Former Hollywood “Insider” Reveals *Unusual* Niche That Can Help You Become A Professional Writer FAST
More than 8 out of 10 companies need writers to help with this — and are paying out $21 billion this year alone!
(PLUS: If you’ve ever binge-watched a television series or love to watch videos online… you’re already learning some of the skills you need to succeed!)
Hi, Rebecca Matter here…
In just a moment, I’ll introduce you to a former Hollywood “Insider” who is now one of the top writers in this *unusual* niche.
I say unusual because this kind of writing is totally different from anything you may have considered at this point.
Last year, the global pandemic set the wheels into motion with “The Leap” — where 10 years’ of expected ecommerce growth happened in 90 days.
And because of this growth, all these new buyers online are now making this virtually untapped niche one of the fastest ways to become a professional writer.
Now before I go on…
I want to reiterate this is NOT your typical kind of writing project.
This isn’t writing sales letters. It’s also not writing emails. Or even white papers or blog posts, or anything like that.
In fact…
You likely won’t be selling anything at all.
That’s what makes this so unique.
Instead, this is some of the most fun and creative writing you’ll ever get paid to do.
And like you saw at the very top of this letter…
More Than 8 Out of 10 Businesses Need Your Help With This
Because this is such an effective way for a company to get their message out to their audience, businesses are jumping on board in a big way…
A recent study found that 81% of businesses said they need this done.
And to do it, they’re planning on spending a combined $21 billion this year (that’s in addition to other forms of marketing they might do!).
But here’s why this puts you in the driver’s seat…
In order to do this fun and creative kind of marketing…
… and in order to do it right and get the most bang for their marketing buck…
… these companies need writers.
In fact, here’s what a quick search on the popular job site pulls up for this kind of writing:

As you can see where I’ve circled in red, there are 1,064 listings for this kind of writing!
Or here’s a quick search on another job site:

Here you can see there are over 450 available jobs.
And that’s just the beginning.
Because the majority of your future clients aren’t posting on these sites.
Instead, they’re asking their colleagues and other businesses if they know any good writers who can do this. Or more often, they’re asking video production companies to create these videos… only to find out they’ll do everything BUT the writing.
And here at AWAI, we’re also looking for writers so we can do more of this kind of marketing. It’s why we got in touch with this former Hollywood “Insider” and PAID him to train our in-house writers.
And, it’s also…
Why I Want To Pay You $2,500
Now, even though you’ll be new to writing this kind of project, I’m still expecting to pay you $2,500 for it.
Because as I mentioned, this is something we need a LOT more of here at AWAI.
Especially now that this is part of a massive marketing trend that’s only getting bigger.
So I’m looking to you and your fellow AWAI members to see if we can pull together a “go-to” group we can work with on a regular basis for this project.
This is why I’m telling all new (or even experienced) writers:
If you’ve struggled to figure out what niche to write for…
If you’ve been on the fence about committing to this whole “writing thing”…
If you’ve wondered if you can really do this…
Or heck — if you’ve wished there were some “other” way to make a fantastic living as a writer…
… look no further than this mega writing opportunity.
Set Yourself Up for Speedy Success… This Year
The main reason this project has taken off is simple.
The global pandemic has dramatically accelerated the rate of internet adoption around the world. By quite a bit…
Internet adoption projections that once spanned 5–10 years from now, were achieved within the last few months.
Bringing us to a new and major milestone in human history:
More than half of the world’s population — 4.8 billion people — are now using the internet.
This is what’s created a major opportunity for you as a writer.
Because if you take advantage of it, you’ll be riding the start of a massive trend that’s only going to get bigger this year and beyond.
Let me explain…
Care to guess what the majority of the 4.8 billion internet users do when they go online?
You Probably Do This Too
They watch online videos.
Whether it’s on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, a news site, or anywhere else online, you probably watch a few videos here and there.
And if you do, you’re not alone.
Research firm Statista found that 85% of ALL internet users worldwide log on to watch online videos.
But it gets even crazier…
People will spend 100 minutes every day watching online videos this year.
If you do the math, that works out to nearly two hours. Every. Single. Day!
Take a Moment to Do a Little Thought Experiment with Me…
There’s one final piece to understand why this is such a major opportunity.
And it comes down to this:
Studies show that people retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video…
Versus a measly 10% when reading it in text.
I mean holy mackerel!
Now let’s do a little thought experiment…
Let’s say you’re a big-shot CEO…
You’ve got this big marketing budget.
And, you’re in charge of getting the most bang for the company’s marketing buck.
Okay. So that’s the scenario.
Where do you spend it?
Do you tell your team —
“Hey guys, I want us to spend that marketing budget only in places where people are going to retain just 10% of our marketing message. Okay, thanks!”
Are you going to be the hero in shining armor and say:
“Alright — we’ll still do some print and text marketing, but a big chunk of that budget will go to online video. People will retain 95% more of what they see and hear!”
The answer is pretty clear. And now, this is where you come in…
The Hottest Writing Project of 2021 (And Beyond)
So let’s quickly recap what we know so far:
- We know there are now more internet users than ever before…
- We know they love watching video…
- As a result, video marketing is booming and businesses of all shapes and sizes plan on capitalizing with it…
But here’s the thing —
Any business serious about their video marketing efforts won’t willy-nilly create a video and put it out there.
Before the video even gets filmed or edited, someone has to think it through…
- What will the video be about?
- What is the purpose of the video?
- What kind of imagery will be used?
- What music will there be (if any)?
- Will anyone from the company be featured in the video?
- What are the soundbites needed to tell the story?
That’s where you come in!
Because there’s a specific document that needs to be created. It tells whoever is creating the video all of this information.
Think of it this way:
Before a contractor and his team can go build a house, they first need a blueprint they can follow.
That blueprint is created by an architect, who tells the contractor what goes where, etc.
In the world of video marketing, that blueprint is known as a video shooting script.

It’s typically a short document (just 2–5 pages long, depending on how long the video is).
And it lets the video producer know what to do.
Here’s what a typical shooting script looks like:

As you can see, there’s not much writing.
It’s got the script and what gets said in each scene…
It’s got notes on what kind of imagery to use during what scene…
… and it even spells out what kind of music to play when.
It’s a master document of sorts that makes the shooting of the video easy… saves time because you’re not wondering what to do next…
… and saves money, because you’re not paying a production company for extra hours to figure it all out for you.
Here’s an example of what the finished product would look like, after your client follows your shooting script to create their video:
From a Company’s Standpoint — A Shooting Script Is a REALLY Valuable Document
Because it’s essentially the video in “written format.”
Once you create the shooting script for your client, all they (or the production company they hire) have to do…
… is follow that blueprint to film exactly what’s been spelled out and edit it the way it was explained to do so.
THIS is the greatest opportunity for writers of ANY experience level today.
Because companies absolutely NEED this if they’re going to crush it on video.
And that’s why you can get paid some pretty serious money.
The best part?
Writing a shooting script is lots of fun and lets you really flex your creative muscles.
So How Much Can a Brand-New Writer Make Doing This?
Let’s say you're a brand-new writer and you don’t have a niche…
How much could you make?
Most videos cost between $1,000-$2,000 per fully produced MINUTE.
So if a company makes a one-minute video, it can cost up to $2,000 to make.
A 10-minute video? You’re looking at up to $20,000.
Most often, you’ll find that companies want around 5 minutes of video.
So that’s a $5,000-$10,000 budget.
Which means your fee to write a short five-minute script would be $1,250-$2,500.
And honestly…
If it takes you more than just half a day to write a video shooting script, you’re doing it wrong.
So to recap:
👉 You’ve got a fun and short kind of assignment you can complete in about half a day.
👉 You’ve got average pay of up to $2,500 each time.
That means even just two, three, even four clients could mean a significant writing income for you.
Here's the deal…
You write a short script where you write a few words of dialog (way less than a thousand words), then describe what kind of images, shots, and music to use… and like that, you just made up to $2,500…
And the best part… it's FUN!
It’s Almost Like You’re a Hollywood Director…
You get to tell the cameraman and actors what to say, how to say it, and tell the editors what kinds of sound effects and music to use…
And it’s really creative too.
And the really awesome thing is…
As you gain more and more experience doing shooting scripts and land bigger and bigger clients with higher production budgets…
… it’s not like your workload as the writer goes way up.
If anything, it’s still just as fun and easy to write this stuff.
Which means your pay goes up…
… but the workload doesn’t increase.
So it’s a VERY viable way to make really good money.
But honestly…
More Important Than All the Money You’ll Make Is the Satisfaction, Fulfillment, and “Cool” Factor You’ll Experience…
… when you see YOUR video filmed, and produced on the company’s YouTube channel, site, or on social media.
It’s like “HEY! — I wrote those words!!”
“… and I told them to use that image… and that music, oh my goodness!”
And the thing is —
There is SOOOO much opportunity out there right now to do this.
I mean —
Companies need all sorts of videos…
- Tutorials and How-To
- Product Demos
- Explainer Videos
- Testimonials and Case Studies
- Vlogs
- Interviews
- Brand Stories
- Video Ads
All of these need a good scriptwriter to pull them off.
Because there’s nothing worse than for a company to drop a bunch of money on a video that nobody wants to watch!
And truth be told —
You Get One Client and You Could be Busy For a LOOONG Time
Because they may hire you to write a script for one kind of video… and then be like:
“Hmm… you know what? We also need a video ad, a brand story, and a tutorial video for our main product. You wanna write those too?”
Now… let’s say you're a totally new writer… how easy is it to learn this?
The truth is, it’s pretty easy.
Even if you’re a new writer who hasn’t picked a niche or studied how to write sales letters or anything like that.
This kind of writing is only hard if you don’t grasp some simple basics.
And I’ve got you covered there…
We’ve brought in one of the top experts to show you how to do this.
In fact, because here at AWAI we’ve begun an initiative to start using a LOT more video for ALL of our marketing…
We’ve actually HIRED this expert to train our in-house writers on how to do all this.
It’s THAT important.
Because these days, people are more distracted than ever.
So the ability to be able to keep their attention is vital.
And it’s a skill that’s VERY valuable to a client.
That’s why we’re doing something VERY special here at AWAI…
We’ve arranged to give you a shot at writing one of these shooting scripts for one of the MANY videos we need here at AWAI.
And if we end up using yours, we’ll pay you $2,500 for it.
I’ll talk about that more in just a bit, but right now I want to tell you about the former Hollywood “Insider” we’ve brought on to show you how to do this…
Meet Andrew, Your Mentor

Andrew Davis is one of the best in the biz when it comes to writing video shooting scripts for the business world. And he’s no stranger to Hollywood and the film industry.
He was a former child-acting phenom.
He even made the final casting round for the LEAD role in the HUGE blockbuster by Steven Spielberg — E.T.

He’s produced for NBC and MTV.
He’s worked with famous documentary filmmaker Ken Burns.
You might have even seen him on The Today Show or read his stuff in The New York Times.
And — fun fact:
He’s even worked with Jim Henson’s The Muppets!
These days, he speaks on stages around the world and has worked with companies like Disney, General Electric, Nestle, IBM, FedEx, Prudential, and many more.

And for four powerful weeks… he’s going to show you how to do what he does… how to command top fees for doing it… how to find clients — the whole shebang.
📣 Introducing… 📣 AWAI’s Video Scriptwriting Mastery & Certification Mentorship

This is going to be a wildly FUN and profitable mentorship for you.
Because Andrew will show you his proven framework for writing video shooting scripts for clients.
He’ll personally guide you — step-by-step — on how to write these kinds of lucrative projects.
And his mission with this mentorship is to help you not only have the skills under your belt to write a kick-butt shooting script…
… but to also help you land paying clients and increase your income.
It’s really doable with this kind of project because it pays so well — and it’s the kind of project you can complete in half a day once you know what you’re doing.
By the end, you’ll have mastery of the video medium — which just happens to be sizzling hot right now and is only going to get bigger.
Plus, you’ll have a shot at a $2,500 payday.
And the best part is…
You don't have to be an experienced writer to do this. You can be brand-new and learn how to do this.
Because you do NOT need any kind of foundation in copywriting or anything like that!
You’ll work with Andrew for four consecutive weeks. And you’ll meet twice a week for a total of eight sessions.
In that time, you’ll learn everything you need to know in order to pass the Certification test and assignment to get AWAI Verified™ as a Video Scriptwriter.
Plus, you’ll get plenty of homework exercises to help you hone your skills in record time.
This way, you’ll know how to complete shooting scripts like a total pro.
And you’ll know exactly where to find clients, how to approach them, and most importantly…
… how to get paid!
This One Skill Can Hand You Multiple Paydays
Now, one thing I do need to mention is that even though you’ll learn about ALL the videos clients will want and need — and pay you really well for…
During this mentorship with Andrew, you’ll focus on how to write a Case Study or Testimonial video shooting script.
It’s the MOST common video type clients want and will pay you for.
It’s a SUPER easy project to complete.
And it’s one of the easiest ways to actually land clients for this.
But just know that even though this will be your focus throughout the mentorship…
… the principles you’ll learn will apply to any of the videos a client could possibly want and pay you for.
So you’ll be MORE than prepared after this mentorship.
With that said, let’s take a closer look at what you’ll learn…
Session 1:The Video EXPLOSION!
In this session, you’ll kick things off by getting an in-depth overview of why video is so in-demand right now…
… and why it’s only going to keep growing.
You’ll learn about all the different kinds of videos a client might want scripts for…
You’ll learn what a shooting script is in granular, breathtaking detail…
You’ll learn the two main production schools of thought when it comes to these videos… and why one is FAR more important for you getting PAID as a writer than the other one…
You’ll discover the four main phases of writing a shooting script — including one of the most fun parts, which is mapping out the DRAMA.
You’ll see exactly how to write the actual shooting script (which is actually pretty darn easy)…
And finally, you’ll learn how to package the script and everything else into a tidy document you present to your client (and then collect your fee).
Oh — and of course…
Andrew will give you a preview of his “Mystery Box” framework for doing all of this quickly and easily…
… so you can be collecting those $1,250… $2,500… or many times that for your shooting scripts like he does!
And that’s just your first session together…
Session 2: The “Mystery Box” Framework
This is the moment you’ve been waiting for…
In this session, Andrew will give you a deep-dive into his proven “Mystery Box” framework.
This is what will make the entire scriptwriting process EASY and fun for you.
You’ll also learn the “Curiosity Gap” technique, along with advanced strategies for keeping people GLUED to the screen by using emotional tension…
And of course, you’ll get all the worksheets and templates you need to make all of this super easy so you can write a shooting script in no time.
Session 3: The Nuts and Bolts of a Shooting Script
In this session, you’ll learn the exact components of a shooting script.
You’ll get a “full-immersion” into how to write as you speak, instead of how most people typically write.
And then you’ll learn tricks of the trade that took Andrew YEARS to learn, including how to figure out the music, sound, and voice-over elements for your script and more.
This way, you’ll give your client a COMPLETE blueprint as to how the video should look, sound, and feel.
Now I want to pause here a second and really emphasize…
It’s taken Andrew a LONG time to learn this on his own…
He’s been doing this for a loooong time, having produced for MTV, NBC, and even working with documentary filmmaker Ken Burns.
The only way you’d be able to learn this stuff, frankly, is if you’d have spent as much time as he has… writing and pitching scripts… and working with these top people.
Session 4: How to SHOW, Not Tell
By this point, you’ll have good working knowledge of what makes video shooting scripts “tick.”
And in this session, Andrew will show you how to be a kind of freelance Hollywood producer for your clients.
You’ll learn things like the power of shot selection…
… how to understand ALL the terms used in film, like smash cuts, B-roll, wipe, dissolve, match action…
… and much, much more.
Then, you’ll end this session with an exercise Andrew calls “backwards scriptwriting.”
Session 5: Nailing the Pre-Interview
In this session, you’ll learn how to conduct what Andrew calls a pre-interview with the “talent.”
In this case, the “talent” is the customer or customers your client wants to feature as a case study or testimonial.
You’ll learn step-by-step how to do the interview, so you make sure you get the sound bites and footage you need for an awesome video.
Andrew will even give you the email template he personally uses to request a pre-interview with the customer or client.
This will make you look like a total pro in your client’s eyes.
Now remember, you’ll be working on a shooting script for AWAI.
And because of that, we will go ahead and record a pre-interview for you, so you know what it’s like and you’ll have that listen to and use to create your script for this Session.
Session 6: Putting It All Together
Woo-hoo! You’ve made it this far and now it’s time to pull everything together to create your full shooting script.
This is where you'll learn how to build out a soundtrack to the video… and how to do something Andrew affectionately calls “trimming out the fat.”
Andrew will even give you a shooting script template you can use with ALL your clients, to make the process even easier.
(You see? This is why this is hands-down — the greatest opportunity for writers today. It’s easy. It’s fun. And it pays VERY well!)
Session 7: How to Package and Submit Your Script to a Client
Whew! You’ve created your shooting script.
You know how to handle yourself like a total pro.
Now it’s time to tie everything up with a nice little bow.
You’ll learn how to package and submit your shooting script…
You’ll know how to review the script and make sure it’s as good as it can be…
You’ll learn what questions to ask the producer or production company that will create the client’s video… and so much more.
And then, get ready for what’s next…
Session 8: Landing Your First Scriptwriting Gig
In this session, Andrew will show you how to land all the shooting scriptwriting gigs you want!
In fact, you can use his process to land your first client… then the next… then third… and so on.
Even better:
He’ll show you how to upsell this service to any existing clients you might have, very easily, so they’ll say YES most of the time.
Like I said…
Most companies and clients out there ALREADY know how powerful video is.
But the problem is, they don’t know how to create a video that’s engaging — that has drama… and has a “Curiosity Gap” and create true emotional tension.
You’ll be able to help fill that need and deliver HUGE value to your client!
A Total Game-Changer for Your Writing Career…
If I were a brand-new writer, I’d JUMP on this opportunity to learn how simple a process this is.
Because truly, video is here to stay.
Already, 8 out of 10 companies are using video. And they’re only going to be doing it more and more.
If YOU as a writer know how to fulfill this, you’ve got it MADE.
I mean — great fees, a LOT of fun, and flexing your creativity… and the ability to have true control, freedom, and flexibility in your life.
In a moment, I’ll tell you how you can enroll and be a part of this exclusive mentorship with Andrew.
But first…
I want to remind you of something VERY important…
You’ll Have the Chance to Get CERTIFIED
Meaning, you could earn your AWAI Verified™ Video Scriptwriting Badge which you can proudly show on your website or anywhere else online.
It shows prospective clients you know what you’re doing — and honestly, it also shows them you’ve been trained by one of the VERY best in this industry on how to do this.
Which is why this is so perfect whether you’re a new writer or experienced.
This is all about keeping people’s attention. Keeping them engaged.
And using many of the “hidden” formulas being used in Hollywood, even to this day.
And luckily for you, you have an “Insider” to show you how it’s done.
And I want to remind you that…
The best part of writing shooting scripts for clients isn’t the money…
… it’s the FULFILLMENT factor.
This is something you don’t get with other kinds of writing, frankly.
Imagine how AMAZING it will feel to work on a shooting script.
Get paid $2,500 or more for it.
And then a few weeks later, see it published on your client’s site… or on YouTube… or on social media… and seeing YOUR creation come to life.
Oh — and seeing those comments, like “I LOVE this!” or seeing smiley faces, or seeing people laughing and enjoying the video YOU helped to create.
That would be a really amazing feeling, wouldn’t it?!
Now, there’s one more thing you need to know about this mentorship…
You Get Direct Access to Andrew
One of the things we’re doing to help you on your scriptwriting journey is to create a Facebook group for you.
This is where Andrew will be available to answer your questions, see how you're doing, and more.
Ultimately, this is going to be a fun and happening place. You’ll laugh. You’ll share your wins. And you’ll help each other out.
And remember —
If at ANY point you have a question or concern throughout your time together with Andrew…
… head on over to the Facebook group and ask away.
He’ll be in there regularly to help you and guide you.
Because his mission is to help you become a WELL-PAID scriptwriter for companies large and small!
Plus, remember that…
You Could Land a $2,500 Payday at the End of Your Mentorship!
Because we NEED video scripts here at AWAI, you’ll be working on a script for us throughout your mentorship with Andrew.
Do the best job you can.
Then, once you’ve submitted your final assignment, it will AUTOMATICALLY be in the running for becoming the winner of the $2,500 payday.

We’ll reach out to you if your shooting script is selected.
And at our discretion… we MAY end up choosing more (since we need so many videos to up our video marketing game!).
So Let’s Recap…
In front of you is perhaps one of the greatest opportunities you could ever take advantage of as a writer.
Videos are HIGHLY in demand right now. And it’s only going to continue to grow.
As a video scriptwriter, you can help fill this need (and get paid REALLY well for it).
Writing shooting scripts has NOTHING to do with selling or traditional direct-response sales copy.
Instead, this is ALL about engaging the viewer and keeping his or her attention by using strategies like the Curiosity Gap and the Mystery Box framework.
Not only that —
But the work is a LOT of fun and takes just a few hours to complete.
Which means for a few hundred words…
You could get paid $2,500… $5,000… and in some cases, MUCH more!
Just think — you’ll have the tools at your disposal to create a six-figure career for yourself… without writing an ounce of sales copy.
Plus, more than the money, there’s the fulfillment and “cool” factor you’ll feel when you see YOUR words… YOUR ideas… come to life in your client’s video.
That’s why… for all these reasons… it wouldn’t be unfair to ask $5,000 to take part in this mentorship with Andrew.
After all, he’s one of the best.
He’s produced for NBC… MTV… and worked with many top people in the industry.
So you get to significantly shortcut the time it would take you to learn this on your own.
Remember, with this mentorship you get:
- Four weeks of personal guidance from Andrew. You’ll meet twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays at 11 a.m. ET, where you’ll learn this valuable and in-demand skill…
- DIRECT access to Andrew via the private, members-only Facebook group…
- A chance to land a $2,500 check when you work on the LIVE shooting script Spec Assignment for AWAI…
- The opportunity to be certified as an AWAI Verified™ Video Scriptwriter as soon as you pass your Certification test and assignment.
You get an insane amount of value here.
Especially when you consider we paid Andrew a LOT of money to train our own in-house team.
So the $5,000 I mentioned earlier would be a fraction of what I paid.
But you won’t pay that much…
I truly believe that EVERY writer — no matter what level — NEEDS to learn how to write video scripts.
Video marketing is where things are going long-term. Especially when you consider that with video, prospects retain 95% of the marketing message.
That’s a big deal.
And it’s why I want to make this as affordable as I can for you.
That’s why you won’t pay $5,000 for this…
Or even $3,000.
Secure your spot today…
And you’ll pay just $2,500.
(If that’s still a little steep for you right now… no worries. We’ve made arrangements where you can make easy, no penalty payments.)
This is the lowest price you’ll ever see.
And once enrollment closes, that’s it.
Any applications received after will be put on a waiting list.
Remember, this is a unique mentoring experience you won’t find anywhere else.
Just click the button below to review all your benefits and secure one of the available spots.
You’re Backed By AWAI’s 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Look — video marketing is only going to get bigger as time goes on.
And I’d hate for you to miss out on what is an amazing opportunity right now to get paid and quite frankly — have a lot of fun doing it!
So, I want to take on all the risk for you.
Sign up today and be one of the handful of writers in the country to learn directly from Andrew and be Certified as a Video Scriptwriting Specialist.
Attend your first session, on Monday, November 29 at 11 a.m. ET.
If by the start of the second session on December 1 you still don’t think that this exciting and fun new way of making a living as a writer is right for you, no worries.
Just let our Member Success Team know and you’ll get a full refund of every penny paid.
(We’ve also prepared a convenient payment option if that’s easier for you too.)
It’s Time to WRITE… Have TONS of FUN… And Get PAID for It!
I’ve seen what Andrew can do and I’ve seen the results…
So I really, truly can’t wait for our writers to learn what he does.
Plus, video is really taking off right now and honestly — here at AWAI, we’ve been wanting to do a LOT more video.
But we didn’t want to be random about it.
Up until now, we hadn’t found the right person to help us set our video strategy in the right direction.
But fortunately, we’ve found Andrew!
Which is why I’m so proud and excited to make this mentorship available to you.
Writing video shooting scripts is SUCH a needed skill right now.
And by getting in early before video takes over the world, you’ll be set to really launch your writing career into the stratosphere.
So if you’re ready to have LOTS of fun (and get paid very well to do it)…
I highly recommend you enroll today, before it’s too late.
Just click the button below to get started and review all the benefits you’ll get as one of Andrew’s trainees.
Secure One of the Available Spots

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI