Hi, Guillermo here.

Guillermo Rubio
You may have seen my name around AWAI as “G.”
I typically try to avoid the spotlight. I prefer to be behind-the-scenes.
But as a fellow copywriter and AWAI member, I wanted to share a big decision I’ve recently made…
One that I hope can also help you along your writer’s life journey.
Put simply, I’m about to do something that may sound a little crazy to some. You might even question my sanity.
That’s because I’m about to leave behind a safe and steady six-figure copywriting income — and instead will be doing something I never thought I’d do.
I expect this “something” will take me far beyond my wildest dreams… and launch me into a life I never thought possible for me.
And that’s why I want to share it with you. I truly believe it could help you too.
It doesn’t matter if you’re brand-new to copywriting or a grizzled veteran.
What I’m about to share could help you achieve success faster. I'm talking about the kind of success “A-list” copywriters enjoy. Big royalty checks. The freedom to write when they want, where they want, and for whomever they want.
This one thing can unlock your true earning potential… give you the life you want… and even do it all with less stress than you thought possible.
Sounds almost too good to be true, I know.
If it weren’t for the fact that I’m living proof, I wouldn’t have believed it either.
I’ll tell you why I’m leaving my six-figure income and what I’m doing instead in just a moment.
But first, it’s important for you to understand how I got to this point.
Meet My Mentor
I’ve spent the past three years working directly with one of the greatest living copywriting legends in the world — Clayton Makepeace.

Clayton Makepeace
In case you don’t know much about him or his accomplishments…
Clayton’s a 43-year veteran of the direct-response industry. And, he’s known as one of the best around…
He took Security Rare Coin’s monthly sales from $300,000 per month to $15 million per month — $180 million per year — in a single year.
He helped grow Blanchard Rare Coin and Bullion from $20 million in annual sales to over $120 million.
Recently, one of the online promotions he created generated revenues of $18.5 million in just a few weeks’ time.
Bottom line: Not only is Clayton one of the hottest-handed copywriters around…
… he makes more money and lives better than any other copywriter I know. He has personally collected well over $20 million in fees and royalties since 1995 alone.
This kind of success has catapulted Clayton to the top of the list of “A-list” copywriters.
And here’s the thing:
Clayton is not only a great copywriter, he turns copy around in an insanely short period of time.
A $1.8 Million Payday… for One Week’s Work!?
Just last fall, for example, Clayton created his “Convergence” sales page in about a week. It generated well over $18 million in revenues.
Imagine getting a 10% royalty check on that!
$1.8 million for one week’s work!
Even if you got a small fraction of that — say 1% — that’s still $18,000 in one week.
Earlier in his career, Clayton wrote the first draft of one of his most successful promotions in a single afternoon… sitting by the pool!
He was writing a direct-mail package for a newsletter called Health and Healing.
It was a HUGE success — his client mailed 90 million copies of it. At a royalty rate of $20 per thousand, that kind of win could make you $1.8 million richer!
In fact, in working with Clayton, I’ve personally seen him craft a world-class control-busting promotion in less than 24 hours!
Honestly, It Used to Infuriate Me
It used to take me WEEKS of agonizing in front of my computer screen to craft a promotion.
Then, right about when I got ready to hit “Send” and turn the sales letter in to my client, I’d see an email pop up from Clayton.
He’d be turning in what would become a blockbuster promotion; something he started AND finished less than 24 hours ago. And it seemed so effortless.
“How on earth!?” I used to think to myself.
That is, until I finally learned what he was doing.
In fact, it’s THE REASON I’m leaving him — and the six-figure retainer I have working with him.
Which brings me to why I’m writing you today…
I Just Told Clayton I’m Calling It Quits
Working with Clayton has been an amazing experience.
I would do it again in a heartbeat. He’s been an amazing mentor and I will always cherish the time I’ve spent working by his side.
After squeezing as many secrets and insights as I could from Clayton… and after learning his process for writing blockbusters so quickly… it finally dawned on me.
I can earn a heck of a LOT more money… if I just go out on my own and apply what I’ve learned working with him!
So that’s exactly what I am going to do.
As I write this, I’m leaving behind my secure six-figure retainer deal I have with him. I’m leaving the “nest” and spreading my wings. I’m going for a seven-figure income, just like Clayton. I'm so confident in what Clayton has taught me, I expect to hit that number faster than I ever thought possible.
And here’s the good news for you…
You Can Learn the Same Secrets I Learned From Clayton in a Fraction of the Time
You don’t have to spend three years by Clayton’s side like I did.
You can learn everything I have — in just a few days’ time.
That’s because recently, Clayton did something that completely surprised me.
He’s finally created a framework around the same secrets that took me three years to learn. He synthesized everything he knows on how to do what he does so well… and finally put it all in one program.
It’s called The Makepeace Method for Writing Million-Dollar Sales Letters in 7 Days or Less.
In my opinion, it’s the most impactful program he’s created to date.
In some ways, it’s kind of maddening. Remember: It took me THREE YEARS to get this same information.
And now, he’s practically giving it away in an easy-to-follow program that anyone can go through regardless of how much writing experience you have… whether you’re just getting started or have been at it for a while.
Your Roadmap to a Better, Richer Life… FASTER!
This program is the closest thing I know to having Clayton mentor you in person.
It’s like he’s downloaded everything you need and finally put it into a systematic, step-by-step process that makes every aspect of copywriting easy to learn… from what it takes to craft eye-catching headlines to writing the perfect sales close that always gets prospects excited to open their wallets.
In fact, even if you’ve taken other copywriting programs, whether from AWAI, Clayton, or anywhere else…
… this program helps you bring all that knowledge together, quite nicely.
Because in addition to giving you the powerfully effective techniques for writing copy, you get a framework to put them all in.
You learn how to think like Clayton before he ever writes a word of copy. In fact, that's one of the secrets to his success and what separates him from all the other “A-list” copywriters. As I told you earlier, Clayton is able to crank out blockbuster promotions in a week or less.
That’s why I firmly believe this program can be life-changing.
It has been for me… because I’m using everything he’s taught in it to transition from a six-figure income to a seven-figure income.
And frankly, it doesn’t matter what level of income you want.
What Clayton teaches in The Makepeace Method for Writing Million-Dollar Sales Letters in 7 Days or Less will get you to whatever income level you want, in record time.
That’s because the more projects you can take on, the more money you make. And the faster you can complete those projects, again, the more money you make.
The sky’s the limit.
You can use this information to get the life you want… with far less stress… with far less procrastination… and MUCH happier clients.
Imagine looking forward to writing copy every morning, knowing that the whole project will be complete in a few days…
When you're able to produce winning sales letters in a few days, it’s a whole different way of doing things.
And by following Clayton's method, it’s essentially rocket-fuel for your career.
How You Can Write Million-Dollar Sales Letters in 7 Days or Less
So what's the method Clayton uses to produce winning control after winning control in the least amount of time? And how can you replicate his system for success?
To start, Clayton will walk you through FOUR career-transforming webinars that give you a crash course on the exact method he uses to write a sales letter in as few as seven days.
Each of these “Makepeace Method Webinars” is designed to not only provide you with the foundation for writing sales copy faster, but also continually strengthen your copy know-how.
This was the best copywriting workshop I’ve ever attended.
— Donald B.
My workshop fee was realized in the first three hours. Value increased exponentially from there.
— Sean A.
The absolute best workshop ever! There’s no way to put a value on all the advice from top experts in the industry.
— William R.
The Godfather talking about closing the deal. Is there anything more to say? This is a session I will be watching over and over until it becomes second nature.
— Keith T.
Now, I should point out that the best way to get the most of out of each of these webinars is to do them in the order they are presented.
In other words, don't skip ahead to Makepeace Method Webinar #2 until you've gone through Makepeace Method Webinar #1. Remember, this is the EXACT method Clayton uses to write million-dollar controls. If you skip around or deviate from how they are laid out, it will just take you longer to learn the material and master his process.
Here’s how it works:
Makepeace Method Webinar #1: Product Presentation Magic. Clayton will give you the 10 key questions you must answer before you write a single word of copy… help you identify the key emotional benefits that will make your product irresistible to prospects… show you how to make your product as relevant as this morning’s headlines… and much more.
By the time you are done with this webinar, you'll know what emotional triggers will appeal most to prospects… the critical first step in crafting a winning control.
Makepeace Method Webinar #2: How to Read Your Prospect’s Mind. You’ll get a full set of 14 critical questions you must ask to fully understand how to speak to your prospect. You’ll learn how to instantly establish yourself as trustworthy to your prospect… what you must say to make this purchase mandatory in his mind… how to identify the objections you’ll have to overcome in order to make the sale… how to get your prospect’s own imagination working for you… and much more.
Makepeace Method Webinar #3: Beat the Blank Page Blues. You’ll get the prized outline Clayton uses to get a fast start on every project he works on. Then, using the work you did in the first two webinars, Clayton will walk you through the process of turning your outline into a research document… a rough draft… and finally, a strong first draft.
With this third webinar under your belt, you'll now be ready to WRITE!
You’ll see how quick and easy the writing process becomes… and you’ll feel far more confident and ready to tackle ANY assignment that comes your way.
BONUS! Makepeace Method Webinar #4: Supercharge Your Writing Plan. And then to continue your training, in about a month’s time, Clayton will do a live “Hot Seat” webinar where he’ll critique what you and your peers have written based on his instructions. You’ll see firsthand what works, what doesn’t work, and how you can apply these lessons to YOUR copy.
This Alone Could Make a Six-Figure Career for You
Through the course of these four webinars, you will learn Clayton’s entire process for writing copy FAST.
“The third [webinar]… was worth the price of admission alone. Clayton gave away and walked through his top secret promotion outline and process. I've already used it to scrub the final copy of one promotion and start laying out another.”
— Jon Stoltzfus
AWAI $10K Challenge Winner
And to make it drop-dead simple, you get his project planning form, so you can have most of your work done BEFORE you write a single word of copy.
What’s more, you get his tried-and-true sales letter outline.
These two resources alone could make a six-figure career for you (they have for me, quite literally).
You just go through the forms, fill out a few questions…
… then you just take those answers and begin filling in your sales page outline.
It really is that simple.
This is why Clayton says writing doesn’t have to be stressful. Never again do you have to feel overwhelmed or deal with the “Blank Page” blues.
Writing copy
— specifically sales pages and sales letters — does NOT have to be a huge ordeal.
You don’t have to take Hemingway’s advice to just open an artery and bleed all over the page.
If you follow a process — one that forces you to think in the right ways — writing becomes simple and easy.
You get right to work because you know exactly what to do.
That means you no longer get caught up in trying to figure out the right things to say… and you no longer have to deal with all the “what ifs” that can plague you with doubt, like: “What if my copy sucks?” “What if my client hates it?” “What if I’m picking the wrong theme?” and on and on…
You Will Also Learn from Clayton’s “A-list” Network of Copywriting Buddies — Some of the Country’s Best Direct-Response Pros!
As you might imagine, Clayton surrounds himself with some of the country's most respected and sought-after direct-response pros. I'm talking about top industry players who continually make their clients millions of dollars and who themselves make millions. And over the years, he’s become good friends with them.
And because Clayton knows that the best way to stay ahead of the curve on what's working is to find out what others are doing to generate multimillion-dollar sales letters, he’s asked his friends to help YOU.
After all, if you want to earn six-figures… even seven-figures a year as a copywriter, you have to know what copy tactics are working right NOW.
That's why I'm happy to say that in addition to the four Process Webinars Clayton personally put together that detailed his proven method for writing a sales letter in seven days, you get six more in-depth modules that showcase critical components and elements used by the best direct-response pros on the planet today.
Using any one of the tips you’ll find in these could help you write a blockbuster control that has marketers and publishers across the country wanting to book your time.
Take a look:
Module #1
Jedd Canty and Henry Bingaman:
“Secrets for Developing Million-Dollar Themes and Headlines”
In this module, Jedd and Henry reveal the secrets they use to select blockbuster themes for their headlines… and how you can too.
For example, they'll explain how they took one small fact about a tiny town in Australia and turned it into the theme of a multimillion-dollar promotion.
They used this same method not once… twice… but several times over. It's no wonder they are now considered the top writing team for financial newsletters.
Armed with what Jedd and Henry will teach you, you could write a major control that could pay you up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in royalties!
Module #2
Richard Armstrong:
“What’s Your Story?”
In this module, Richard shares insights on how to use the power of a strong story in your copy for maximum sales and effectiveness. Stories have been used for centuries to teach lessons and persuade people to a certain point of view. Use them in sales letters and you've got your prospect hooked. But it's how you use them that matters. Richard has perfected storytelling in sales copy.
No one does it better. Once you go through this module, you’ll know how to tell a masterful tale in your body copy that hits home with your prospects and leads to more sales for your client and more money in your bank account.
Module #3
Patrick Bove:
“Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt: Keys to Credibility”
In Module #3, Patrick breaks down in step-by-step detail how to masterfully prove every claim you make in your copy. This is absolutely critical in today’s day and age.
Your prospects are more skeptical than ever. And with good reason: The Internet lets anyone with a connection make any claim they want to. That can lead to high refund rates and keep potential buyers on the fence.
But Patrick removes the veil of mystery and shows you what it takes to convince even the most skeptical prospect… and gain their trust. These are the same techniques that Stansberry Research uses in all of their sales letters… and have used to generate tens of millions of dollars in sales.
Module #4
David Deutsch:
“Master Course: Creating Fascinating Fascinations”
David is a true master of his craft… and part of his wildly successful career has come from his ability to write bullets (also known as fascinations) that create so much curiosity… and tantalize so many desired benefits… that prospects feel like they HAVE to buy to find out what he’s talking about!
Just in case you don’t know, bullet-writing is one of the keystone skills of being a great copywriter — they’re designed to grab your reader’s attention and create curiosity and desire for what your copy is selling.
And David — being one of the best in the industry — breaks the entire process down and simplifies it so anyone can understand. This is perhaps one of the most comprehensive trainings on writing fascinations you’ll ever come across!
Module #5
Lori Haller:
“Copy that Sails Through Production”
Lori turns pages and pages of dense copy into beautifully laid-out sales pages that make your prospects WANT to read every word! In this module, she offers crucial design secrets to make sure your copy is laid out for maximum conversion. Design is something most copywriters — even some of the good ones — don’t give any thought to.
That’s a big mistake… especially if you want to write copy and have it go into production quickly. This is where Lori is a lifesaver and will show you the best practices working for HUGE controls right now.
Module #6
Clayton Makepeace:
“The Ultimate Close”
Of course, by now, you know my mentor, Clayton.
In this final module, you’ll discover how to close the sale in the very same way Clayton does in his promotions. This is probably one of the hardest aspects of copywriting to master.
It's what makes a prospect go from saying “maybe” to saying a resounding “YES!”
And while every great copywriter knows how to write a good close, Clayton is one of the very few who has perfected the art.
In fact, Gary Bencivenga, agreed by many to be the GREATEST living copywriter today, says this about Clayton:
"I will pay Clayton Makepeace the highest compliment anyone can say about a copywriter. He is a Master Closer in Print."
But Clayton takes it a step further. He shows not only how to close in print, but the necessary steps to close the sale online. You'll be surprised to learn the nuances involved for each format. In fact, Clayton created a unique diagram that walks you through each step of the closing process.
By the time you finish this module, you'll be an expert closer. It will show in your copy, and you'll be rewarded handsomely by your clients.
One more thing:
Before each of these modules, you’ll hear a special audio introduction Clayton recorded just for you. He’ll explain what you can expect from each of the pros… the best takeaway tips from each module… and what you should look for and use to improve your copy.
Make sure you have pen and paper handy, because you’ll be furiously taking notes!
This is one of the best – if not THE best – seminars I’ve been to (and I’ve been to a lot). It will change everything in how I write copy.
— Chris A.
Jedd’s discussion on the importance of research was an eye-opener.
— Sean A.
David Deutsch! What can I say? What a bullet-writing genius. Great presentation!!
— Rae B.
Patrick Bove gave excellent examples of credibility builders
and how effective they are.
— Cindy S.
You’ll Test Your Knowledge with Interactive Assignments
Now that you’ve gone through the entire program, it’s time to see how you do!
Let me explain…
Recently, Clayton held a small, private event for 50 copywriters… where he taught these secrets in person.
And many of the up-and-coming copywriters there had a chance to submit their copy to a panel of marketing copywriting experts (including yours truly) to be critiqued and improved.
Well, every minute of these “hot seat” sessions was recorded.
Here’s where everything you've learned comes into play…
- You’ll be given the copy that was submitted to the pros.
- Go through the copy and take as long as you need to identify the areas you would make stronger, along with your suggestions for doing so.
- Once you’ve done that, simply play the “hot seat” session that corresponds to the piece of copy you’ve just reviewed and see how you did!
Why are these interactive test assignments so critical to your mastery?
Well, it’s like the Chinese Proverb says:
“Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.”
By doing these assignments, you are using one of the FASTEST ways to learn this material and have it “stick” and stay with you for years to come.
Can All This REALLY Transform Your Life?
Rest assured, with Clayton as your guide and mentor, you’re in VERY good company.
Many of the highest-earning copywriters today have Clayton to thank for helping them along the way. Like Parris Lampropoulos, for example, who says…
"I had the great fortune of apprenticing with Clayton early in my career, and the lessons he taught me have earned me millions of dollars.”
Or million-dollar copywriter Carline Anglade-Cole, who says:
"To all the ‘Doubting Thomases’ out there, let me tell you this: I'm extremely fortunate to have been one of Clayton's Copy Cubs — that experience changed my entire career."
Then there’s Anthony T., who wrote in to say:
"Clayton, thanks to you, I’m literally making DOUBLE the amount of money I was making before as a freelance copywriter… and I will break the six-figure mark by the end of the year!"
And then of course, there's me. I’m living proof that what Clayton teaches WORKS.
After all, I AM leaving him and taking everything I’ve learned from him to create a much larger income for myself.
And it’s all thanks to the same process you’ll find in The Makepeace Method for Writing Million-Dollar Sales Letters in 7 Days or Less.
I truly believe if you take what Clayton has to teach to heart… put in the effort… and apply what you learn… you can absolutely transform the quality of your life…
You’ll look forward to writing copy and no longer procrastinate…
You’ll create a much bigger income for yourself, faster…
You’ll create blockbuster copy in record time… with far less stress…
And you’ll have a confidence about you… you’ll no longer dwell on the “what ifs”… and instead you’ll tackle every project that comes across your desk with a newfound self-confidence and enthusiasm.
Your Investment
I’ve spent three years of my life learning these secrets from Clayton.
And while it’s a journey I’d gladly take again if given the chance, I WISH this resource would have existed back then.
Who knows? Maybe I could have cut the time it took me to learn in half, or more.
Either way, you don’t have to spend anywhere near that much time. You could easily go through the entire program in a weekend if you dedicate yourself.
And frankly, it would be worth every minute.
Now in the past, folks have paid upwards of $5,000 to learn the exact process Clayton teaches in The Makepeace Method for Writing Million-Dollar Sales Letters in 7 Days or Less.
But you won’t pay that much… although I think that would be a more than fair price to pay for what this knowledge could do for your career… your freedom… and your stress levels!
When you join Clayton for The Makepeace Method for Writing Million-Dollar Sales Letters in 7 Days or Less you’ll pay just $2,495.
Order Now
Or call TOLL-FREE 1-866-879-2924
(Overseas, call 1-561-278-5557)
I don’t know of any other way you can invest $2,495 and create a return of six-figures or more per year, each and every year you decide to use these secrets.
To borrow from an old cliché, Clayton isn’t just handing you a fish… he’s teaching you HOW to fish, so you can go out and get as much as you want.
And because of that, he’s ALSO including some bonus gifts that will help you along your journey…
You Get These FIVE valuable* Gifts (it’s impossible to actually put a price on these) — FREE!
These are some of the SAME resources I’ve turned to in the past and they have been invaluable to me (and have saved my hide a couple of times when I was still green and learning the ropes when I’d just started with Clayton).
40 Headline Idea Starters

This is an incredible resource that will help you beat the “Blank Page” blues. If you’re ever stumped with how to start your sales letter, just open this puppy up and you’ll have 40 different ideas to choose from. These headlines are from actual promotions Clayton has written, so you know you’re getting proven headline ideas that WORK.
Steal These Secrets Volumes 1 and 2

Described as “the ultimate power tool for business owners, marketers and copywriters looking for the quickest, easiest way to spike response and instantly make more money,” each of these volumes gives you response-multiplying techniques that produced more than $200 million in sales. Exposed, dissected, explained — and ready to drive YOUR response through the roof!
You get full-color digital copies of many of Clayton’s best-known promotions — direct-mail packages that produced more than ONE QUARTER BILLION DOLLARS in sales… along with expert analysis on what made them work.
A Dozen Seductions, Part III — "End of America" Promo Analysis

This is your chance to get the inside scoop on Clayton’s analysis of THE best performing financial promotion EVER!
To date, it’s brought in about 750,000 subscribers for Stansberry Research… and Clayton has gone through and dissected the ENTIRE THING!
This is stuff that you can find nowhere else… and you’ll see what made this promotion work like gangbusters. Study it inside and out… and then use this same structure on your NEXT letter.
You also get a copy of the actual “End of America” promotion so you can study it on your own… follow along with Clayton’s analysis… and have it for reference as long as you wish!
Slides and Handouts for Every Single Module

You also get to download ALL the slides from ALL the video modules. Print them out. Take notes. And study and refer to these slides as often as you want.
Book Analysis: Gerry Spence’s “Win Your Case”

Gerry Spence is regarded by many as America’s most successful trial lawyer. This book reveals how he wins so consistently.
That’s why it’s one of Clayton’s favorite books… and Mike Palmer from Stansberry Research has ALL his writers read it.
Fortunately, Mike and his writers agreed to break the book down to its essence, and give you the critical points you need to know, in this recording.
Write with Far Less Stress, Gain MORE Confidence, Earn a Bigger Income
Armed with The Makepeace Method for Writing Million-Dollar Sales Letters in 7 Days or Less, you can truly write your own ticket.
You get 24/7 online access to:
The main training webinars, where Clayton outlines every step of his successful process, including —
- MAKEPEACE METHOD WEBINAR #1: Product Presentation Magic
- MAKEPEACE METHOD WEBINAR #2: How to Read Your Prospect’s Mind
- MAKEPEACE METHOD WEBINAR #3: Beat the Blank Page Blues
- MAKEPEACE METHOD WEBINAR #4: Supercharge Your Writing Plan
Order Now
Or call TOLL-FREE 1-866-879-2924
(Overseas, call 1-561-278-5557)
You get all 6 modules from top pros in the industry (priceless). Some of these guys ONLY did this because Clayton asked. They do not share their secrets anywhere else:
- MODULE #1: Jedd Canty and Henry Bingaman: Secrets for Developing Million-Dollar Themes and Headlines
- MODULE #2: Richard Armstrong: What’s Your Story?
- MODULE #3: Patrick Bove: Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt: Keys to Credibility
- MODULE #4: David Deutsch: Master Course — Creating Fascinating Fascinations
- MODULE #5: Lori Haller: Copy that Sails Through Production
- MODULE #6: Clayton himself: The Ultimate Close
You’ll also get the interactive assignments and the corresponding “hot seat” sessions so you can “check” your work.
Order Now
Or call TOLL-FREE 1-866-879-2924
(Overseas, call 1-561-278-5557)
You get FIVE bonus gifts:
- BONUS GIFT #1: 40 Headline Idea Starters
- BONUS GIFT #2: Steal These Secrets Volumes 1 and 2
- BONUS GIFT #3: A Dozen Seductions, Part III — "End of America" Promo Analysis
- BONUS GIFT #4: Slides and Handouts for Every Single Module
- BONUS GIFT #5: Book Analysis: Gerry Spence’s “Win Your Case”
Order Now
Or call TOLL-FREE 1-866-879-2924
(Overseas, call 1-561-278-5557)
You Don’t Even Have to Make Your Final Decision Right Now
Order The Makepeace Method for Writing Million-Dollar Sales Letters in 7 Days or Less today.
Take 30 days to go through all the material Clayton is giving you.
Put it to USE.
Watch as copywriting becomes almost effortless… your writing process becomes faster, more streamlined… and watch as your income soars.
And if after you’ve experienced it all, you still don’t think what Clayton is giving you is valuable… and could put you on track to earn the kind of income you want… and create the kind of writer’s life you want… then simply call Member Services for a full refund.
But I think that as soon as you go through even just the first part of this program, you’ll see the power it has to transform your life… and it’ll be a resource you go through again and again.
Order Now
Or call TOLL-FREE 1-866-879-2924
(Overseas, call 1-561-278-5557)
A Better, Richer Life for You Starts NOW
I’ve experienced the secrets in The Makepeace Method for Writing Million-Dollar Sales Letters in 7 Days or Less firsthand.
It’s why I’m confident leaving a secure six-figure copywriting income and going for a seven-figure income.
And these same secrets can help you create the life you want… a richer life… a better life… faster than you thought possible.
They will take everything you’ve learned about copywriting until now, and give you a process you can use to tie it all together.
In fact, by the time you go through The Makepeace Method for Writing Million-Dollar Sales Letters in 7 Days or Less and apply it…
You will be a faster writer — you could even match Clayton’s speed, turning out red-hot sales pages and direct-mail pieces in as little as one week.
You will be able to multiply your income by taking on more projects every year.
You will write more effective copy — stronger, more visceral, more complete copy that naturally drives response rates sky-high.
You will find that copywriting is far less intimidating and far more fun than you ever believed it could be.
You will have a leg up on your competition and be able to tell future clients you have learned from the very best in the industry.
All that’s left is a simple choice…
One that could change your life and transform it into one beyond your wildest dreams…
… Or keep doing things the same way you’ve done them.
Whatever choice you make, I wish you all the best on your journey.
Here’s to living a better, richer life… faster!
Copywriter and AWAI Member
P.S. It’s taken me three years to learn what’s in The Makepeace Method for Writing Million-Dollar Sales Letters in 7 Days or Less. You can learn it in a small fraction of that time. These secrets from Clayton have the power to transform your life in more ways than you can imagine. They have for me. And I know they can for you, too.
CLICK HERE to get your copy now.
American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924