Attention all unpublished authors:
Is There a Potential Bestseller Inside You Just Dying to Be Written?
Then don’t wait a day longer… because I can show you:
- How to Transform Your Idea into a Page-Turning Blockbuster…
- How to Connect Your Book to Thousands of New Readers Every Day…
- How to Self-Publish Your Way to Financial Freedom…
… All in just 12 easy to follow lessons!
Notice from AWAI's Executive Director:
I want to help promote your book! Writing and publishing your first novel is a BIG WIN… but selling it is also exciting. So once you’re done, send me a note and I’ll promote it to the entire AWAI universe. — Katie
Dear Friend,
If somewhere deep inside, you want to write the book that becomes your legacy…
If you’d like that book to pay for itself and fund the writing of your second…
If you’d like to join the ranks of authors whose words impact millions of people…
… by turning your unique life experience into a gripping memoir, or showing others how to achieve personal fulfillment…
… weaving a historical thriller… mystery or sci-fi novel… or young adult fiction…
… then read on.
I’m going to show you how you can become a published, well-respected author, even if you…
- Never got an English degree…
- Have zero contacts in the publishing industry…
- Feel like you’ve got virtually no time to write…
- Think you’re too old to get started…
- Or are scared to death of what the world will think of your book!
Because every successful author today has — at one time — felt all those things.
Take Gulf War veteran, Dave Pelzer…
At 34, he turned a life of abuse at the hands of his mother into one of the best-selling autobiographies of all-time.
It generated over $6 million in sales and allowed Dave to go on and write seven more books that touched millions.
Today, people pay $7,000 to attend Dave’s inspirational live events.
At age 67, Jennifer Worth decided to write down the story of her career as a midwife to some of London’s poorest families.
That book sold over $2 million, giving Jennifer the chance to turn it into a best-selling trilogy.
Later, the book was adapted into one of the highest-rated dramas ever in BBC history.
When married mother of two, Kelly Corrigan, was diagnosed with cancer at the same time as her father, she wanted to write down her childhood memories for him.
“I had the idea of self-publishing a book I could give him,” she said.
Those “jotted down” childhood memories ended up earning Kelly a spot on The New York Times Best Seller List… a deal with the same publisher as Tina Fey’s Bossypants… and a high-powered agent at William Morris.
So, what do this Gulf War veteran, nurse midwife, and stay-at-home mom have in common?
They all found a way to overcome the obstacles in their lives and write down every last word of the book they had inside them.
You Too Have a Book Inside You. How Much Longer Must the World Wait to Read It?

I’m Donna Baier Stein, author of the PEN/New England Discovery Award-winning novel, The Silver Baron’s Wife.
And for me, the answer to that question was 25 years.
But once I finished my novel, everything changed.
Critics raved, calling it…
“A fascinating read.”
“A treasure… strikes gold!”
“An immensely readable novel.”
And as of writing this, Amazon readers have rated it 4.8 stars out of 5.
Of course, I don’t tell you any of this to brag…
I tell you because the novel that changed my life forever, paid me the largest fiction royalty check I’ve ever seen in my life, and brought pleasure to so many readers…
Almost never happened.
See, I carried the story of “Baby Doe” Tabor around inside me for over two decades.
It constantly knocked at my ribs, begging me to unleash it to the world.
But I was too busy with my work, raising my children, and all my daily to-dos to sit down and actually write it.
Finally, I made the decision to put it all on paper — from start to finish.
And, once I completed The Silver Baron’s Wife and it met the world at large…
The final, most important piece of my life fell into place.
I finally told the story I had always wanted to tell.
And, to my joy, it touched many people just as deeply as it had touched me.
Today, I want you to step into that same kind of victory…
A chance to experience the fulfillment only a published novel or memoir can bring…
A chance to earn a living writing the stories only you can tell…
A chance to leave a legacy you can be proud of…
And I want to show you how to do that.
Because once I made the “do-or-die” decision to publish my first novel, I developed a “soup-to-nuts” blueprint to give other potential authors the tools I used on my journey to success.
And that’s what I’m going to share with you today.
So grab your calendar and put a bright red circle around today’s date, because…
Today is the Day You Throw Out Every Excuse for Not Finishing Your Novel
Tell me if any of these ring a bell for you…
“I don’t think I’m a good enough writer…”
Wrong! There is zero defined criteria of what makes a great writer. Writing styles are as varied as snowflake designs. Your voice — as-is — is what will make your novel successful.
“I don’t have time to see a novel through to the end…”
Even with small windows of time here and there — in the car, before the rest of the house wakes up, waiting for a doctor’s appointment — you’ll be amazed at how quickly your one-off pages will add up to a completed book.
“I don’t know anyone in the publishing world, so what’s the point?”
With advances in technology and communication, it’s easier than ever to get published and find an agent. Even if you self-publish, I teach you everything there is to know about gaining massive online exposure and free promotion.
See, any one of these limiting — and, yes, completely false — beliefs can trip you up… leave you frustrated… and cause you to bury that novel for another year or more.
But with the step-by-step training I — along with the help of more than a dozen successful published authors — have crafted for you… you needn’t worry about losing momentum or inspiration for even a day.
Because this program is designed to turn you into a master of idea generation… character development… narrative arc… revision — and, of course, promoting your finished masterpiece far and wide.
And unlike a how-to book, which normally only deals with ONE of these subjects…
Or glosses over each one just enough to whet your appetite, but not enough to make you proficient…
This 12-step immersive program is designed to take you in-depth into all the crucial aspects of story development, writing, and publishing.
Every single ingredient you need to take your book from a half-formed idea to a beautifully-written, published book.
So let me introduce you to what I believe could be one of the most life-changing undertakings you ever embark on.
It’s my 12-step program called:
“Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now!”

And it’s the perfect solution for you if…
- You struggle with sitting down and getting your novel or memoir started OR finished…
- You believe completing your book is an integral part of achieving your life’s goals…
- You want to make an impact on readers everywhere — by entertaining them… moving them… and expanding their minds…
Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now! will give you the habits, skills, and insider tips required to go from aspiring writer to published author in no time.
Here’s what you won’t get in Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now!…
- Useless fluff or cheesy rah-rah speeches
- Vague instruction
- Time-consuming, unnecessary “creative exercises”
Here’s what I will promise you…
- Checklists, steps, and methods you can follow to the letter
- Insider secrets from authors who turned their first books into bestsellers
- Straightforward skill-building exercises to help you sail through the writing process
Inside Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now! is everything you need to master the journey of writing and promoting your first book.
In fact, let me show you exactly what you’re going to walk away with once you’ve completed your fun and exciting 12-step journey…
Lesson #1: Transforming Your Mind by Developing the “Author’s Mindset”
I show you…
- How to literally hard-wire a “procrastination-proof” writing habit into your brain… (Page 5)
- How to turn your “Writer’s Brain” on whenever you want. This trick will get you “writing” for hours a day even if you’re not putting a single word down on paper… (Page 24)
- How to make your kids, chores, and television programs an indispensable part of your successful writing habit… (Page 3)
I also dispel some harmful myths and reveal the secrets of some of the world’s most successful authors…
- Exposing the myth of mandatory morning writing… How to succeed even if you hate waking up early or have no time in the morning to write! (Page 10)
- Successful authors write eight hours a day, right? Wrong! Discover the time-saving secret of writing only until your creative juices are tapped out and not a second longer… (Page 1)
- The secrets that doctors, lawyers, and corporate executives turned authors used to find time for writing outside their VERY stressful full-time jobs! (Page 11)
If procrastination and lack of solitude hold you back, you’ll definitely want to know about…
- The amazing invention that can kill your procrastination habit in five days… Plus, how to use this same tool to overcome unhealthy distractions and stop hitting the snooze button for good! (Page 8)
- No quiet sanctuary or alone time in your own home? No problem! Seven offbeat places you can go to focus and get your book done! (Page 10)
- Social media is a writer’s worst distraction, right? Not so fast… How to use Facebook as a daily “commitment device” to keep you on track to finishing your book… (Page 24)
After Lesson #1, you’ll have a complete breakthrough in your mindset… developing new thought patterns, beliefs, and systems that will make you unstoppable in getting your book done!
Next, I introduce you to one of the most fun parts of the discovery process…
Lesson #2: Nailing a Killer Idea
Your story idea will be the foundation of everything that comes after, so it’s important to give it some well-deserved attention.
I’ll show you…
- Two foolproof criteria that tell you immediately whether or not you have a blockbuster idea on your hands… (Page 3)
- The secret to creating a wholly original, breakthrough novel even if your Big Idea has been written about before… (Page 7)
If you’re still searching for that perfect idea, I’ll reveal…
- The “Master List” of 31 inspirational sources for creating killer story hooks… (Congratulations… some of it is already showing up at your front door regularly and you don’t even realize it!) (Page 13)
- Discover the “Murder Weapon” trick to coming up with 10 new story ideas in one sitting! (Page 4)
- PLUS — the one detail you must nail down before you waste any time generating new ideas for your book… (Page 5)
Once you’re ready to expand on your killer idea, I give you technical and creative “must-haves” that will make your research and writing process 10 times simpler…
- Hate creating rigid outlines? No problem! The easy “circular freeform” method I show you can get you effortlessly developing plotlines in minutes… (Page 16)
- The final question you must always ask every interview subject when researching your novel… (If you forget, you’ll be leaving pure gold on the table.) (Page 20)
- The one inexpensive tool every creative writer must own THREE of… (Nope, it’s not a writing utensil!) (Page 22)
After Lesson #2, you’re going to be so excited about your story idea, you’ll want to tell everyone you meet:
“Hey, I’ve got this great idea for a novel — and I’m actually going to write it!”
And that’s when we move forward to…
Lesson #3: Creating Characters Readers Love, Despise, and — Most Importantly — Never Forget
Your characters will live, breathe, and speak inside your head for as long as you write and edit your book.
You will come to know them better than you know some of your best friends and closest family members.
That’s why I’m going to reveal…
- How to skillfully create complex yet believable characters who are a “mass of contradictions”… (Overlook this and you could end up with a cast of flat, simplistic players.) (Page 7)
- The seven traits every great writer can recite about their characters… (And why it’s crucial to have them down pat before you begin writing.) (Page 2)
- A full-length “Proust Questionnaire” to print and hang beside your monitor… Complete one for each of your characters and kiss writer’s block goodbye forever! (Page 15)
I’ll also introduce you to…
- The two distinct types of villains and show you why the fate of your novel hangs on which one you choose… (Page 5)
- A little-known trick to stop you from wasting time obsessing over character NAMES… it’s a simple hint that can save you days of hand-wringing! (Page 17)
- The magical power of SECRETS… why deftly choosing what your character doesn’t say is just as important as what they do say… (Page 20)
BONUS SECTION! During Lesson #3, I’m going to introduce you to an advanced character development system known as “The Enneagram.” While not for every beginner, this revolutionary technique can take your craft from novice to expert even if you’ve never written anything before.
By the end of this lesson, you’ll fall in love with your wholly original cast of memorable, nuanced characters.
Which leads straight into the question… Which one of them will tell your story?
Lesson #4: Choosing the Character who Becomes the Linchpin of Your Story
Point of View (POV) is something new writers often take for granted (or overlook completely).
That’s why in Lesson #4, I clear up any confusion you may have before you pick who tells your story…
- Think writing in the first person is the easy choice? Think again! Discover why — if you’re not careful — it can become a trap for you and a bore for your reader… (Page 7)
- Can’t decide whether to write in first or third person? This chapter reveals which POV agents say has the highest chance of getting published… (Page 1)
Is there a “right” or “wrong” POV for your story? There might be, depending on what you’re writing…
- Plotting a sweeping adventure with an epic cast of characters? This is the only POV you can count on to rise to the challenge… (Page 13)
- Writing a mystery novel? You’ll want to know why this POV works better than all others to keep your readers on the edge of their seats… (Page 4)
- Interested in throwing out convention and letting your extreme creativity take over? Then you probably want to write in this POV… (Page 6)
By the end of Lesson #4, you’ll know who is telling your story… how they’re going to do it… and what it takes to keep their voice interesting and consistent.
And then, I’ll show you how to shape the rest of your book’s voices too…
Lesson #5: Writing Heart-Wrenching, Gut-Punching, Authentic Dialogue
The way your characters speak to each other says everything about them.
That’s why I give you loads of tips and tricks for creating breathtakingly sharp scenes of dialogue, beginning with…
- The one useless bit of dialogue — that when the novel is done — you’re going to want to go back and delete every instance of! (Page 10)
- Five foolproof tips to keep regional dialects from coming across as “racist” or just plain “annoying”… (Page 13)
- The simple litmus test that tells you on the spot when you need to rewrite dialogue… (Page 19)
By the end of Lesson #5, penning your characters’ lines will be as easy as speaking to your friends on the phone.
Next, I lead you through the creation of your book’s completely unique setting…
Lesson #6: Building the World Inside Your Book
Every great author knows the setting of their novel like the back of their hand — even if they’ve never been there or it’s a complete fantasy world.
In this lesson, you’ll discover:
- Tip and tricks on how to describe a foreign setting like a native — even if you’ve never set foot there in your life! (Page 2)
- Creating the essential “guidebook” to your novel’s setting — and why this might become your favorite part of the whole development process… (Page 6)
- Writing about a place you’ve lived your whole life? Do this three-day “awareness exercise” and discover just how much you’ve overlooked before… (Page 2)
- The four essential ways to inhabit your character’s body and experience their view of the setting firsthand from the comfort of your own desk… (Page 14)
By the end of Lesson #6, you’ll have your idea fleshed out, your characters come to life, and your settings fully realized.
With that work behind you, it’s time to let the writing flow!
Lesson #7: Lighting a Fire on Page One
You get only a matter of seconds to engage your reader’s attention, heart, and mind, so I’ll walk you through…
- Why finding a way to raise your reader’s adrenaline level in the first 13 sentences is key to making them hungry for what’s on the next page… (Page 8)
- The additional purpose your opening line must serve aside from simply hooking the reader… (Page 5)
- The two most common opening turnoffs that virtually guarantee a slew of rejection letters from publishers and agents… (This tip is straight from the horse’s mouth!) (Page 13)
- The 10 rules for opening pages that crackle to life and ensnare your reader right where you want them… (Page 7)
- PLUS — The eight deadliest openers to avoid like the plague! (Page 15)
Once your reader is hooked, it’s time to lead them down a winding path entirely of your creation…
Lesson #8: Weaving a Sweeping Storyline
For many authors, this is where they get bogged down and lost at sea. Not you!
Because I give you a time-tested system of checks and balances that will keep your story arc perfectly paced…
- Discover the simple and effective “8-Point Narrative Arc” the greatest stories throughout time follow to the letter… (Page 3)
- The 22 pieces of “anatomy” your novel must have to become a living, breathing world flickering with nonstop emotion and high drama… (Page 9)
- How to use the “Snowflake Method” to quickly transform a single sentence into a complete narrative arc… (Page 10)
- The four must-have tools today’s working authors use to map out highly useful, well-organized story structures… (Page 11)
Okay… you’ve nearly done it… You’ve written as far as your novel’s climax…
Here’s how to take it home…
Lesson #9:
Going Out with a Bang
At this point, your reader will be wishing for anything except for the book to be over…
But during Lesson #9, I show you the secrets to making your novel’s ending an event they never forget…
- The “ticking time bomb” trick that accelerates your story towards a deeply satisfying conclusion… (Page 4)
- If your ending evokes one of THESE four emotions, it’s a good sign you have a bestseller on your hands! (Page 8)
- Discover what type of ending your readers expect based on the genre you’re writing… disappoint them and brace yourself for bad reviews! (Page 14)
You’ve made it this far, so in Lesson #9, I pull out all the stops to get you past any final roadblocks…
- Don’t know how to end your novel? Don’t worry! This simple four-step plot analysis can conjure up a satisfying ending in no time… (Page 8)
- Why you might want to take one famous author’s advice and write the last page of your novel FIRST! (Page 10)
- Finally, the one eye-roll-worthy ending you should avoid like the bubonic plague… (Page 12)
And just like that… you’ve arrived at the end of that magical first draft. Now, in Lesson #10, it’s time to learn how to take that draft from good to GREAT…
Lesson #10:
Rewriting Made Easy
Don’t have money to hire a professional editor yet? Don’t worry… in Lesson #10, you’ll learn crucial editing techniques from the pros.
You’ll discover:
- Six proven ways to 10X your editing efficiency and get that novel out the door! (Page 14)
- The eight essential questions that determine which scenes your book is better off without! (Page 8)
- The six things you need handy throughout your entire revision process… (Don’t even think about managing it on your computer alone!) (Page 4)
Plus, you’ll know exactly how to turn problem spots into opportunities…
- Is your book WAY too long? Here’s how you can tell whether to cut relentlessly or turn it into a series… (Page 11)
- Three things you never add to your story during the revision process… (Plus, how to turn these outcasts into golden seeds that jump-start your next novel!) (Page 12)
- The “Parallel Paragraphs” exercise that identifies whether the story you meant to tell is the same one people are actually reading… (Page 2)
THIS is where most writing programs’ instruction ends… You know…
“Congratulations on finishing your novel. Pat yourself on the back. You’re done!”
But in Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now!, I take you all the way to the finish line.
The next two lessons focus exclusively on getting your book published, reviewed, and SOLD.
If you follow the advice I give you in the next lessons, you could get your book to the top of Amazon rankings… featured on podcasts and blogs… and distributed to every corner of the world.
I’ll show you exactly how in…
Lesson #11: Snagging an Awesome Publishing Deal
You’re about to discover how to dramatically increase your chances of signing with a publisher and landing an ideal agent.
Because Lesson #11 is an insider’s guide to what each of these mythical figures want… their average response time… and how to create submissions that knock their socks off…
In it, I share…
- Top resources for finding and signing with your ideal representation… (One resource alone gives you contact information for 400 highly-renowned, hungry agents!) (Page 4)
- The two query letter elements that — if executed correctly — could help move your submission to the top of any agent’s “YES” pile… (Page 5)
- How much money should a publisher pay you in royalties? See Page 3 for all the explicit details…
Plus, tips you won’t find anywhere else…
- The “When Formula” agents like you to use when summarizing your novel in a query letter… (This formula worked to land Robert James Waller a major agent for Bridges of Madison County!) (Page 5)
- Why you should never call an agent — Plus, how long you need to wait before sending a follow-up email to your query letter… (Page 5)
- The top seven indie presses most likely to give you attentive, hands-on marketing — even if you don’t have (or don’t want) an agent… (Page 6)
Lesson #12: Self-Publishing Your Way to Fame
You also may choose to self-publish…
This option allows you to collect 100% of sales proceeds instead of just a 10% royalty!
I’ll hold your hand through this exciting and empowering process, showing you…
- “The Self-Publishing Hot List” — Eight simple ways to get your book published and onto the bestseller list on your terms… (Page 14)
- How self-publishing your book could be a shortcut to your first million-dollar check… (Just ask Amanda Hocking, who self-published her way to 9,000 books a day and $2 million in sales.) (Page 2)
- A little-known trick to get a publishing company’s name tied to your book (even if you decide to publish on your own)… (Page 5)
- The amazing new avenue for digitally publishing your book with zero agent, zero publisher, zero money — and immediate access to a potential 244 million readers… (Page 10)
I’ll even show you how to ace “building” your physical and digital books, including:
- The real reason you need a long list of people to acknowledge — and the shocking reason this list is often directly tied to increased sales… (Page 6)
- Even if you’ve written the next To Kill a Mockingbird, get this one design element wrong and your blockbuster-to-be won’t stand a chance in the overcrowded marketplace… (Page 9)
- How savvy writers design their novels to help create buzz around upcoming projects… (Page 7)
At the end of Lesson #12… I want you to reward yourself…
This is the time to bust out that great bottle of champagne you’ve been saving…
To go out to the finest restaurant in town…
To spend a full day pampering yourself at the spa — even make it a weekend!
Because simply by following my 12-step Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now! program… you did it.
You learned what it takes to become an author.
You’ve taken the first steps toward creating your legacy.
And the dream you’ve always had is actually happening.
But there’s one more very important part of becoming an author that I don’t want to overlook…
Getting paid.
Now, I’m not going to make any bones about it and say that part isn’t very, very important.
Any paychecks that roll in after publishing your novel are what could pave the way for you to make writing your full-time career.
Then there’s Max Evans…
Now … these folks had a lot going for them including some good timing and good luck.
One thing that helps writers all writers is knowing from the start …
How are you planning to promote your book?
I want you to be a fount of ideas when it comes to promoting your novel … drumming up interest … firing up readers … and getting your book flying off shelves.
That’s why I created one more additional — and wholly indispensable — bonus for you …
How to Promote Your Book Like a Pro Even If You Have Zero Industry Contacts
Websites… blogs… social media… podcasts…
I’ll take you through each of them — showing you how to maximize their impact and letting you know which ones you can safely avoid…
- Why you need to be promoting yourself before you even finish your novel… and the simplest way to do it without sucking up your precious writing time… (Page 2)
- The six important pages your author website must have… Plus, four fun tools you can use to actively engage your visitors… (Page 4)
- The rookie mistake new authors make on Facebook and LinkedIn… all this publicity method will guarantee you is a lot of angry friends and connections… (Page 6)
I’ll also show you how to master the online promotion game for hot reviews, high rankings, and huge visibility…
- It’s not hard to get reams of professional reviews IF you know how… Start with these seven handpicked online resources… (Page 8)
- Can’t take a year to travel the country on a book tour? No problem! Learn about the incredible exposure you can get on a “virtual blog tour” — all from the comfort of your home office! (Page 11)
- The clever “Book Release Buying Party” you and your friends can stage to skyrocket your novel’s ranking on Amazon… (Page 21)
Next, is a bonus from memoirist, Lisa Romeo. Lisa and I shared an hour discussing Lisa’s journey to published author and secrets to her process. Get a glimpse of what it takes to trigger your memory to capture a compelling story or memoir.
Once You Finish the Bonuses, You’re On Your Way to Becoming An Up-and-Coming Author
You will have more insider knowledge… more strategies… and more technical know-how than 90% of writers out there.
Remember, you’re going to learn step-by-step how to:
- Cultivate an Author’s Mindset
- Generate a Killer Idea
- Develop Characters that Leap off the Page
- Create a Compelling Narrative Arc
- Write Natural Dialogue Effortlessly
- Choose the Right Point-of-View
- Make the Setting Come to Life
- Open with a Bang
- Give Your Readers an Ending to Sink Their Teeth Into
- Revise to Perfection
- Win at the Publishing Game
- Promote Your Book to the World
- Use memory triggers to write moving stories.
You’ll have a set of time-tested tools for every step of the novel-writing process.
Best of all… you won’t need to take four years of creative writing courses to get to that level.
I’ve designed this course to give you the tools you need to publish the book you’ve always wanted to write… and, in the process, perhaps become America’s next best-selling author.
So here’s the next question…
If You Could Squeeze the Juiciest, Most Critical Elements of a Creative Writing MFA Into a 12-Lesson Online Learning Program, What Would that Be Worth to You?
A two-year Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts (MFA) program averages between $27,600-$72,600.
Textbooks and supplies can cost $1,000 a year on top of that.
Not exactly the fastest path to financial freedom by any stretch.
And really… is an MFA a natural stepping-stone to becoming a best-selling author?
If you ask George R.R. Martin, J. K. Rowling, Danielle Steel, Michael Crichton, John Grisham, and Barbara Kingsolver — a group that has sold 1.7 billion books — the answer would be an emphatic NO.
See, not a single one of them needed a degree in writing in order to achieve monumental success.
And neither do you.
All you need is a toolkit to help turn the book that’s already inside you into a published novel or memoir.
And that’s exactly what I’ve put together for you with Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now!
When I gave an advanced sneak peek of the program to a handful of my author friends, they asked me, “Wow, how much are you going to charge for this?”
When I told them the price that AWAI and I had been kicking around, the most common response was along the lines of, “What?! Why so little? You know you could get TEN TIMES that amount easily.”
Now, maybe that’s true. They certainly seemed adamant about it…
But what kept coming up for me was this:
I didn’t want anyone else out there with a book inside them that’s dying to get out… to have to wait 25 years like I did… to put it down on paper.
And I especially didn’t want the reason for that to be that they couldn’t afford my program.
So we settled on a very affordable retail price of $479.
Less than a quarter of what just your textbooks and supplies would cost you during a writing program. Let alone MFA tuition!
And given how the Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now! program is designed to fast-track you to writing success…
You could have your novel published and selling before you know it, making every penny of that back before the year is over.
If You’re Ready to Say… “YES! I Want to FAST-TRACK My Story to the World!” Then, I Have an Unprecedented Deal for You…
As part of this special “Fast-Track Your Novel” deal, I want to let you in on everything else you’re going to get from me — in addition to the lessons I’ve just walked you through…
Let’s begin with…
“FAST-TRACK” BONUS #1 UNBOUND: Your 12 One-on-One Insider Interview with Some of Today’s Hottest Authors…
When you finish each lesson, you’ll get to cap it off by spending a full hour gleaning tips, inspiration, and hard-earned lessons from…
Look at this talented and successful roster of authors…
As a member of Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now!, you get their advice and expertise right at your fingertips…
And that’s just for starters!
You’ll also get to sit down “one-on-one” with authors Michelle Cameron on creating rich dialogue… Diane Bonavist on captivating opening lines… Judith Lindbergh on devising riveting plot twists… Lynn Biederstadt on writing powerful closing pages… Richard Armstrong on acing the revision process… Andrea K. Stein on using self-publishing as a ticket to freedom… and Carolyn Howard-Johnson on promoting your book in the cheapest and “funnest” ways possible!
With these 13 authors, educators, publishers, and promoters on your team, you simply cannot lose.
And with your Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now! program, you’ll get 24/7 access to my interviews with them.
So whether you sit down with a cup of tea and a notebook…
Or stick on a pair of headphones at the gym…
You can take your A-team with you wherever you go and soak up their invaluable lessons on your own time.
Today, you’re also going to get…
“FAST-TRACK” BONUS #2 Your Quick Reference Writer’s Library
Some subjects deserve to be within reach at all time…
That’s why I created a quick reference writer’s library to accompany your program.
You’ll get six digital reports outlining helpful strategies, checklists, formats, and techniques.
Simply print them out to keep in a binder near your desk for whenever you need them.
You’ll get:
- 31 Ways to Find Inspiration for Your Writing
- The 8-Point Narrative Arc Defined
- Beyond “Happily Ever After”: 4 Real Ways to End Your Story
- The Definitive Guide to Properly Formatting Your Manuscript
- How to Write a Knockout Query Letter Agents Will Notice!
- 31 Easy and Rewarding Ways to Market Your Novel
Now, I may have saved the best for last here…
“FAST-TRACK” BONUS #3 An Opportunity to Join the Online “Invitation-Only Writer’s Room”
This is where my offer to you today reaches entirely new heights…
With Bonus #3, your Writer’s Community doesn’t disappear after you complete the 12 lessons…
Because I’m granting you access to an intimate — and interactive — forum where you can converse one-on-one with your fellow up-and-coming authors in the Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now! program.
You can use this forum as a private, safe place to:
- Get instant feedback from other authors when you’re stuck… Deciding on names or titles? You can even create a quick, easy poll to ask others for help with those difficult choices!
- Find potential beta readers… A chance to exchange readership with other authors who need eyes on their works in progress!
- Join in on the “Writing Sprints” I regularly host… Free write for 30 minutes on a surprise topic and then share your writing with the group for a lively discussion!
- Hold yourself and others accountable… The Writer’s Room is a perfect place to either formally pair up with an accountability partner or request in the forum that the group hold you to task!
- Ask the group anything… Any hour of any day, the Writer’s Room is always open for you to ask whatever burning writing questions you have…
Again, this is not a bonus that vanishes when you “graduate” from your Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now! program.
By joining today, you will have access to the “Invitation-Only Writer’s Room” indefinitely.
There’s no charge to stay a member either.
Once you’re in, you’re in.
And it’s for this reason I’m extending you this very special offer today.
See, we’ve recently revamped the Writer’s Room to make it more engaging, helpful, and interactive for every writer that “walks through” that virtual front door.
And now… we need a brand-new group of committed, excited writers to help us make this space a true launching pad for the world’s next great novels.
I believe that if you are still reading this letter, you are among that group.
And it’s for this reason I’m extending you this very special offer today.
See, it’s been a while since we’ve opened up slots for new members in the program.
And I want to fill them with the hungriest, most engaged writers out there.
And because I want everyone who comes on board to feel this program is truly their “home” for writing inspiration and step-by-step guidance…
I’m offering you a 100% risk-free trial.
Try It Risk-Free for a Full Year

Take a full year, and if you find the Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now! program doesn’t suit you for any reason, simply let us know and you’ll receive every penny of your membership fee back in your account.
No university writing program on earth would make you that kind of guarantee!
But that’s how confident I am that Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now! will provide all the tools you need to fast-track your novel.
If for any reason you don’t see it that way, I’m happy to fully refund your money anytime within 365 days.
That gives you a full year to dive into the lessons, listen to the UNBOUND interviews, print your quick reference writer’s library, and take advantage of the “Writer’s Room” community — all completely risk-free.
So, I urge you to throw any caution aside…
Because it’s that same caution that’s held you back this long from writing that incredible story inside you.
Please… don’t let the days turn into years… and the years turn into decades…
It’s simply not worth it, when all the fast-track resources you need to Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now! are immediately at your fingertips.
Join now and you’ll get:
- 12 lessons of Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now! programming
- Bonus! How to Promote Your Book Like a Pro Even If You Have Zero Industry Contacts
- Bonus! Slow Down and Seed Memoir Writing with Memoir Triggers plus interview with memoirist, Lisa Romeo
- Fast-Track Bonus #1 — 13 Episodes of UNBOUND: Your One-on-One Insider Interview with Today’s Hottest Authors…
- Fast-Track Bonus #2 — Your Quick Reference Writer’s Library
- Fast-Track Bonus #3 — Unlimited access to the “Invitation-Only Writer’s Room”
- A 30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee
All for the very affordable price of $479.
So, please don’t wait another second.
Click the button below to secure your spot.
You have nothing to lose.
“YES! I Want to FAST-TRACK My Story to the World!”
Your legacy… your story… your personal fulfillment… and possibly your financial freedom…
All are waiting for the author inside you to step forward right now.
Come inside and let’s get your journey started.
Donna Baier Stein
Award-Winning Author
Creator and Director, Write Your First Novel or Memoir Now!
“YES! I Want to FAST-TRACK My Story to the World!”
American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924