Results for email

Showing results 181-190 of more than 100 (help):

Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompt: Make Benefits Irresistible [video]
In this Write Now! exercise, you’ll discover a new way to take ordinary benefits and make them extraordinary … one of the secrets to strengthening the results of your copywriting. Watch this video by Sandy Franks, Copy Chief at AWAI, to see how you can create irresistible benefits and get someone to say yes to your sales letter.
Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompt: The Power of Headlines [video]
Take a trip to a local store and scoop up all the magazines with headlines that catch your attention. Model these proven headlines to suit the product or service you’re selling.
Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompt: Solve a Problem [video]
Murphy’s Law says ‘Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.’ And, it seems to happen most often on vacation or away from home. These events trigger emotions. Learning how to get past those emotions to solve the problem and then telling the whole story makes for strong copy.
Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompt: A Surefire Way to Improve Your B2B Writing Skills [video]
To start your day or if the creative juices aren’t flowing, follow Steve Maurer’s writing prompt to get yourself going.
Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompt: Sell It Like the Evening News [video]
Practice writing short headlines that grab attention with this prompt from Pam Foster, AWAI’s Director of Copywriting Training.
Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompt: Assessing Your Assets [video]
Put on your thinking cap to figure out what makes your product or service unique. Watch this video by master marketer, Brian Kurtz, to get on your way to writing strong copy.
Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompt: Your Most Powerful Tool: The Verb [video]
Good verbs infuse your writing with more spunk. Listen to copywriter and editor, Jennifer Stevens, and practice using your most powerful tool.
Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompt: Powerful Proofing Tips [video]
Use Nick’s techniques for making your copy stronger.
Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompt: Interview Someone Famous [video]
Practice your interview skills by writing a question script for someone you admire.
Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompt: Tell Me Your Biggest Fear [video]
Fear can be paralyzing and brings strong emotion to the heart and mind. Write about your biggest fear and how it makes you feel. Emotions sell and fear is one of the biggest. Practice writing stronger copy with this tip from Christina Gillick.

Documents 181-190 displayed.

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