastly different. Discover which one will give you the results you desire.
Living the Writer's Life: Peter Smolens
Peter Smolens fell in love with photography the moment he first saw a black-and-white print being developed. He’s also passionate about digital painting and even published a book on the topic. Through a happy set of circumstances, this love of art and photography led him to a career as a technical writer. Peter attributes his success to persistence. He draws inspiration from...
Living the Writer's Life: Katie Sanders
Katie Sanders has five young children under the age of 12, but that hasn’t stopped her from pursuing a successful writer’s life focused on helping nonprofits. Her writing desk is often the kitchen counter (while she’s cooking dinner for her family), and she thinks up ideas for projects while running around after her two toddlers. Katie’s writer’s life...

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