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Showing results 1011-1020 of more than 100 (help):

Discovering a New Mission: 3 Reasons Why Freelance Writing Is One of the Best Jobs for Veterans with …
Looking for your next career? Freelance writing is an excellent option, especially for veterans who have experienced PTSD. With opportunities for therapeutic writing, flexible work arrangements, and connection with others, freelance writing can be a fulfilling career choice. Read more here.
Good SEO in 2022 Puts the User First
Effective SEO is about writing for both the search engines and the user. It’s writing so the user gets what they want (a solution to their problem) and the search engine recognizes it will give the user the answer. Six areas are key to putting the user first in SEO copywriting.
5 In-Demand Assignments (and Fees!) as a Video Script Writer
Businesses of all kinds can benefit from using video as part of their marketing mix, but many don’t know how to write captivating video scripts. There is a huge opportunity for writers who know how to write video scripts. Here are five different projects you can take on with this skill.
Why Good UX Is an Integral Part of These 3 Fast-Growing Writing Projects
UX copywriters write copy and content which focuses on user goals and the user experience. Here are three of the fastest-growing writing projects right now… and how UX is a big part of their success.
If You Can Uncover an Unusual Piece of Information and Turn It into an Article, You Might Be Awarded …
Practice is the best way to keep improving as an online copywriter. Follow the “client brief” to do this practice assignment, using tips from a master.
We Long to Belong — Why Community Is the Last Great Marketing Strategy
More than 90% of U.S. companies use social media in their marketing strategy because that’s where their prospects and customers are researching and making buying decisions. But now, prospects on social media are also looking for community and connection. Here’s what writers need to know…
Writer Confidence from Three Little Letters
Build your confidence from a concept that comprises just three little letters. It’s a big idea that can transform your mindset and what you accomplish. You should start using this tactic right away. It’s simple but extremely powerful.
The Leap and What Every Writer Needs to Know About It
First came the internet. Then came social media. Today, it’s “The Leap.” And with it comes a demand for writers bigger than we’ve ever seen. Learn what it means for you, your income, and your future as a writer.
Writers – Use these 4 Easy Tips for Getting Someone to Make a Purchase (It Starts with Being …
Prospective customers are more likely to buy from companies that answer their questions and show they care about the overall user experience (UX). Use these four tips to be a helpful guide in your content and create a memorable UX.
14 Power-Packed Writing Styles and Techniques To Dramatically Improve Your Writing
Learn the four essential writing styles, then fill your writer's toolbox with advanced writing techniques to engage readers from start to finish.

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