The Writing “Niche” That Offers More Perks… And Has Created More Millionaire Copywriters Than Any Other I Know…
And Why I’d Like You To Email Me… Once You’re Ready To Start Your First Writing Project
Paul Hollingshead here…
I’m one of the Founders of AWAI.
But first and foremost — I make my living like you do (or soon will)…
As a copywriter.
Today I want to talk to you about a copywriting niche that has rewarded me extremely well over the years… in so many ways…
And opened up all kinds of opportunities for my family and me.
It’s what allowed me to forever leave behind my minimum wage job in a grocery store…
Move my family to a picturesque little ski town in Vermont…
And consistently earn at least $250,000 per year for the past dozen or so years.
Along the way, writing in this niche has provided me with some incredible experiences.
My colleagues and I have traveled to some amazing places —

South America…
A private chateau in the French countryside…
And dozens of cities throughout the United States and Canada…
All paid for in full by the clients I work with.
I’ve been spoiled and pampered beyond imagination, staying in five-star hotels and resorts like…

The Ritz Carlton in Montreal…
Trump Soho in New York…
The Broadmoor in Colorado…
The Millennium Knickerbocker on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile…
The Breakers in Palm Beach…
Nemacolin Resort and Spa in Western Pennsylvania…
The Cloister at Sea Island, Georgia…
The Inn at Perry Cabin on Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay…
Just to name a few.
One Florida publishing client even paid for me to keep an apartment right across from the beach and all my airfares — so I could come down and meet with them on a regular basis.
All Just “Perks Of The Job!”
I’ve even taken a Caribbean cruise on one of the most luxurious and prestigious cruise ships —
The Crystal Symphony — a trip I’ll never forget.
Again — fully paid for by one of my best clients.
But more important than all of these “perks” is how writing in this niche opened my life up so dramatically… and expanded my horizons, as the saying goes.
I mentioned the tremendous “jump” in income I enjoyed…
Needless to say, when you go from making no more than $40,000 a year to a minimum of $250,000 a year, some very nice things happen.

You can drive nice cars…
You can own nice homes…
You can dine out often, treat your friends — and not worry about the bill…
You can travel more. (We enjoyed that “working” cruise so much that we just booked our own trip on it — this time to Italy and Spain… )
In short, it lets you enjoy some of life’s finer things.
But remember…
$250,000 is the least I’ve made in a year over the past decade.
I’ve had many far better years — including the last five years where I netted over a half a million dollars.
Funny thing is — I didn’t really “work” any harder. The market just keeps getting bigger and bigger…
And big fat royalty checks kept rolling in.
Here’s one of my most recent payments. It’s a screenshot of the actual deposit the company made to my bank account:
A tad over $78,000…
Not too bad.
I used part of that money to go on a Safari in Kenya. I flew first class and bought a fancy new state of the art camera so I could take lots of pictures.
Before that, I was paid this:
I used that to go on a different trip — this time a 10-day get-away to a luxurious resort in Mexico with friends to escape winter for a while.
I didn’t write any new letters last summer, but I still got this payment:
… probably from some letters of mine that were still in the mail.
Just before that one I got my biggest royalty payment to date:
Imagine opening your bank account one day and seeing a $184,000 deposit — just like that!
That payout beat my previous highest from a year ago by quite a bit.
And then, there are all the other smaller automatic deposits I’ve received — sometimes “out of the blue”.
Like these automatic deposits I’ve received over that several months:
And remember…
These deposits are in addition to the five-figure monthly retainer to actually write the letters!
I hope you don't think I’m bragging by showing you these.
I just want you to see just how big the opportunity is here, once you’re able to write a successful letter in my niche of the copywriting world.
Can you imagine how fun it is to have “bonus” checks like these appear in your bank account every few months…
Just for writing letters?!
Now, here’s the surprising part…
“The folks at AWAI always talk about me as an “expert” — and I do know my stuff.
But I’m not the greatest copywriter there is. There are lots of people who are better writers than me.
Nor am I the most ambitious.
In fact, I’m a relative “lightweight” when compared to the money you can make in this niche.
I know colleagues of mine — people who have been in the business less time than I have — who are routinely making between $700,000 and over a million a year!
Jerrod, one of the best new writers I know had to have made over a million dollars last year based on the results from the letters he wrote.
And Jedd Canty — who works alongside Jerrod — definitely made well over a million. (Remember those names — because as I’ll show you in a minute, they’d like to introduce you to this writing niche as well… )
Now, could I make that kind of money consistently if I worked harder?
But more than anything, I cherish the time and the freedom writing for this niche gives me.
A Life Well-Lived
You know what I’m talking about…
The ability to “blow off” a day of work whenever I want to…
Take a four-day weekend every month or so…
Travel to New York City to try a new restaurant or see the latest Broadway show and stay overnight in
a fancy hotel…
Play golf any time I want…
Hop on our boat, moored off our back yard on Lake Champlain, in Vermont…
Take off on little adventures.
For example, my son and I are big Bruce Springsteen fans. I remember when he was touring one year, we’d make a point to take overnight road trips to see him together — whenever he was nearby: Boston, New York, Toronto, New Jersey…
We had a blast!
It’s fun to be able to indulge in these “guilty pleasures”…
Like when we head over to historic Saratoga Racetrack in the summertime… bet on the thoroughbreds there… inevitably lose… and not really worry too much about it!
Or be able to keep an apartment in my hometown of Toronto, where I can spend time with family and reconnect with old friends.
I think you’re getting my point…
As a copywriter, you have an opportunity to enjoy an enormous amount of freedom…
But in no other niche can you have that freedom AND the opportunity to make so much money than in the niche I specialize in…
Financial Copywriting.
That’s why I’d like to tell you more about it today.
Help you get to know what’s involved in writing financial copy… and even take the time to help you with your first meaningful assignment when you’re ready.
I’ll tell you my plan for that in a minute…
But first, it’s important that you know why this niche pays so well.
It all comes down to two things:
The Market…
And the demand for marketing content.
Fact is, this is one of the biggest, if not the biggest market in direct response…
Certainly it’s the biggest in the realm of information publishing — and the most responsive.
I’ve been writing for the financial niche for over 20 years now…
And every year, it keeps getting bigger… and bigger and bigger.
It’s like your customers can’t get enough of what you’re selling!
And they love new ideas.
If you’re good at research and finding new ideas — you can be a GREAT financial copywriter.
I’ll tell you more about this in a minute…
Little Supply — High Demand
But the other reason this niche can be so lucrative is because of the basic rules of “supply and demand.”
There simply aren’t nearly enough copywriters available to write the backlog of promotions waiting to be written!
This is not a “new” problem.
It’s been that way ever since I started in this business.
In fact, one of the reasons we started AWAI was to train and recruit writers to write for this niche… and that was more than 20 years ago now!
Yet despite all the wonderful copywriters we’ve helped train — some who are making in excess of $500,000 writing copy — we still need copywriters!
Especially in this niche.
I attribute this to two things…
Some copywriters are intimidated by financial copywriting because they think it’s too complicated… that there’s too much to learn.
When I started out, I didn’t know a single thing about it — not even the basics.
I’d never bought a stock. I didn't know what a bond was.
Everything was new to me.
But I learned very quickly that a certain amount of “ignorance” can actually work to your advantage. Why?
Because in my case, I didn’t have any preconceived notions about what this niche was about, so I was open to new ideas.
Plus, because I wasn’t an “expert,” I was able to speak to the audience at “eye level” as they say — and not talk in a voice that was over their heads like so many experienced professionals would tend to do.
A Demand That Can Never Be Met
The second reason demand is so high in this niche is the Internet.
The Internet has been a huge boon to the direct-response industry in general… and my niche especially.
Copywriters should thank the Good Lord for the Internet each and every day. We had it good before it came along…
But when people started buying things online, it transformed our industry.
Billions of dollars were saved in postage.
Billions more were saved on paper and printing and with the lettershops, whose job it was to stuff everything in envelopes and transport it all the mailing centers.
Now it’s possible for companies to send millions of marketing promotions, with only the click of a button… whenever they want… at zero mailing cost.
You know what that means…
It means marketers can test and run more sales letters…
And all that money saved? They can now spend on you, the copywriter!
Bottom line: Thanks to the Internet and how much easier and cheaper it is for companies to get their sales messages out, I don’t think there can ever be enough writers to fill the demand for letters that need to be written for the financial niche…
Even if every AWAI member reading this letter decides to start writing for it!
Mike Palmer, a great financial copywriter who heads up all the copywriting efforts for one of the biggest and most successful financial publishers in our industry — Stanberry & Associates — says he’s constantly on the lookout for new copywriters.
“Can never have enough” he always says…
Here’s what he said recently about the “problem” of finding writers:
“I don’t know of a more in-demand job in the world than direct marketing copywriters. Ask the head of just about any business in this industry what their #1 problem is, and 9 times out of 10 they will tell you they need copywriters.
If you can write decent copy you will never, ever have to look for work again. People will be beating down your door to get you work for them. It’s a great feeling to know your skills are in that much demand.”
Every financial publisher I’ve worked with — and I literally mean EVERY-SINGLE-ONE…
Is constantly on the lookout for more and more writers. Why?
Because there’s an unlimited amount of copy to be written!
So maybe you’re wondering… what is financial copywriting all about? Can I do it? And how to I get into it.
Simply put, you will write promotions that sell products that offer independent financial advice and stock recommendations — everything from $49 per year newsletters to $5,000 specialty research services.
When I tell people — even some fellow copywriters — I write for the financial industry — you can practically see the question coming…
“Isn’t that hard?” they inevitably ask.
I have the same response each time: “To me, it’s a lot easier showing people how they can become wealthier than, say, getting them to donate money or try some holistic health remedy…”
And it’s true.
Becoming wealthier and more financially secure is a universal desire. Everyone wants it. And most people aren’t as wealthy as they want (or need) to be!
Something else I say…
As a financial copywriter, you’re not writing about complicated financial matters. Yes, you have to “talk” the terminology to some degree. But that’s easily learned…
What you’re really selling is the promise of added wealth… a better lifestyle… more security.
And what could be better evidence of the demand than the millions of financial product buyers — many of who subscribe to dozens of publications at a time!
An Unquenchable Thirst
The demand for independent financial advice has always been strong, with independent investment gurus offering stock advice since the 1950s…
But it absolutely boomed with the emergence of online brokerage houses in the mid-1990s — when people who had never traded a stock in their lives were now buying and selling stocks with the click of a mouse.
Today, the numbers are “off the charts.”
I’ve seen financial promotions generate over $10 million in sales in a 24-hour period.
Just the company I write for has averaged over $2 million in financial newsletter subscription sales…
Per day!
Think about that…
That’s over $730 million in potential sales per year.
The copywriter’s share of that could be as much as $30 million…
And, that’s not counting the roughly $154 million the company sells in lower-priced “front end” subscriptions per year…
Of which copywriters can be entitled to another $10 million.
So, that’s $40 million in potential royalties…
Not counting retainers and writing fees.
And remember…
That’s just one company!
Industry-wide, thousands of financial newsletters are published in the United States every month — and every one of them needs to be promoted to potential readers.
They range in size and scope from small, independent firms that publish few different letters…
To investment clubs like The Oxford Club with 10 or so publications…
To organizations with a global reach like Agora, Inc., which publishes hundreds of newsletters, reaching millions of international readers.
Add to that other financial products and services sold by direct response, including financial seminars, credit cards, newspapers (e.g., Barron’s and The Wall Street Journal), magazines, financial software, insurance, and more…
And these days, many publicly-traded corporations, mutual funds, mortgage brokers, and rare-coin dealers now use direct marketing to attract investors, clients, and customers.
I think you’re getting the picture here.
This is a HUGE market with endless possibilities for anyone who knows how to write a letter that appeals to the financial buyer.
So my offer to you today is very simple.
If the kind of opportunity and lifestyle I’ve described so far interests you…
I’d Like To Help You…
And if you’re willing to make the investment and take the time to learn the basic skills needed to become a successful financial writer…
I’d like to help you get your start…
Just like Mark Ford, Bill Bonner and so many others helped me years ago when I was first starting out.
I’ll tell you what I think I can do to help you “kick-start” your financial writing career in a moment…
I’ll also show you how to gain the basic skills very quickly… and give you a “snapshot lesson” in financial writing…
Just so you can get a taste if it’s right for you or not.
Because let’s face it…
The reason you want to become a successful copywriter — beyond the money and freedom it can give you — is so you can wake up inspired and enjoy new challenges every day.
So let’s find out right now…
Does writing for the financial niche suit you?
Do You Have These Traits?
Over the years, I’ve hired and worked with dozens of new financial copywriters. And I’ve spoken with others who have as well — Mark Ford among them… and Mike Palmer, who has assembled arguably the best copywriting team on the planet.
Here are the traits that seem to apply to successful financial writers:
They’re intrigued by the selling process. Do you sometimes find yourself unable to switch off those crazy TV infomercials? I know I’m intrigued by them. And, as it turns out, so are many people who write successful copy.
They love to read and write… and have an interest in a broad range of subjects and media: books, movies, documentaries — all kinds of information.
They’re motivated by money and have a competitive streak. A-level copy can make a lot of money. We’re talking millions. Great copywriters I know love to make money… and love the challenge of beating that existing control.
They have “winning” attitudes. They’re positive… they want and can take direction and constructive criticism. And most importantly: They’re willing and very eager to learn.
If these describe you, then you’re the ideal candidate to become a high-level financial copywriter.
And notice none of these said: “have a lot of financial experience”…
Or a college degree…
Or any kind of “formal” education for that matter.
That’s the great thing about copywriting in general and the financial niche specifically…
All you really need is a desire to learn it and you can do it!
So if you love to really sink your teeth into exciting projects…
If you love learning about new products that dynamic, innovative companies are developing…
If you’re excited to learn the inner workings of the stock market — and the myriad of ways Wall Street Insiders and professional investors make millions from it…
If you enjoy working every day with smart people who can teach you great and useful things about the markets and investing…
If you love the idea of teaming up with investment pros and marketers to brainstorm new ideas (often in exotic places… )
Then I’m certain writing for the financial market is for you.
All You Need Is The Desire To Learn It…
But where do you begin? How does an outsider like you “break in” to this very lucrative market?
Of course, the first step is to understand the market.
Like any niche, there’s a formula that works — a way of talking to its audience… marketing techniques that work (and don’t work)… a structure to the sales process.
Here at AWAI, we regularly update all of our programs to offer you the most up-to-date trends and techniques in the industry. The latest version of our long popular financial niche specialty program is called …
Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls …
Nowhere on earth will you find a program so targeted to the lucrative financial niche with such up-to-date and relevant information.
It features the combined secrets of many of the great financial copywriters in the world — Mike Palmer, Mark Ford, Bill Bonner, Clayton Makepeace, Jay Abraham, Aaron DeHoog… just to name a few.
It’s been written to take you from where you may be right now: an aspiring writer with little or no understanding of the financial copywriting market…
To someone who can compete with any A-level financial writer working today.
You’ll learn how to do the research…
How to come up with the kind of captivating ideas financial readers love…
You’ll learn what works and what doesn't in financial copy leads…
The six different kinds of proven financial headlines to choose from…
How to incorporate powerful track record elements into your letters…
Where to look to find powerful endorsements…
How to write world-class bios for your financial experts…
What makes for great financial offers…
Guarantees that can clinch the deal…
And much, much more.
Plus, Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls is a “living” program… which means its content, and what you learn, evolves and grows with the market itself.
This is very important because, more-so than most markets, the financial newsletter market is ever-changing.
Investments vehicles go in and out of vogue.
In “hot” markets, people want big gains from stocks.
In “down” markets, people are more concerned with safety and “income” oriented advice.
Right now, investment “systems” are all the rage. Tomorrow… who knows? Market tastes are constantly changing.
Marketing techniques constantly evolve as well.
A copywriting technique that might have worked a year ago might have “worn itself out” in the market by today.
With Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls, you never have to be worried about being “behind the times”
That’s because this program is offered entirely “online,” it’s 100% organic — which means we can revise it and add valuable content to it any time.
So if there’s a new technique that’s working in the market now, we can add a new section on it — and load it up with current examples.
For example, we recently added an exciting NEW element to Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls — and you can be among the first to see it.
It’s from Jedd Canty, one of the “million-dollar copywriters” I mentioned earlier…
I’ll tell you what he’s put together for you in a minute — but for now I’ll just say, it’s an education in financial copywriting you won't find anywhere else.
And I can assure you you’ll be able to use this knowledge to boost the results of any letter you write anywhere from 200% to 500%.
Which means where you might get a $20,000 royalty from a traditional letter — implementing what Jedd tells you here could boost your earnings to between $60,000 and $100,000
But before I get to that, I want to tell you a little about why Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls is the ONE PROGRAM anyone interest in financial copywriting should take.
And the #1 reason is this:
Our Very “Close Ties” To Industry Players
AWAI, which publishes Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls, enjoys a very close relationship with Agora Publishing, the largest publisher of financial newsletters, books and guides in the world.
As I mentioned before, AWAI was actually formed as a way to attract potential writers to direct response in general… and Agora in particular.
One of AWAI’s Founders — Mark Ford — was instrumental in transforming the copywriting process at Agora, helping it become the publishing powerhouse it is today.
I write for Agora, as do many of our teaching partners, like Clayton, Jedd, Jerrod, Mike Palmer and so on.
Many of AWAI instructors write or have written for Agora.
Agora, in turn, looks to AWAI when any of its publishing franchises need new writers (which is constantly).
So, it only stands to reason that…
The techniques you’ll learn in Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls are the very same techniques that Mark Ford, Bill Bonner and the countless copywriting innovators used to build Agora Publishing from a company with $15 million in annual sales…
To one with over $1 billion in annual sales.
So not only are you learning from “the best”…
You’re also learning “the Agora way.”
For example…
The Best Way To Learn
When I was learning to write financial copy, there was no AWAI program, few books to read… and certainly no course targeted to writing financial sales letters.
The way I learned was by reading successful promos… by breaking them down… and by trying to figure out what the writer was doing at every stage of the writing process.
But the techniques weren’t always obvious or evident — especially to someone new to the business like I was…
So the very best learning experience I remember was the informal get-togethers and critique sessions where Don Mahoney, Mark Ford, Bill Bonner, and I would get together to discuss ideas for new sales letters.
And the conversation would invariably shift to a current package that was working extremely well.
“Use this technique,” Mark might say — referring to the now classic “Rim of Fire” promotion — the first I remember to paint such a vivid picture of investor fear…
With its famously graphic first-person lead, where the writer is in some east Asian country witnessing firsthand from his hotel balcony the “blood in the streets” that can happen when a country’s economy falters… and the money to be made when it happens.
“You need to tell a strong story here,” Bill would say… “Like Wall Street Underground does in its ‘Technology is Doomed’ package.”
Then I’d track down that letter and see exactly what Bill was talking about…
As author Nick Guarino’s powerful “Common Enemy” lead offered an eerie forewarning to the dangers of following Wall Street’s lemmings into all these new technology stocks when they’re so overpriced.
(Sure enough, that warning would carry weight as the tech-heavy NASDAQ stock exchange would tumble from a high of 4,572 in early 2000 to a low of 1,172 — a better than 75% fall over a year and a half.)
One of the biggest breakthroughs I experienced as a copywriter came when I read Porter Stansberry’s “New Railway” package in the late 1990s…
… an early “metaphor package” about the tremendous impact the Internet would have on our lives — and how to get rich from it.
He was likening Internet pioneers to the railway-building barons of the 1800s who became powerfully rich bringing new commerce and industry to towns throughout America.
It was an important package because until then, financial sales promotions were quite “direct”…
“Do this and make $243,000,” many headlines would scream.
Learn From Great Examples…
But Porter’s package went much deeper by painting pictures with metaphors… showing you how you can learn to become a modern-day railroad baron — be viewed as a visionary… and enjoy all the riches that go with it.
It was an implied promise…
And these “metaphor” strategies remain a very powerful selling approach in the financial market today.
So my point is this:
When you’re first learning, you need to learn from great examples… and by understanding the writing and selling techniques the writer used to make the promotion so successful.
That’s the basic idea behind the learning process with Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls …
It takes you by the hand and shows you everything you need to know to be a successful financial writer, using concrete examples to guide you.
For example — when we show you the secret to writing a successful “metaphor” lead, we show you successful recent promos that have used them — how the writer created it, wove in the message so effortlessly, and kept the idea “front of mind” throughout the promotion.
Financial readers love predictions — another successful package approach.
A good prediction package can be a boon to copywriters because it can essentially run for years and years… or until the prediction comes true.
But as you’ll learn in Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls — you can’t just throw out any old prediction. It needs to be timely and relevant. It needs to resonate with readers, by connecting with their own worries or fears about the present day economy. And then you need to do a very thorough job of proving why and how your prediction will unfold.
“Plague of the Black Debt” was the most successful “prediction” package I tried
to emulate when I was learning.
It did a masterful job of connecting people’s deep-down worries that the government was digging itself too deeply in debt — and showed readers how to protect themselves… even profit when the “chickens came home to roost,” as the saying goes.
Today, the watermark for prediction packages is Mike Palmer’s “End of America”…
Like the “Plague” package, “End of America” takes aim at the national debt, but with a twist. The package argues that America’s debt troubles could cause us to lose our coveted “reserve currency” status — and the dramatic impact it could have on our lives.
It was very convincing — which is why it went on to be one of the most successful sales promotions of all time — generating hundreds of millions of dollars in direct and indirect sales — and earning the copywriter (I’m guessing) well over a million dollars in royalties.
Learn The Essence Of A Great Promotion
So when you want to write a prediction package — you’ll want to make sure you understand the forces that made “End of America” work so well:
the tone…
the structure…
the imagery…
And the techniques for delivery of indisputable proof.
The core lessons in Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls guide you every step of the way.
If all this program did was give you the lead types and walked you through how to write them — just like Mark, Bill, Don, and others did for me in the early days — you’d be miles ahead.
But there’s so much more…
You’ll learn all there is to know about the inner workings of the financial market, so you can talk intelligently about it — including the language and the terminology to use…
Where The Great Ideas Live
You’ll learn where top copywriters go to find great and unique package ideas — the little-known websites to visit, what books and periodicals to read — and techniques we all use to consistently come up with fresh, current and, most importantly, relevant information…
This is important… because if there’s one constant truth about the financial market, it’s that our prospects are always looking for the newest, freshest, and most inspiring ideas.
In other words, what excited our market six months ago might be old hat today.
Speaking of our prospects, you’ll learn who they are and what they want — now.
You’ll also learn where to get a gauge on what your prospect is feeling and what he’s worried about today — so you can write a package that connects with him or her, in the moment.
You’ll learn the techniques for establishing high levels of credibility for the guru you’re writing for… his or her ideas… and for the main promise of your letter.
Remember — when you make a promise, you need to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt you can deliver it. And there are at least a dozen techniques for doing this effectively… Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls will show you all of them in complete detail.
The “Nuts And Bolts” Of Financial Publishing
Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls gets into the nuts and bolts of how the financial niche works. We show you the difference between a “front-end” sales promotion and a “back-end” one — and why specifically your copy approach needs to be different for each.
We’ll take you into the world of the modern-day marketing manager — what he or she is looking for from a copywriter… and how to utilize the resources they have access to in order to make your package a surefire control beater.
We’ll show you the easiest way to get on the lists of dozens of publishers. Not only will this make sure you’re seeing all the financial industry promotions being written today — but you’ll also learn who your potential clients are and the kind of copy they use to promote their products.
There’s a great section on the “Biggest Mistakes” top copywriters have made in their career — so you don’t do them yourself.
New Twists On Successful Ideas
The most common mistake?
Writing promotions that are too similar to ones your prospects have recently seen. Yes, you want to emulate great promotions — but you also want to be sure to put a new twist on them…
Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls shows you how to do that.
Another common mistake?
Trying to write your sales letter before doing the research that’s needed. Some of the greatest ideas have come from taking the time to research your product, your guru — and read about the subject matter. Consider all avenues…
Here’s an example…
Stephen Moulis — an outstanding copywriter who works with Mike Palmer at Stansberry Research — was searching far and wide for a unique idea for a newsletter he was asked to write a promotion for.
Then he read some online message boards about how some people were going into banks asking to swap their current quarters for pre-1965 quarters.
Because 1965 was the last year quarters contained real silver — and the silver content of pre-1965 coins today is worth much more than the quarter itself. According to these people, most banks that had them were willing to “swap them out” for today’s ordinary quarters.
Steve saw a “big package idea” in this — and came up with the headline:
“Say These FIVE MAGIC WORDS To Your Bank Teller — And You Could Walk Away With A Handful Of Silver”
Nothing like it had been done before.
It was new.
It seemed easy…
And the implied benefit was very powerful. (Free silver!)
As a result, it wound up being one of the most successful front-end promotions of the year — bringing in tens of thousands of new readers for an investment newsletter called “Retirement Trader.”
And my educated guess is that it made Stephen in excess of $100,000 in royalties over the time it mailed.
My point in telling you this is…
New fresh ideas can be hidden anywhere…
That’s why it’s so important that you not only keep your eyes open — but know where to go to find the best ideas.
Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls shows you this — and everything else you need to know to be a successful financial copywriter.
Your “3 Steps” To Success
Of course, following Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls …
is only “Step One” of your indoctrination into this exciting and potentially lucrative niche.
“Step Two” is getting your first assignment — and we’ll show you all the best ways to do that just as soon as you’re ready.
Many of these are revealed through interviews with top marketers and publishers — people who are constantly and actively looking for new writers to add to their team.
My good friend Julia Guth, for instance…
She runs The Oxford Club — an organization for investors that not only publishes an excellent financial newsletter with a terrific track record… but also offers “club meetings” and “profit excursions” for its members.
The Oxford Club was one of the very first groups I wrote copy for when I was starting out, and one of Julia’s main day-to-day tasks is making sure she has writers in place to write the perpetual backlog of promotions she needs to have written.
She offers her advice for getting your foot in the door with her group and others — as does Sovereign Society’s Financial Publisher Aaron DeHoog… Stansberry’s Stephen Moulis… and others.
The Quickest (And Surest) Path To Your First Paid Assignment
Now, I’d like to tell you there’s some special “trick” to getting your first assignment…
But there’s not really…
The best way is the simplest:
Get on the lists…
Read the promos…
Subscribe to the service (or services) that interest you the most…
Learn everything you can about them…
Then — pick one that resonates with you the most…
And try and think of ways to improve the current control — either with a new twist on the current idea or a new idea all together.
Next, write a thoughtful, professional letter to the right person with a concise summary of your idea.
Offer to write it for a small fee — or for a share of royalties, should it beat the current control (royalties, after all, are where the real money is for financial copywriters especially, as you’ll see in a minute!).
I promise you… if your idea is sound and your letter is sincere — nine times out of 10, you will get an opportunity to write your first package.
Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls will show you more on how to do this the right way — so that any proposal you write stands out above everyone else’s.
Then… with your first assignment in hand…
Your “third step” to success… and where I can help you.
How I Will Help You With Your Very First Project
It’s where I get an opportunity to play a small role in your success — by helping you get your first project off on the right foot.
Now just to be clear… I can’t write it for you. And I can’t hold your hand from start to finish.
But what I can do for you I think will be very helpful.
That’s why when you get your first important project — maybe a paid project or some “spec” work that could lead to a paid assignment…
Let AWAI’s Member Services know you’re ready for my input. I’ll send you a quick note, along with a “checklist” of the information I’d like you to try and have before you contact me again.
But in a nutshell…
I want you to email AWAI’s Member Services when you’re ready to start writing and they’ll get you in touch with me.
Tell me a little bit about the project:
What it’s selling…
Who it’s aimed at…
What the price will be…
And anything else you know about it.
Try to come up with a selling angle yourself.
Write a headline and lead — using the techniques and strategies you’ve learned in the program.
What I’ll do for you is this…
I’ll take the information you’ve given me… mull it over in my mind.
If I like the direction you’re going with it, I’ll give you some ideas on how to improve it… strengthen it.
If I feel it’s not the right direction, I’ll give you some ideas on how to position your sales message… maybe a few quick headline suggestions (for you to refine)…
And, if appropriate, a general “template” or outline for you to follow straight through to the close of your letter.
If I can think of past promotions that can help you, I’ll try and track them down and send them along to you.
In short, I’ll do whatever I can to get you going in the right direction.
You see, I’ve worked with a lot of new writers before…
And what I find is that it’s easy for new writers to get intimidated by the process…
To really struggle when it comes to getting those first few words down on paper.
That’s where I think I can help you…
I can help get you past that psychological barrier… so you can really dig in and enjoy the process of writing your first financial sales package…
And learn a ton in the process.
Now, I want to make a few things clear.
As I said, I won’t do any of the writing for you.
I might make suggestions here and there…
But fleshing out “germs” of ideas and doing the writing and the research yourself is a very important part of the learning process.
I would not be doing you any favors by giving you copy that you should be writing on your own.
I’m Only Making This Offer To You
Something else… and this is just a practical matter:
As of now, I will only commit to offering this help to those who take advantage of this offer.
Needless to say, I have no idea how many people will take me up on my offer to help them.
But obviously, I can’t be mentoring everyone.
So, for now, I’ve agreed to offer my help to those who purchase AWAI’s Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls through this offer only.
Then, we’ll decide from there.
And just to be clear…
I’m not charging you extra money for this service. It’s included in the very fair price you’ll pay for this advanced program.
I’m doing it for the first group to buy this program because, as corny as it might sound, I really want to see you succeed.
I’ve experienced helping people before and it’s a good feeling…
Plus, it’s a way to “pay it forward” for all the help from Mark Ford, Bill Bonner, Don Mahoney, and others who helped me when I was starting out.
So I think what I have here is a very solid offer for you to consider…
… and a great way for you to break into this very prestigious and lucrative niche.
First, by learning the core secrets to writing successful financial copy and securing your first financial client through our comprehensive program, Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls…
And then, having me help you “jump-start” your writing career by giving you some guidance and direction on your first package assignment.
After that — with your first success behind you, you’ll be well on your way — ready to start enjoying the life of a successful financial copywriter.
And that’s why I’m so excited about our Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls .
You’ll learn:
- Everything you need to know about your prospect — including their needs, wants, and desires as they relate to today’s market…
- Where and how to find ideas relevant to what’s happening in the marketplace today — and how to connect those ideas to your prospect so they resonate in a profound way…
- You’ll learn how to build your sales letter around seven proven lead types, including: the “story” lead… problem/solution… testimonial driven… the “metaphor” approach… prediction… unique opportunity… track record — all with current and relevant examples to study…
- You’ll hear tips and secrets in interviews with marketers and copywriters alike — including Clayton Makepeace, Parris Lampropoulos, Oxford Club’s Julia Guth, Sovereign Society’s Aaron DeHoog, Stansberry copywriting superstar Stephen Moulis, yours truly, and others…
- You’ll learn some of the more unusual and unlikely places copywriters get the newest, freshest, and best copy ideas…
- You’ll learn research techniques that will allow you to load your financial sales promotions with torrents of undeniable proof — and make your letters stand “head and shoulders” above most writers who skimp on this all-important aspect of copywriting…
- You’ll learn who the major players in the industry are — prospective clients you can build lifelong relationships with…
- You’ll get a “crash course” in stocks and the financial markets. But remember — you don’t need to be an expert to be successful. In fact, many believe that the less you know going in — the more success you’ll have…
- You’ll learn all the terminology you’ll need to know to start talking to your reader — in a language he or she will understand…
- You’ll learn all the different media and message delivery techniques working today… and the simple process for turning your “written” sales letter into a highly successful “talking promotion,” capable of boosting your response by 200% and 300%.
- You’ll learn precisely what markets are looking for from new copywriters just starting out — and surefire ways to land your first project… directly from the very people in desperate need of new writers, looking to hire people like you…
In short, you’ll learn everything there is to know about this most lucrative “niche” of the copywriting market so you can write, compete, even beat most of the competition out there…
So you too can take your rightful place in this little “club” of in-demand copywriters…
Copywriters who can easily make $100,000 or more writing just a handful of letters a year — and watch their income soar by hundreds of thousands more with each success they have.
Think about it…
With a going rate of between $15,000 and $20,000 for an established copywriter to take on a financial writing project…
And royalty payments that can range between 3% and 7%…
There’s virtually no limit to how much money you can earn.
How Financial Writers Earn $840,000 (And More)
Say you take on six letters a year which generate $2 million in sales each.
That’s as much as $120,000 in writing fees…
And anywhere from $360,000 to $840,000 per year in royalties!
Join the likes of Jerrod, Jedd and other A-level financial copywriters — where the letters you write can generate $4 million in revenues and up… you’re potentially earning upwards of $1.5 million a year!
That’s why if you love to write…
Have an interest in investing…
And its money you want…
Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls is a must-have program for your library.
And you couldn't have chosen a better time to get it…
That’s because we’ve just added a powerful component to the program — a brand new webinar from none other than Jedd Canty, one of the biggest names in financial copywriting today.
Jedd, formerly of Newsmax, is a copy chief for Money Map Press and perhaps the best front-end copywriter in the business.
Jedd’s expertise is research — and using powerful research strategies to find and crystalize transformative and groundbreaking ideas for financial copy.
In the short time he’s been at Money Map Press, I’ve watched him generate well over $100 million many hundreds of millions of dollars in sales through some of the most innovative and research-rich copy I’ve seen in my 20 years of writing.
Jedd is also one of the pioneers of the Video Sales Letters — and he’s a master at using powerful images, charts, animation, on-location shooting, and “B-roll” to really drive home the sale messaging.
In fact, watching a Jedd Canty VSL is a real treat — part persuasion, part entertainment… and you always feel like you’ve learned something new, which ends up being a very powerful part of the overall sales message.
In this exclusive presentation you’ll discover three of Jedd’s most powerful secrets for creating high-energy VSLs that can generate multiple millions of dollars in sales.
Secret #1: How to Master the “3Vs” of a Winning VSL
A successful Video Sales Letter is all about taking full advantage of the “sensory advantages” this unique format gives you in terms of visualization and sound.
In the first part of his presentation, Jedd reveals his techniques for harnessing the massive advantage of creating a unique “voice” for your guru or narrator… writing in a “vernacular” your reader will relate to… and, finally, a “volume” that’s appropriate to the subject matter of your sales message.
Secret #2: Train Yourself to Write in 3D
Next, Jedd will show you how to train yourself to write in what he refers to as “3D.” What does that mean?
The biggest mistake many new writers make when tackling VSLs is to write a traditional letter… turn it into a script… throw in a few graphics… and throw it all into a PowerPoint-style presentation.
When you “think in 3D” — an entirely new world of opportunity opens up to you in terms of what you can do as a writer. You can drive home powerful ideas with movie-quality video… turn static charts into dynamic animated, moving images… use b-roll to reinforce the mood or “new lifestyle” you want your reader to imagine him or herself experiencing… and much, much more.
With the power of imagery and audio at your disposal — your options as a writer are virtually limitless… and Jedd will show you how to maximize this massive advantage in every promotion you write.
Secret #3: (It’s revealed in his behind-the-scenes presentation)
Now, the third thing Jedd covers in his presentation he likes to keep close to his vest.
All I can tell you is what he sent AWAI’s Executive Director Katie Yeakle in this email:
“Katie, I want to close my presentation with something that will blow them away. Something I’ve discovered can transform copywriters when they sit down to write a VSL. I call it ‘The Most Blatantly Obvious Secret For Writing Killer Promos That Every New Writer Stubbornly Ignores.’ And believe me, they’ll be shocked when they hear me tell them what it is…”
What that secret is…
Well, you will have to tune in to find out.
And, of course, the only way you’ll be able to access Jedd’s presentation, is to become a lifetime Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls member.
Obviously, we’re very excited that Jedd agreed to reveal his “3 Secrets” for producing multimillion-dollar online promotions.
If you’re an aspiring financial copywriter… you do not want to miss out on access to this exclusive presentation.
Now, just to be clear…
This webinar WILL NOT be shown or available anywhere else. It’s ONLY for owners of Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls.
And, knowing what I know, you can learn from these copywriting innovators, and I believe the insights you’ll get from this webinar alone are worth the price of the entire program.
Speaking of which…
I think you’ll be very surprised just how reasonable Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls is…
Especially when you consider that this is a program that gives you all the tools you’ll need to launch what could turn out to be a very lucrative “mid-six-to-seven figure” copywriting career!
How Much Will You Pay?
And remember, this offer is extra special…
The program itself includes all the latest techniques and strategies that are working in today’s financial markets.
And because this program is offered “online,” we can constantly update it with the latest techniques to work in the financial niche…
That’s a very important benefit…
Because I can tell you from experience — what worked a year ago in the financial market might not work today.
The financial market — perhaps more than any other market — is a constantly evolving market. Readers you’re writing to are avid “fans” and consumers of the stuff we’re selling. But they can tire quickly of over-used selling techniques.
They constantly want new ideas.
Exciting ideas.
And that’s what Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls will do. It’ll show you what’s working now — how you can anticipate changes in the market… and how to write copy that’s constantly on the “leading edge” of what your prospect wants.
Jedd’s webinar alone promises to put you “light years” ahead when it comes to knowing what’s working in financial copywriting right now.
But that’s not all…
I Will Help You…
Something else this program — specifically this offer — will give you is something none of our other “niche” programs offer…
And that’s the opportunity for you and me to work together on your first serious project.
Now, I don’t claim to be the greatest copywriter in the world…
But I do have 20 years of experience in the financial niche.
I’ve worked with the greats — people like the late Clayton Makepeace, Mark Ford, Bill Bonner, Jedd, Jerrod and others.
I’ve written many dozens of controls over that time and racked up hundreds of millions of dollars in subscription and product sales with my writing.
And I am one of those financial niche writers who’s managed to earn a minimum of a quarter of a million dollars a year… consistently.
And perhaps most importantly…
I am constantly on the lookout for new writers to introduce to my long list of A-level clients.
So that opportunity…
The chance to learn firsthand what I know about this niche of the copywriting world… and to have me see your work…
Well, I’m not sure I can put a value on that…
Which is why, even at the regular price of $497, this very special version of Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls is a very good deal.
But It Gets Better…
Because there’s one more thing I’d like to include with this offer…
As you may know, the biggest new trend in financial marketing of the last five years or so is the advent of “video” and “talking” promotions.
The good news is, you’re coming into this business at the perfect time…
I say that because over the last five years, we’ve had the opportunity to test all kinds of formats — everything from simple PowerPoint presentations… to high-production videos.
We’re now learning which works best for selling which type of product and the best way to present the information relative to all the available formats.
So, not only will you benefit from Jedd’s insights…
I’ll also send you an excellent presentation Master Copywriter Mark Everett Johnson created recently with Independent Living News’ Lee Bellinger.
The combination live video and PowerPoint presentation covers all the alternate formats you’ll ever use — video, Power Point, and other talking promotion formats…
It tells you what they are… how to script them… when to use them (and for what)…
You’ll learn how to create the 10 key elements to every Video Sales Letter (VSL) presentation… the “secret structure”… and a proven technique for creating that all-important rapport with your viewer.
And you’ll see how and why they can boost your letter’s response two and three times that of a straight “written” letter.
You should know that copywriters across the country paid in excess of $1,500 to hear this presentation — and it was rated one of the highest…
But when you purchase Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls through this offer, it’s yours absolutely free.
Now, if you’re new to these multimedia “VSL” formats, please don’t be intimidated by them!
To be honest, I was a little worried when they came out. “Could I adapt to this new format,” I asked myself?
But I quickly learned that the selling principles are still the same. There are just some subtle differences in the way you structure your “talking” promotion versus a “written” one.
In fact, in many ways it’s much easier to create a “talking” promotion on PowerPoint because you’re able to use images, charts, and graphs much more effectively to drive home your message than you can in a traditional letter.
And this presentation will help you understand everything you need to know about these new “sales message delivery techniques.”
So, to sum up this offer…
Everything You Get
So, you have the career-making Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls core program…
You have immediate access to Jedd’s “3 Secrets” Webinar — where you’ll get his “up-to-the-second” insights on producing blockbuster online promotions.
You have me waiting in the wings to help you get your first important project off on the right foot (through this offer only)…
And you get Mark Everett Johnson’s “How to Write Video Sales Letters” presentation — which will tell you everything you need to know when it comes to using the various “new media” to effectively deliver your financial sales message…
All-in-all — it’s a great education in writing high level financial promos.
All you’ll pay for Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls today is $497.
That’s an amazing deal — especially for everything you get through this offer exclusively — and for a program that literally launches a “million dollar writing career.”
But just remember…
Access to Jedd's webinar… and my invitation to work with you on your first important writing project — are ONLY available through this invitation.
To order your program now, click here to go to the order form.
But before you do…
Take 30 Days — 100% Risk Free
I’ve also asked Katie to make sure Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls comes with the following guarantee…
It’s a guarantee designed to give you the ultimate “peace of mind” when making this important decision.
Very simply it goes like this:
Order Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls today.
Try it for the next 30 days.
Hear what Jedd has to say in his “3 Secrets” Webinar.
Listen to Mark Everett Johnson’s tips on writing successful VSLs.
Take a shot at writing your own financial promotion using the skills you learn in the promo…
If over the next 30 days you decide that the financial niche is not for you, just email the Member Services folks at AWAI and they’ll see to it that you are refunded in full.
We’re offering you this guarantee because we want this to be a good investment for you.
Secrets of Writing Blockbuster Financial Market Controls is more than just another writing program. It’s like an “invitation” into our little club of financial copywriters…
I want to you to learn from people like Jedd, Jerrod, Clayton, Mark Everett Johnson and others…
Copywriters who have had many, many million-dollar successes.
I want you to help us write the thousands of letters and promotions just waiting to be written…
I want you to have an opportunity to grab your share of the many millions of dollars in writing fees and royalties begging to be paid out…
And above everything else, I want you to be sure this niche is for you — and you’re happy writing for it.
That’s why I want you to take the time you need — and not feel that you “have to” do this just because you spent the money.
I hope you decide to join us.
If you do, please let us know today.
I can’t guarantee I’ll be making the same offer to help you “kick start” your financial writing career next time we offer this program.
I hope you’re excited to get started…
And I look forward to working with you on your first important project when that time comes.
To get started — and gain immediate access to the program, please click here to go to the order form.
You will have an opportunity to review everything before you place your order.
Paul Hollingshead
Copywriter, Co-Founder
American Writers & Artists Institute
American Writers & Artists Institute
220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924