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Showing results 1031-1040 of more than 100 (help):

Marcella Allison: Cincinnati Copywriter Commands Wall Street Wages
Despite naysayers and self-doubt, Marcella Allison held onto hope of a writing career. Find out how she used that determination to achieve her lifelong goal.
Sherri Caldwell: Rebel Housewife’ Reaches Full-Time Copywriting Income – in 18 Months
Sherri Caldwell was embarking on a second career, but wasn’t sure how to turn writing into income. See what path led her to earning money doing something she loves.
Pat McCord: Books Feed her Soul, Copywriting Feeds Her Bank Account
Pat McCord lives for writing books, but like most authors, books are not how she makes her entire living. To be an author, she discovered that it was really tough working full time in an office and then trying to write on the weekends. Find out how copywriting became Pat’s permanent Plan B to help pay the bills.
From Compton to Career Heights: Catapulting to Success with Copywriting!
Derek transformed his life after leaving a dead-end job in Compton. He now earns three times his previous income as a successful copywriter. Read his inspiring journey and learn how you can pursue the writer's life too!
Joshua Boswell: Father of 10 Tops Six Figures Working Part Time
It would take more than a decade for Joshua Boswell to arrive at a career that provided both enough money to support a family that ultimately grew to 10 children, and more importantly, enough time to spend with them.
Candice Lazar: Florida Attorney Finds Fulfillment – and Financial Gain – in Copywriting …
Candice Lazar liked her job as an attorney well enough, but knew she wanted more from a career. Read about the opportunities — and courage to start something new — that led her to freelance copywriting success.
Retire, Travel, Write: Sales Executive Discovers Work-Life Freedom with Copywriting
Jeff Stasiuk transformed his life after leaving a job as a sales executive. Read his inspiring journey and learn how you can pursue the writer's life too!
Rob Gramer: From Surfing to Parenting, Engineer Builds Life of Freedom – and Wealth – …
Rob Gramer no longer found the job he’d chosen as an engineer fulfilling. Find out how he made the change to a flexible, exciting (and lucrative!) career in copywriting.
Cyndee Davis: Nurse-Turned-Writer Finds Caregiving Flexibility
Cyndee Davis needed to earn a living while caring for family during a time of serious illness. See what led her to the career — and freedom — she was looking for.
Nicole Piper: From Zero to a Full Slate in Six Months
A job layoff turned Nicole Piper’s life upside down. But these days, she’s on track to surpass her previous income. Read how she built a new career and realized the writer’s life.

Documents 1031-1040 displayed.

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