The Best “Hidden in Plain Sight” Opportunity for Writers… Bar None!

Why thousands of companies (like mine) are happy to pay writers $1,000, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000 per month — and more…

For something you already know how to write!

Hi, Rebecca Matter here…

I’m not one to toss industry statistics around…

But I’m going to throw one at you now…

Because it’s the best way for you to IMMEDIATELY see why the writing skill I’m about to show you is so valuable.


Here it is:

For every $1 your client spends hiring writers with this skill — they get $38 back.

Please think about that for a minute.

One dollar spent…

$38 comes back in cold, hard “money in the door” cash.

That’s an incredible number…

One that as a copywriter, YOU need to know.

Imagine going to a slot machine in a casino knowing that when you slide your dollar in — $38 will come back to you…

Each and every time.

You’d be playing that machine all day long, right?!

And that’s not a random number “made up” by some blogger.

It’s a statistic from the highly respected Data & Marketing Association based on industry averages over many years of reporting and analysis.

More recent studies peg the return even higher — $42 for every $1 spent…

And depending on the kind of company — the returns can be far higher: $50… $68… even $90!

Is it any wonder companies are willing to spend BIG on this writing skill?

That’s why — if you’re a new writer…

Learning this simple writing skill could be the surest and FASTEST way to break into our industry…

And the best way to make yourself indispensable to any business.

Nobody knows this better than I do…

As president of the company and someone who works with the AWAI marketing team every day, the No. 1 challenge I have is finding skilled writers to write the dozens of these writing projects needed for every campaign we run.

It’s such an essential part of our business, in fact, that I’ll hire a writer skilled at writing these on the spot…

And happily pay him or her $3,000 to $5,000 in monthly retainer fees just to write them!

So imagine…

Rather than having to scramble every month for new work and new clients…

You can wake up every day knowing your day is set with writing projects that you can write from wherever you are…

And have that rare ability to make your own schedule — whether it’s choosing to write a few hours in the morning and have the rest of the day to yourself…

Or make it more of a “full-time” writing job.

And here’s even better news…

Once you understand the simple formula behind this writing project…

It may just be…

The EASIEST Writing
You’ll Ever Do!

These projects are rarely longer than a page or two…

You can often write them in 30 minutes or less…

The best ones are focused on ONE SINGLE idea…

They don’t do any direct or “hard” selling…

Yet they’re essential to millions of businesses that do business online, no matter if they’re large or small.

And here’s something else…

No business is ever just “one and done” when it comes to these.

Companies send them out to customers and prospective customers every day

Some companies, in fact, send three, four, and five a day

All that needs to be written by a copywriter who understands the formula.

Have You Guessed It?

Care to take a guess at the writing project I’m talking about?


I’m talking emails!

Good old boring, been-around-for-ages marketing EMAIL — one of the BEST skills a new writer can learn today!

Do you know why email is still the preferred method of direct communication of millions of businesses every day?


Studies show that 99% of people check their email EVERY DAY…

And more than half of those people check email as many as 20 times throughout the day — from the minute they wake up to the time they go to bed.

In fact, if you’re like most people — email is the FIRST thing you look at online each day…

Before social media…

Before the news and weather…

Before logging on to company websites…

Before anything else.

People respond to email messages as well…

Which is why these simple one-to-two-page writing projects are the “drivers” of billions of dollars in online sales EVERY DAY…

Generating $38 in revenue for every $1 spent!

So, it’s no wonder…

More than 30 years after AOL made the phrase “You’ve Got Mail” famous…

Email STILL ranks as the most effective way for businesses to engage existing customers and attract new ones!

Which is why I’ve been saying for years…

If you still haven’t learned how to write an email that connects with people…

You’re missing out on what can be the fastest, surest, and most lucrative way to make a living as a writer.

You Already Write Emails…
(A Few “Tweaks” and You Can Be Paid!)

Emails are among the easiest copywriting projects to learn as well — and not just because they’re short and to the point.

It’s because you probably write emails every day already…

  • Emails to friends…
  • To colleagues…
  • To your boss…
  • To company customer service departments…

And the exciting news for you is…

The emails businesses need today aren’t that far off from the emails you write now

Emails you can be paid between $250 and $350 to write…

$500 to $1,500 for a typical email series…

Or — like we like to do here at AWAI — businesses can hire writers to write emails as part of a retainer that can pay anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 to $5,000 a month.

In a minute, I’ll show you PRECISELY the kinds of emails businesses like AWAI and others need written… the basic structure behind them… and how companies use email to generate millions of dollars in sales…

That way, you can get a sense of what’s needed in the market — and how you can start “rethinking” emails from this day forward.

I’m also going to introduce you to a comprehensive “study-at-your-own-pace” program CREATED by one of the BEST email writers in the business…

This is a program I believe EVERY serious copywriter needs to take, since emails are a vital part of any copywriter’s repertoire…

But I think you’ll be even more excited about email writing as a specialty — and just how much of a new income source writing these short but highly crucial writing projects can be.

So — are you ready?

Let’s get to it.

The Simple Secret to Writing

Now, I mentioned above that you likely already write emails in your personal and professional life…

And that the emails you’re writing aren’t far off from the kinds of emails businesses need.

I know that might sound hard to believe… that businesses are willing to pay you for something you already know how to do…

But it’s true.

Just think about why you write pretty much any email you write…

The answer is simple:

It’s to pass on a piece of important information to someone who you know — either to a friend or a colleague — and for them to take some sort of “action.”

Maybe it’s to get a friend to watch a movie you just saw…

Maybe it’s to get your boss or a colleague to buy into a new idea you have…

Maybe it’s to arrange a dinner date at a particular restaurant you want to try.

Businesses write the very same types of emails to their customers.

Only instead of a movie, dinner, or business idea…

It might be an email that encourages people to read about a special offer…

It might be an email that welcomes a new customer to your client’s business…

It might be an email that encourages customers to read a blog post or article just published on your client’s website…

It might be an email to thank a customer for buying something — and to congratulate them on making such a good decision…

It might be an email to let people know that an important deadline is approaching — or time is running out to take advantage of special pricing.

These emails typically have one goal…

To encourage your reader to TAKE AN ACTION — which in most cases is simply to click on a link to “learn more.”

A Successful Email’s
“4-Part Structure”

The ONLY difference between an email YOU might write a friend or a colleague — and an email a business writes to a customer is a simple 4-part structure…

Part 1 — Grab your readers attention.

Part 2 — Explain why the message matters to them.

Part 3 — Show “why you” — and why it’s important that they take action NOW.

Part 4 — Tell them what they need to do, or a “call to action.”

Simple, right?

Which is why writing emails is EASIER than many other forms of copywriting

Because all you essentially do is “fill in the blanks.”

Here’s an example… so you can see how it works and how simple writing these emails can be…

And what better example to use than an email we might have sent you to alert you to THIS opportunity and our bestselling self-paced training program on writing emails…

From: Rebecca Matter, AWAI

Subject Line: Get paid for something you probably write every day!

Preview Text: I’m talking about $3,000 to $5,000 every month…

Hi Reader,


Being able to earn between $3,000 and $5,000 in monthly retainer fees…

For a simple kind of writing that you’re likely already doing!

This is a writing project that’s in HUGE demand, and the demand continues to grow year after year.

And for good reason:

Businesses that send them see a staggering 3,800% return on the money they pay writers to write them…

Which explains why a company might send hundreds and even thousands of these writing projects to their customers year after year.

This infinite, never-ending demand makes THIS the best and fastest way to break in as a well-paid writer.

What’s more, these writing projects are based on a simple and repeatable formula, so they’re easy to learn.

They’re short — usually no more than 200 words… which means you can write them in 30 minutes or less.


Go here now to learn more!

To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

See that?

162 words in total — or roughly one page of writing in a Word document.

Yet it’s ESSENTIAL to AWAI as our main way of introducing you to our self-paced email writing program…

Which is why I’d happily pay a writer $350 — just to write an email like this!

Now let’s break it down so you understand what’s at play here:

Grab Attention…

You see the subject line — very important.

Get paid to write something you probably write everyday!

The whole goal of the subject line is to say something intriguing enough to get your email read — without deceiving your reader…

Which is exactly what this subject line does.

You NEVER want to disrespect your reader by saying something outrageous or unrelated to your core message just to get someone to read your email.

There’s the salutation:

Hi Reader,

ALWAYS, when possible, address your client by name.

Then comes the first three lines from the body of the email:


Being able to earn between $3,000 and $5,000 in monthly retainer fees…

For a simple kind of writing that you’re likely already doing!

It’s all about grabbing your reader’s attention… making you stop and think:

“That kind of money — for something I already know how to write?”

For someone who wants to be a writer (you!) it’s very hard not to stop and wonder what it could be!

Why it Matters…

The next few lines:

This is a writing project that’s in HUGE demand, and the demand continues to grow year after year.

And for good reason:

Businesses that send them see a staggering 3,800% return on the money they pay writers to write them…

Which explains why a one company might send hundreds and even thousands of these writing projects to their customers year after year.

Part 2 of the email structure is all about “why this matters…”

Or to put in another way — PROOF that this is REAL.

In this case, the fact that emails generate such a great return — and that thousands of these get written and sent — confirms that demand for this kind of writing is very high.

Why You, Why Now…

Building on the why it matters, next comes the “why you” and “why now” part.

This infinite, never-ending demand makes THIS the best and fastest way to break in as a well-paid writer.

What’s more, these writing projects are based on a simple and repeatable formula, so they’re easy to learn.

They’re short — usually no more than 200 words… which means you can write them in 30 minutes or less.

Writing emails is perfect for new writers because the copy is short, it’s based on a simple formula, and you can write them quickly.

Combine that with the demand mentioned above and it’s hard not to want to know more… especially if you’re new to writing and looking for a place to start.

But notice…

No mention of the word “email”!

That’s because the entire purpose of an email like this one is to appeal to the reader’s curiosity — and get him or her to “click” and see what it’s all about.

Call to Action…

Which brings us to the final part of the email, which is the “call to action” or “what to do next,” which in this case is short and sweet:


Go here now to learn more!

Which in turn links to a letter like this one, written by you or another copywriter… or a special article… or a website… or perhaps a landing page.

There you have it!

You now know more about writing professional emails than 999 out of 1,000 people — even more than most copywriters, quite frankly.

Different Purpose, Same Formula!

Of course, different types of emails have different purposes depending on where they’re being used in the “customer journey”…

The purpose of that email was to pique your reader’s attention enough to do one thing: “learn more” by clicking the link.

An email welcoming a new customer might focus on getting them to log in to their member page for the first time…

While an email looking to ensure a good user experience might provide helpful tips for using the product they just purchased.

But the great thing about email is that they’re all written using the same core elements!

In fact, that’s what a lot of copywriters who specialize in email writing love about it.

You don’t have to write l-o-n-g sales letters that take weeks and months to write…

Instead, as an email writer, you are writing short, simple copy that, depending on the purpose of the email, can be just as crucial to the sales process.

Because the more people who click over to read that sales letter, special report, web page, or article… the more sales and the more engagement your client will have!

And because I have a business whose lifeblood is online sales and engagement… there’s nothing better than knowing I have a copywriter I can call on to write effective emails for any of the hundreds of campaigns I run every year…

Which is why here at AWAI — and the same is true for marketers I know everywhere…

We NEVER stop looking for writers who can write these kinds of emails.

Massive Flexibility —
and Writing Projects That Give You
a Never-Ending Stream of Income

But being in high demand is just one of MANY advantages to becoming an email specialist.

Another is — you’ll never run out of work!

Take a company like AWAI.

At any given time, we may have three or four campaigns running to different “categories” of buyers who have different interests — new writers, experienced writers, B2B writers, people who are part of our advanced programs, and so on.

Those campaigns typically run anywhere for three to seven consecutive days…

Which means every campaign needs a NEW and DIFFERENT email written each day.

Some quick math tells you the potential here:

Four campaigns a month to three different groups… multiplied an average of five to six emails each…

That’s an average of 72 emails per month…

And that’s not including the dozens of other emails we need written — like “thank-you” and “welcome” emails, which are just as important to customer satisfaction and the positive “customer journey” every company strives to provide!

Now we’re talking over 100 unique emails a month…

1,200+ per year!

And at $250 to $350 for a typical email — that’s about $35,000 a small company like AWAI could spend JUST on new emails each month!

And we’re just ONE company!

Which is where the “flexibility” I talked about comes in…

Knowing there’s an infinite amount of demand for emails every day — you can structure your writing business any way you please!

If you want to write part-time, you might choose to take on a couple of email campaigns each month… and be paid a monthly “retainer” to be available to write a set number of emails each month.

If you want to write full-time, you can take on more emails and more campaigns, and charge higher fees.

You can become an email specialist — or mix and match.

Remember, because a skilled email writer can write a formula-based email in as little as 30 minutes… you can rattle off six to 10 emails in a morning — and still have time to do other writing in the afternoon.

You can write for one company…

Or, if you prefer variety, you can mix things up and write emails for multiple companies offering multiple products and services…

And instead of being paid just one retainer — be paid two, three, even four and five of them…

It’s all a matter of how ambitious you want to be!

So you see — there’s no right or wrong way to set up your business as a professional email writer.

Just know one thing:

Companies NEED a flow of fresh, new, effective emails day after day…

So long as 99 out of 100 people keep checking their email every day — some as much as 20 times…

And email messaging keeps delivering extraordinary returns of $38… $42… $60… and more for every $1 marketers spend…

Demand for emails and skilled email writers is NEVER going to subside.

But there’s ANOTHER reason it’s vital you know how to write a great email as a copywriter…

One that’s just a reality of being a copywriter today:

At some point…

You WILL Be Asked
to Write an Email…

Whether for a piece of content or a sales letter that you’ve written — a client will want you to write emails, also known as “lift notes,” in support of it.

But this is good news. 😊

For one thing, you can bill an extra $250 to $350 for every email you write.

But more importantly…

The more people you get to READ what you’ve written… the better the RESPONSE will be… the more sales you will generate… the more likely your client is to hire you again… and the more you can charge for your writing in the future!

So even if you decide not to specialize as an email writer…

Email writing skills are absolutely, 100% essential in today’s digital marketing world.

And here’s one more reason:

Learning to write emails will make you a STRONGER WRITER all around.

Here’s why.

Email embodies all the elements of great copywriting.

It’s like a microcosm of every piece of writing you’ll do as a professional writer.

You need to know your reader… you need to be able to “meet them where they are” as far as their needs, wants, and desires are concerned… you need to be able to grab their attention using curiosity… you need to provide proof and credibility… and last but not least… you need to get them to take action!

And believe me…

Once you know how to do all of this in a one- or two-page email…

You’ll have absolutely no problem working all those elements into a longer blog or content piece… or even a 20-page sales letter.

So, if you’re looking for a great place to hone your skills as a copywriter — there’s no better place to start than with email writing.

Which is why I couldn’t be more excited to tell you about one of our most popular self-paced training programs for copywriters:

It’s called How to Write High Impact Emails!

AWAI’s Newest Self-Paced Program Focused ENTIRELY on Writing Great Emails!

High Impact Emails is your opportunity to master the core skills you need to write effective emails for ANY situation a client throws at you…

Whether they be email “lift notes” that lead to a sales promotion… a special event… a special landing page…

A series of welcome emails — thanking customers for buying something or registering with a company…

Or emails that “nurture” a potential customer by helping to build trust and credibility.

High Impact Emails was created from the standpoint that the most effective emails make real connections with real people — by offering to take them to information they’ve asked to see that’s relevant to their needs, wants, and desires.

Never is it about spam or clickbait or anything intrusive or unethical.

Emails that work are that all-important link between what you have to offer as a company — and what your customer needs to make his or her life better.

And How to Write High Impact Emails is the only course AWAI offers that is 100% focused on writing emails proven to work in today’s digital world.

Meet Your Instructor

To make sure you have everything, we’ve hired one of the top email writers in the industry to work with us on this program — Guillermo Rubio.

If that’s a mouthful to say — just do what we do around here and call him G!

G’s story will inspire you.

After buying and studying AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Seven-Figure Copywriting program over 15 years ago, G walked into our headquarters here in Delray Beach, Florida… knocked on Katie Yeakle’s office door… and asked for a job.

He was smart, polite, eloquent, and — most impressively — hell-bent on becoming a successful writer…

So Katie did what anyone who met G that day would have done…

She hired him!

After a few years of learning to write copy alongside the great Mark Ford, AWAI co-founder Paul Hollingshead, the legendary Clayton Makepeace, and others, G started taking on new and bigger clients…

And before long was writing winning copy for some of the top direct-response companies around, including Money Map Press, Weiss Research, International Living, and, still to this day, AWAI!

A consummate learner, G has been a student of “everything copywriting” since the day he walked into our offices… taking master classes, consuming dozens of programs, attending conferences…

All this in addition to a nonstop string of writing assignments.

Along the way, G became known in the industry for writing amazing emails…

For the very reason I just shared with you.

He recognized early on in his career that “all roads in the copywriting world lead back to emails…” and if you can learn to write a great one, you’ll have no problem writing ANY assignment a client offers you.

Around here — G is the “lead” writer we always turn to when we need surefire emails written for our own campaigns.

And to this day, he’s the creator of at least five of our most successful email campaigns when it comes to sales and engagement.

In fact, we’ve come to rely on G’s writing skills here at AWAI so much that we’re more than happy to pay him hundreds of dollars per email and a generous retainer to train our writers in how he does it…

And that’s on top of the retainers other clients are paying him!

G’s secret to success?

Writing honest emails that are fun, energetic, and connect with people in an authentic way.

And the good news for you is…

Students Love G!

As great an email writer as G is…

He’s a great teacher too.

His temperament and quiet demeanor…

His innate understanding of where new writers are in the process and how “scary” learning a new skill can be…

Along with having worked with the greats of our industry and consumed nearly every writing program under the sun…

You won’t find a better guide to writing great emails than G.

In fact, we love G’s teaching abilities so much that we pay him an additional retainer to mentor our new writers, who have thrived under his instruction.

“I never understood the power of pre-framing an email until G explained it to me and it’s made a huge difference in my writing. On top of that he’s fun to work with, explains everything clearly and is really invested in helping others succeed!

— Bonnie Fanning, Professional Copywriter

I absolutely love getting on a call with new writers because, even after 30 years in the business I always learn something new. Nobody is as “up-to-the-minute” with what’s working in the fast-paced world of copywriting than G!”

— Paul Hollingshead, Copywriter and AWAI Co-founder

AND we hired him to lead a small group of AWAI members through our $5,000 email writing certification program — which was one of the all-time favorite certification programs we’ve ever offered according to our members.

“Thank you G — an exceptional experience! It helped me understand the goals of email, how to match them to the audience type, how to organize and write a campaign — so much rich content. But the BEST part was how you gave us so much of your time and attention, always being attentive and answering questions. We really appreciate it!”

— Ralph McGinnis, AWAI Member

So when we wanted a self-paced training program to introduce AWAI members to the huge opportunity for learning to write emails — G was the ONLY expert we considered.

And the program he’s put together for you?

Second to none.

How to Write High Impact Emails takes everything G has learned about writing high-performance emails — and distilled it into one, easy-to-follow, learn-at-your-own-pace writing program.

Revealed in this 10-part “all-in” learning program are G’s exclusive, tried-and-true, market-tested email writing techniques…

  • Like his C+B+P formula for writing an email subject line — based in part on a Russian psychologist’s “open loop” theory G discovered — that can rocket email open rates tenfold and more…
  • G’s groundbreaking pre-framing technique where you choose the words and structure your email so your reader is in the ideal “emotional frame” to view the article or sales page you’re sending her to…
  • To be a great email writer you MUST know your reader… so G gives you his nine questions he asks in order to get to know his readers better than they know themselves…
  • PLUS eight places to visit online to get an instant laser-focused read on any prospect you’re writing to…
  • Feel a million lightbulbs go off in your head as G applies master copywriter Gene Schwartz’s “five stages of prospect awareness” to email writing. Note: This knowledge will help you write not only strong emails, but stronger copy across the board!
  • You’ll learn the difference between writing “direct” and “indirect” emails — and the precise time in every campaign you should use one or the other for maximum effect…
  • You’ll learn how to structure your email and organize the “body” of your email using G’s LSF Principle of logic, structure, and flow…
  • You’ll master the art of writing an irresistible call to action that gets your reader to click that link — a powerful “measuring stick” your clients will use to see how well your emails perform…
  • G will introduce you to the variety of email types a client could ask you to write… expert ways to structure any email… subtle differences between emails that lead to sales messages, welcome emails, and emails meant to “nurture”…
  • More than a dozen email writing “do’s and don’ts” — and an email checklist you can hold up against every email you write to make sure you’ve covered all the bases!

And this is just a small taste of the proprietary knowledge G will share with you… incredible email writing insights you won’t find anywhere…

Each core technique comes with tons of real-life examples, so you can see “theory” in action…

Each section of the course closes out with writing and practice assignments that’ll help everything you’re learning sink in deeper…

And you’ll be able to “look over G’s shoulder” as he writes an email from scratch, explaining his process as he goes.

YES! You’ll Get Written Feedback on Your Writing!

I can tell you from working with hundreds of writers over the years…

There is no better way to know if you’re “getting it” than to actually do the writing — and have an expert read your work — and give you personalized, WRITTEN, constructive suggestions for improving it!

And in G’s How to Write High Impact Emails — not only will you learn to write a professional marketing email based on the structure he teaches you — but you’ll get to submit your final assignment for review and written feedback on how to make it stronger!

That way, you’ll wrap up this program with a polished email you can add to your portfolio — along with lifelong skills you can use to apply to every email you write.

YES! You’ll Learn from Some of AWAI’s BEST-Performing Emails of All Time!

Again, you can learn all the skills, all the techniques, all the proprietary strategies to writing great emails…

But nothing beats seeing all that theory “in action” in one real-world example after another.

That’s why G insisted that How to Write High Impact Emails use dozens of examples of top-performing emails to help illustrate every concept he teaches you…

Not only do you get to see successful structures and formats playing out in real-life situations, but…

Seeing successful emails you know worked in the market can be the perfect “inspiration” when it comes time to write your own emails!

And remember, How to Write High Impact Emails has you covered two ways when it comes to real-life examples…

Not only will you get G’s private collection of top-performing emails, but… you’ll also see individual principles and techniques highlighted in top-performing emails so you can see exactly how they were applied and incorporated!

Now, that’s a 30,000-foot view of what you’ll learn from G in How to Write High Impact Emails

Now let me drill down into it a bit for you — and show you what you’ll learn as you move through the 10 sections of the program.

What You’ll Learn

Section 1: Your Gateway into the Fun and Lucrative World of Email Writing — You’ll hit the ground running with a “big-picture” look at the role email plays in marketing… why email works… how marketing emails are different from the emails you might be writing every day (and how they’re similar!)… as well as details on how G’s unique holistic approach to writing emails can be adapted to ANY client’s marketing strategy.

Section 2: “Anatomy of an Email” — With a solid foundational knowledge of the role email plays, we’ll dive straight into writing your first email… but not before a detailed look at the “anatomy” of an email — all six parts to every email — and a solid understanding of the GOAL of every email you write. Your first writing assignment will follow… just to keep you on track from the get-go.

Section 3: “The Email Subject Line” — Next we start tackling email writing section by section, piece by piece. Your first is just — mastering the subject line! Pay attention — because the subject line is what determines whether your email gets opened… one of the most important metrics for any email writer. You’ll learn the ideal length for subject lines, why word choice matters, the power of “curiosity” in subject lines, and how to use “Preview Lines” as your surefire “second chance” to get your email opened… but it’s G’s amazingly effective (and simple) C+B+P formula and the power of “open loop” psychology that’ll give you an edge 99 out of 100 writers simply won’t have!

Section 4: “Who Are You Writing To?” — With your subject line written, it’s time to focus on writing that all-important first sentence of your email. But one thing to do first — and that’s understand your reader’s awareness level! This is where G gives you much more than just another email writing tip. Rather, this is a master’s class in copywriting! Knowing your prospect and “meeting them where they are” in one of the most important skills you’ll ever have as a writer. G shows you all the levels of awareness (made famous by master copywriter Gene Schwartz) your reader can possibly have. Here’s where G will share with you the nine questions you MUST ask before you sit down to write any email — and eight places on the Internet you can visit to get a TOTAL AND COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING of the person you’re writing to. A tour de force in copywriting insight not to be missed!

Section 5: “The Science of Pre-Framing” — Getting your email opened and read is one thing… but preparing your reader… getting him or her into the right frame of mind to view the article or sales page the email will lead to — that’s a whole new “higher level” of email writing! Here G shares with you the core rules of “pre-framing” your reader… how every email must have ONE primary emotion, ONE primary goal, and ONE primary benefit… and how you can ensure every email you write does. There are tons of examples here so you can see this important concept in action!

Section 6: “The Art of the First Sentence” — Like the lead of any sales letter, the most important part of any email — along with your subject line — is the first sentence. It needs to grab your reader’s attention, and generate just enough curiosity to coax your reader to read on — and ultimately click on the “call to action.” This is where G is a master — and in this all-important section of the course, he shares with you his strategies for crafting elements of an effective first sentence of an email.

Section 7: “The LSF Principle of Logic, Structure, and Flow” — The biggest mistake new writers make is that they try to cram too much into an email. G shows you it doesn’t have to be hard! Every email you write is organized and made up of just three elements that ensure your email is “tight” and readable, and that it gets results. And using G’s exclusive LSF Principle — you can’t go wrong as you map out your email and fill in the body copy of your email!

Section 8: “Setting Up the Call to Action and the P.S.” — Any email you write has one goal: generate a call to action! And until you’ve prepared your reader… “met them where they are,” said all the right things, using the right tone and structure — it’s less likely to happen. Again, G will take your writing to a new level as he shows you how to incorporate AWAI’s famous “4 U’s” to absolutely make certain your reader will eagerly and happily follow your request to “click through”!

The P.S. is another crucial part of an email. Why? Because with so many emails flooding our inboxes, a reader’s eye will naturally move down the page to see who the sender is first… and if there’s a properly written P.S., you can capture your reader’s attention — before he or she reads the body of the email! G calls it writing for the age of distraction — and writers who understand this powerful tool get more “opens” and more sales.

Section 9: “The Bigger Picture” — It’s the folly of a lot of new writers: They try to write a project without understanding the bigger picture. And by “bigger” picture, G means the entire picture when it comes to email and the many ways an email marketing, welcoming, engagement, and nurturing campaign can boost a company’s business and impact their bottom line. In Section 9, you’ll get an invaluable “bonus lesson” on the finer points of email marketing… and how you can bring this knowledge as “added value” to your clients — especially those smaller businesses who will be your ideal clients at first and will need your help!

Section 10: “Putting It All Together!” — This is a huge moment… time to take everything you’ve learned — and make it pay! Here G recaps what you’ve learned, hammering home the key points, leaving you with final “do’s and don’ts” when it comes to email writing. He’ll remind you of the massive opportunity awaiting skilled email writers… the role you’ll play… the BEST WAY to impress and land that all-important first client… how to carry yourself like a pro as an A-level email writer… and how to keep mastering your craft once you’ve finished the program.

There you have it…

From the “Sender” and the “Subject Line” at the very top of the email… all the way to the “call to action” and the “P.S.” at the very end…

From the “business” side of emails and email marketing campaigns… to what clients need — and how to land them…

Everything you need to know about writing high-impact, high-performance, and high-converting emails — and how to thrive as an email specialist — all in this “learn-at-your-own-pace” step-by-step program…

Taught to you by Guillermo Rubio, one of the best and most sought-after email writers in our industry!

Now, if you’re wondering about price…

How to Write High Impact Emails is a part of AWAI’s growing library of PREMIUM self-paced training programs — at just $497.

Given all you know by now:

How vital this skill is…

How a skilled email writer can easily be paid $250 to $350 for a single email…

$500 to $1,500 for a simple campaign…

And how a skilled writer can line up clients willing to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 to $5,000 per month — JUST to write emails…

Tack on the never-ending demand for email writers and the lifetime of “job security” that brings…

And how learning to write emails is like getting a crash course in “everything copywriting…”

Paying $497 for an education this effective will seem like a no-brainer to a serious writer like you.

To help you even further, G and the AWAI training team have put together a library of special bonuses to help you get “up and running” as a paid email writer sooner than you ever thought possible!

This is amazing! These are the SAME high-level resources he shares with writers he coaches and those who pay thousands to attend his personal training.

Here’s what you’ll get:

“Done-for-You,” Proven Email Campaign Templates
(Plus Bonus Email Checklist and Cheat Sheet!)

Talk about a huge “shortcut to success” and a great way to kick off your career FAST!

That’s because G’s giving you templates he’s created based on his most successful emails…

Including three of the most common emails you’ll be asked to write by clients: “prep for sale” emails… welcome emails… and “onboarding” emails.

Just open up your campaign templates and select the campaign your client needs and “fill in the blanks,” following the principles you’ve learned in the program.

But that’s not all…

We’ll also include a “10-point checklist” so you can make sure the email you’ve just written covers all the bases…

Plus, a quick reference “cheat sheet” with all the salient points and principles covered in G’s How to Write High Impact Emails program.

“Subject Line Magic”

One of the most important parts of ANY email you’ll ever write is the subject line.

That’s because if someone doesn’t actually OPEN your email, all your hard work is for nothing!

So the better you can get at writing intriguing subject lines, the better your email campaigns will perform (because more people are opening them and reading them all the way through).

That’s why — in addition to the time he spends with you on subject lines in How to Write High Impact Emails, G’s including this handy reference called “Subject Line Magic.”

It gives you dozens of subject line examples and structures, so you’ll never have to stare at a “blank page” again.

Keep this amazing resource within reach at all times, because you’ll want to refer to it again and again as it becomes another amazing source of profitable ideas for you.

“Your WINNING Email Swipe File”

Yes, How to Write High Impact Email is chock-full of dozens upon dozens of examples of great emails…

And YES, G shows you how to start building your very own swipe file of great emails…

But G and I are firm believers that, as an expert in any field — and especially as you’re learning — you can NEVER have enough great examples of the industry’s best-performing samples.

That’s why every copywriter worth his or her salt has a swipe file.

Which as you know by now is a collection of proven and winning copy examples that help spark new, creative ideas to create blockbuster campaigns.

That’s why G has generously taken many of the most profitable email campaigns he’s written for AWAI, and included them here in this collection.

In addition, he’s including plenty of other email examples he thinks are very good and can help you whenever you feel “stuck” on a project or just need some inspiration.

This resource alone could help you make your clients (and you!) a LOT of money.

Ready to Get Started?

How great is all that?!

And what a bargain it is at $497!

It’s not every day we get to offer you a self-paced training program connected to a writing skill that’s so versatile… that’s so in demand… that can pay you so well… that can ratchet up your writing skills in so many areas…

A learning program that’s so in tune with what digital marketing companies NEED today!

Not to mention have it come from a writer who’s had nothing but unbridled success as an email writer — helping to rack up sales in the tens of millions of dollars so far in his career!

But I’m not finished yet…

There’s ONE MORE THING I want to send you when you claim G’s exciting How to Write High Impact Email

It’s free access to an eye-opening hour-plus webinar G did with AWAI’s learning chief, Pam Foster, and me called…

“Opportunities for Email Writers Today”

You know it by now…

Being able to write an email opens up many, many doors for copywriters today.

That’s because every business with an online presence uses email!

In fact, there are so many opportunities as an email copywriter, the hardest thing is knowing where they all lie!

That’s why this bonus session with G is so powerful.

In this hour-plus session G explains why email remains the No. 1 marketing channel for businesses, how it works, and how new writers like you can take full advantage of it.

You’ll learn…

  • Why email writing is a bigger opportunity than you ever imagined…
  • The types of emails all companies need (and why they may not be getting the results they want)…
  • What you can do to help companies, and what you can earn…
  • Inside tips and secrets that will have clients seeing you as an email genius…
  • AND, how to get started, so you can start getting paid!

There’s also a great Q&A where any lingering questions you might have about the massive opportunity as a skilled email writer are almost certainly answered.

My advice? Watch this webinar FIRST — as a way of opening your eyes and motivating you to learn email writing… and then AFTERWARD as a practical guide to taking full advantage of this amazing opportunity.

Now, I know there’s a lot… so let’s quickly recap.

Click here to order, and within minutes you’ll have access to EVERYTHING:

  • Your “core” 10-part learning program, How to Write High Impact Emails the most complete self-paced email-writing program you’ll ever see!
  • Real-life email writing samples that clearly illustrate concepts you’ve just been taught — as you learn them…
  • Writing assignments that you’ll take after every lesson to deepen your knowledge and make the concepts stick…
  • Look over G’s shoulder videos where you learn his process for writing an email from scratch…
  • Written feedback and direction on your final email writing assignment…
  • A polished marketing email you can add to your portfolio…
  • BONUS #1: G’s very own email writing templates for some of the most common emails you’ll write… PLUS an email writing checklist… PLUS a quick reference cheat sheet… so you never need write a “bad” email…
  • BONUS #2: “Subject Line Magic” — to ensure you NEVER write a weak subject line…
  • BONUS #3: “Winning Emails Swipe File” — even more examples of outstanding emails you can use for ideas and inspiration…
  • BONUS #4: Your “Opportunity for Email Writers Today” Webinar — so you’re ready to hit the ground running the instant you finish the program!

All in all, a complete education in one of the most valuable writing skills any copywriter could ever have in today’s digital environmen.

On top of that, you risk nothing!

You LOVE the Program — or Pay NOTHING!

Take a full month to review the program and start writing emails.

If you’re not 100% thrilled with the program — or you decide writing emails just isn’t for you — simply let us know anytime over the next 30 days and we’ll refund every penny of your purchase price.

So, why are we bending over backward to get you access to How to Write High Impact Emails today?

Because remember what G said…

“All roads in the copywriting world lead back to emails.”

And by that he means, no business with an Internet presence can succeed without succinct and well-written email campaigns that connect with their customers.

It’s why you, as a writer, MUST know email writing…

And when you do — you’ll open yourself up to a world of opportunity.

So, if you want the fastest path to becoming a paid writer…

The path with the least resistance…

That gives you total flexibility…

The power to earn anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 per month on average — from EVERY client you choose to take on…

And a skill EVERY company with an online presence needs…

Becoming a skilled email writer is the answer.

And How to Write High Impact Emails is the best educational value you’re ever likely to see.

Take advantage of this incredible opportunity.

Click here to get started now!

To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

P.S. Some writing skills are a nice to have. Others are a must have.

Without question — the ability to write high impact emails is a must-have skill for any working copywriter.

Even so, we want you to have an “out” if you decide How to Write High Impact Emails is not for you.

Try it for 30 Days…

And if you’re not thrilled with the incredible knowledge you’ll gain — or you change your mind for any reason over the next 30 days — just call or email us. We’ll return every penny of your purchase price, and you can keep all those bonuses that’ll make you a far better writer in your life as my thanks for trying.


Amazing price…

Vital training…

ZERO risk.

Click here to get started!